Apply for an assessment of old growth forest and rainforest (sensitive regulated land)

Local Land Services works with landholders wanting to conduct private native forestry to develop a Private Native Forestry (PNF) Plan. This plan includes a map showing old growth forest and rainforest areas that cannot be harvested.

Old growth forest and rainforest areas are mapped as sensitive regulated land in the recently released draft native vegetation regulatory (NVR) mapping.

Landholders who believe the mapping of sensitive regulated land is not accurate may request a review of these areas. This should be considered and completed before applying for a PNF Plan.

Step 1 -  Check the mapping

View the draft NVR map and check the category of your property.

If you agree with the Draft NVR map for your property, apply for a PNF Plan.

If you are concerned with the categories mapped on your land, you or someone acting on your behalf can request a category explanation report or free map review from the Map Review Team by following steps 2-5.

Step 2 - Prepare evidence to support your request

Before you contact the Map Review Team you should prepare evidence that supports your request. This would be evidence that supports previous land use and meets the criteria for review as described within the re-evaluation protocols and include:

Supporting evidence may include:

  • photographs of disturbed vegetation
  • way points taken at disturbed locations
  • harvesting records
  • other evidence of disturbance history.

Step 3 - Submit a Map Review Team enquiry form

Submit a map review enquiry form so a Map Review Team member can contact you to discuss your needs.

Step 4 - Property assessment by Environment and Heritage

The reassessment/review is conducted by specialists from Environment and Heritage who undertake an aerial photographic imaging (API) assessment of the property using the latest available imagery. In rare instances they may also require a field survey to assess the vegetation on the ground.

Please note that Environment and Heritage aim to complete reviews within 40 days, however circumstances outside of their control may impact this, so you’re encouraged to apply early and allow additional time in case of delays.

Step 5 - The assessment is finalised

Once Environment and Heritage has completed your review and provided you with details of any changes, apply for a PNF Plan.

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