
Each year, farmers sow around five million hectares of winter crop including wheat, barley and canola and around 700,000 hectares of summer crop including cotton, rice maize, sorghum, soybeans and sunflowers.

How Local Land Services can assist with cropping

Our staff are on the ground to help farmers and farming communities with support, cropping advice and training to increase productivity and profitability.

We also work closely with organisations such as the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) and the Grain Research Development Corporation to provide technical advice and support to farmers.

Cereal stubble testing

We're working with the NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development to bring lab tests to the farm gate to help growers identify and stamp out cereal diseases such as crown rot.

Testing kits are freely available from selected offices in a bid to fast track disease identification.

Read more about the cereal stubble testing project.

Cropping training opportunities

Our staff run field days and workshops to help share best practice information

They coordinate local producer groups on timely and locally relevant topics such as crop rotation, disease and pest management and soil health.

Find out what events are happening in your region.

Also available are the Tocal Skills Training range of short courses.

Cropping industry partners and resources

Our staff are on the ground to work closely with a range of government departments and organisations.

Grains Research and Development Corporation

The Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) is responsible for planning, investing in and overseeing research, development and extension to improve production, sustainability and profitability across the Australian grains industry.

Grower groups

Farming systems groups link growers, researchers and advisers to better target and coordinate research. They are also critical to developing and extending new farming systems knowledge and skills.

Your Local Land Services cropping officer can advise on what groups are in your area.

NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development

NSW DPIRD works to develop and sustain diverse, profitable food and fibre industries and ensure best practice management of natural resources.

We work with NSW DPIRD to share best management advice with farmers.

Need more help?

For cropping advice or for further information regarding training or other resources, contact your Local Land Services office on 1300 795 299 or look up your closest regional office.

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