Community guidelines

The goal of the Local Land Services' social channels is to engage with you, our customers, and provide an additional channel for information and your enquiries.

We welcome your opinion. However, we do ask that your comments stay on-topic and are respectful to others and their opinions. All content is moderated by us and we reserve the right to remove any content that does not adhere to our guidelines. We ask that users use non-discriminatory, non-defamatory language and respect people's privacy. We aim to keep this space pleasant for everyone.

Where appropriate, we will report unreasonable behaviour and block users not adhering to these guidelines.


You’ll find us online during business hours (9 am – 5 pm, Monday to Friday). We’ll do our best to respond to you within 3 business days, however we may take longer during busy periods. We appreciate your patience.

Our goal is to foster a respectful and welcoming online environment. We ask that everyone please be tasteful, civil and keep comments relevant to our community. We will never respond to, but may report, remove or block posts or users that break any of the following rules when posting messages that are:

  • abusive, offensive, harassing or provoking. This includes messages or links to derogatory language, hate speech in any language
  • vilifying or discriminating against any particular gender, religion, sexual preference, age, disability, marital or domestic status, race/ethnicity, criminal record or political opinion
  • personal attacks against other users, members of the public or Local Land Services and related agencies or staff members
  • an infringement of intellectual property rights
  • spam - we do not accept advertisements, requests to endorse commercial products or services or to solicit donations
  • the same or similar message repeatedly that could be seen as inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic
  • personal details - messages should not include yours or someone else's private information or personal details including names, email addresses, phone numbers or photographs
  • deceptive, misleading or fraudulent information, including impersonating or falsely representing any other person or organisation
  • intentionally false, misinformative or misleading messages
  • inciting, encouraging or referring to conduct that may constitute a criminal or civil offence or otherwise violate Australian law
  • a violation of Facebook’s terms and conditions.

Content posted by other followers does not necessarily reflect Local Land Services views or opinions.

If you would like to contact Local Land Services, please visit our contact us page.


Please take care not to make defamatory statements. In law this means a statement that lowers the reputation of a person or organisation in the eyes of a reasonable person. Defamatory comments, statements or posts that violate laws regarding privacy will be removed. We block users for content that could be deemed as defamatory.


Information you provide to us over social media is used to help with your enquiry. This information is collected from you on a voluntary basis and may be disclosed to other government agencies in order to assist with your enquiry or escalate to the appropriate team.

To protect your privacy and the privacy of others, please do not include personally identifiable information in public comments on social media.

For more information on how your information is used, please read our privacy policy.

Sharing personal information

Customers may choose to share contact information with our officers in private settings (direct messages) of the social media platform in order to allow us to investigate an enquiry further. Customers accept any risks with the relevant social media platform’s terms and conditions, and its privacy policies.

External links

We may provide links to external websites as part of our communication with Facebook users. The use of these links does not mean that Local Land Services endorses the website, nor is Local Land Services responsible for the content or reliability of links. We will ensure to make sure all links are correct and working at the time of posting.


Any references to commercial entities, products, services, or other non-governmental organisations or individuals that remain on this site are provided solely for informational purposes. Such references are not an official or personal endorsement of any product, person, or service.


If you want to raise a concern or a complaint about something posted on a page that we are responsible for, please message us directly. You can also find details about our complaints procedure on our website.


Local Land Services accepts no responsibility, or liability for any loss, damage, cost or expense, which you or another party directly or indirectly suffers arising out of, or in connection with, your use of, or reliance on, any posts, comments or any other information made available or accessible through our social medial channels or any linked site or facility.

To the extent permitted by law, Local Land Services accepts no liability arising from its moderation or removal of, or failure to moderate or remove, any post, comment or other material (including inappropriate content) from its social media channels.

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These Guidelines may be modified at any time. It is your responsibility to keep up to date with modifications to the guidelines. If you participate in Local Land Services' social media channels following any modification, you will be considered to have accepted the modified guidelines.

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