Disease control
Need to report a pest or disease?
Help protect NSW's community, environment and economy by reporting suspicious or unusual pests and diseases and other biosecurity concerns.
All landholders need to play an active role in monitoring and reporting any suspect cases of notifiable diseases. Stay up to date with biosecurity advice.
For animal-related issues, call the Emergency Animal Disease Watch hotline on 1800 675 888 or contact a vet.
For plant-related issues, call the Exotic Plant Pest hotline on 1800 084 881.
You can also report animal and plant related issues through the online notification form.
You are legally required to report a suspected outbreak of emergency or exotic animal disease. Call your district veterinarian or phone the Emergency Animal Disease Watch Hotline on 1800 675 888. The Australia-wide hotline is available 24 hours a day, every day of the year. This option must be used if a producer knows or suspects that a notifiable disease is present in animals or livestock (with the exception of bees).
Call the Emergency Animal Disease Hotline on 1800 675 888
About disease control in NSW
Both animals and plants are susceptible to disease.
However, because Australia is isolated, we are well-equipped to protect and quarantine certain diseases before they enter the country.
In NSW, the key to controlling the spread of disease is a combination of prevention and early action. We must make an effort to protect NSW from risks that are in Australia but may have not yet entered the state.
Controlling the spread of diseases in our plants and animals protects our productivity and profitability, as well as the safety of all plants, animals and humans in NSW.
Find out more about animal disease control.
Find out more about plant disease control.
Disease prevention and response
Local Land Services invests significant resources in prevention, preparedness, response and recovery to emergency animal diseases and outbreaks.
We encourage and advise farmers, farming communities and landholders to implement healthy biosecurity practices to ensure protection from diseases.
An example of this is our role in preventing foot and mouth disease outbreak through industry education and piggery inspections. Our staff are on the ground to advise farmers and the wider community to deter from feeding swill to pigs.
Local Land Services ensures that there’s an adequate amount of animal health staff in the NSW First Response Team.
Our district vets and biosecurity officers carry out disease surveillance and participate in programs such as Look. Check. Ask a Vet. If you notice anything unusual with your livestock or crop, please contact your Local Land Services office or call 1300 795 299.
Our vets, biosecurity officers and wider staff are trained in emergency management are ready to act quickly in a disease outbreak.
We also provide support for animal welfare to other emergency services during their response as part of agriculture and animal services function area. This can include many natural disasters and evacuations
After an emergency, we can assist those that have been affected to get back on their feet or adapt to a new normal. This can include many of our agricultural advisory services or veterinarian advice.
Certification that livestock are free of disease and residue is required by all farmers and property owners.
Our staff carry out certification on emergency animal diseases and endemic notifiable diseases for properties and stock within their region. Types of certification include:
- providing information as part of property searches
- export certification
- certification to allow for interstate movement and export of stock.
Find out more about disease control
To find out about disease control, contact Local Land Services on 1300 795 299 or look up your local office.