Climate change

The people of NSW are already experiencing the impact of long-term climate change and it’s one of the biggest challenges impacting our natural resources and sustainability of production.

Projections indicate that areas of NSW are likely to face:

  • decreasing rainfall during the winter and spring months, but increased extreme rainfall intensity events leading to flooding
  • increasing temperatures
  • fewer frosts and harsher fire weather.

Evidence suggests that these changes are already having an impact on agricultural productivity, water availability, soils and landscapes as well as the spread of pests, weeds and disease.

How we work with the community on climate change

Agriculture needs to be resilient and adaptable when faced with environmental changes. Therefore, it’s important that the community works together to build farming resilience and continue agricultural productivity whilst considering sustainable alternatives and initiatives.

Local Land Services is committed to working with the wider community to address key issues around climate change including:

  • working to improve the understanding of climate change
  • lessen the effects of climate change
  • improve our capacity to adapt where necessary.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development has developed a Climate Change Research Strategy. It’s made up of seven targeted actions spread across three key theme areas to deliver benefits and opportunities to primary producers and regional communities.

Read more about the DPIRD Climate Change Research Strategy.

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