Farm finance and risk workshop | Nyngan
Building resilience in uncertain timesGet ready to transform your farming business with expert guidance from Carmen Quad...
View eventWith predictions for lower than average rainfall over the coming year, it is important that farmers are aware of the services available to them.
Our staff are on the ground to support farmers with advice, resources and contacts leading up to, during and after drought.
We are available with ongoing advice for farmers and landholders planning for and dealing with drought.
Our staff live in regional NSW and are available to offer hands-on support with current, localised information and advice on managing and recovering from drought:
We are working closely with the Southern and Northern Drought and Innovation Hubs and the Federal Government to deliver the following projects across NSW.
Drought is a risk that needs to be managed, just like any other business risk. The following resources are aimed at helping producers plan and prepare for drought.
Upcoming events with advice on local seasonal conditions and preparing your property for drought.
Building resilience in uncertain timesGet ready to transform your farming business with expert guidance from Carmen Quad...
View eventThe NSW Government’s DroughtHub provides full details of the wide range of practical and financial support available to people and businesses across the state. This includes information on:
The Australian Government has released a drought response, resilience and preparedness plan, with three themes:
Visit the Australian Government's Drought, disaster and rural support page to find out more.
There are a range of publications, factsheets and apps on the NSW DroughtHub and elsewhere, including:
Find out more about these initiatives.
Contact your local office and extension staff for advice on preparing, managing and recovering from drought:
If you’re unsure which region you’re in, you can look it up using our regional map.