How we can help
Our teams offer localised support to farmers and landholders to support prevention, preparedness, response and recovery.
We are on hand to offer advice and up to date information to get you through these tough times. Speak to your local team by calling 1300 795 299.
You can also stay up to date via our Facebook pages. To find your local Facebook page, head to our contacts us page.
Planning for bushfires
Bushfires are a common and natural occurrence in NSW and Australia in general. Planning for bushfires can save your life and/or the lives of your family and animals.
If you own or manage land, you are legally responsible for minimising the risks. The Rural Fires Act 1997 states that land managers and owners are responsible for carrying out hazard reduction to protect existing dwellings, major buildings and other assets susceptible to fire.
Being fully prepared for a bushfire can help you protect yourself, your family, your livestock and your property. It is recommended that you create a bushfire survival plan well before the fire season begins. You can create a simple plan on the My Fire Plan website.
For you property you can download and complete a Farm Fire Plan.
The NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS) and the NSW State Emergency Services (NSW SES)both offer clear instructions and information to assist you in creating a plan for your property.
Preparing livestock for bushfire
Reduce the risk
Keeping your property well maintained and the grass low is a great place to start. Reducing the potential fuel load can help lower your fire risk. You should also monitor weather conditions in your area via the Bureau of Meteorology.
Read more about bushfire hazards and your property on the NSW RFS website. You can also get in contact with your local Rural Fire Service.
Have a safe area
Identify and prepare a safe stock containment area on your property where livestock can be located away from danger. It should have access to food and water and preferably have multiple access points. This could be a:
- heavily grazed area
- ploughed paddock
- large, clear stockyards.
Your stock containment area should be large enough to allow stock to move away from fire and ideally be protected by a road or a 3-6 meter fire break. All water troughs and any additional containers should be filled with water. Don’t rely on automatic water systems. More examples of safe areas can be found on the Department of Primary Industries website.
Consider a relocation plan
If mustering and moving your stock is an option, determine the trigger point at which you will put your plan into action. Acting early will give you time to deal with unforeseen issues.
Stressed livestock may be harder to handle or load. Consider how you will load and transport them, where you will take them, and how you will care for them. Commercial carriers may not be available at short notice and you should never risk your safety by driving, walking or riding through active fire-zones. Learn more about assessing if your animals are fit to load.
Have an emergency kit
Your emergency kit should include a first aid kit, animal first aid supplies, any medications and applicators needed, wire cutters and a sharp knife.
You should also have a list of emergency phone numbers, including your vet and agricultural supply store. Read more about what to include on the Farm Safe website.
About bushfires management in NSW
Bushfires are a common and natural occurrence across Australia and properly planning for bushfires can save your life and the lives of your family and animals.
Under the Rural Fires Act 1997, owners or managers of land are legally responsible for minimising the risks of bushfires. This means you’re responsible for carrying out hazard reduction to protect existing dwellings, major buildings and other assets at risk of fire.
At Local Land Services, our staff are the boots on the ground to support farmers and landholders in preparing for, responding to and recovering from bushfires.
For life-threatening emergencies, including bushfires, call 000.
For local bushfire preparation support and advice contact your Local Land Services office or call us on 1300 795 299.
Fire bans and permits
It’s essential to know what the fire restrictions are for your region. These restrictions are updated by the NSW Rural Fire Service according to the current weather and environment.
For information about current fire emergencies in NSW, call the Rural Fire Services hotline on 1800 679 737 or download the Fires Near Me app for iTunes or Android.
Emergency contacts
For information about current fire emergencies call the NSW Rural Fire Service hotline on 1800 679 737 or download the NSW Rural Fire Service Fires Near Me app and turn on alerts as well as set up notification zones. You can also view Fires Near Me from your computer.
Looking after yourself and others
We understand how stressful, sad and overwhelming bushfires are for individuals and communities.
For information on personal hardship and distress assistance, contact the Disaster Welfare Assistance Line on 1800 018 444 from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday.
You can also contact the following free services, 24 hours a day, seven days a week:
- Mental Health Line – 1800 011 511
- Lifeline - 13 11 14
- Mensline - 1300 789 978
- Kids Helpline - 1800 55 1800
- Beyond Blue - 1300 22 4636.
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger call 000.