On-ground examples of private native forestry

In this series of short videos, NSW farmers and landholders share their experiences using private native forestry to achieve environmental and socio-economic goals.

A legacy of forest management

Ron McKinnon's story is intertwined with a proud family history of private native forestry on the south coast. Like his father before him, Ron still runs a bullock team on his property while taking care of the bush around him. From mosaic burning practices to maintenance of access and selective harvesting methods, he has benefited from the advice that Local Land Services offers to get the best out of his Private Native Forestry Plan.

Private Native Forestry as part of a sustainable and diverse farm enterprise

Sharon Bettler is dedicated to managing her forest sustainably and ensuring the long-term future of the land. To achieve this, she has a Private Native Forestry Plan and participated in the LLS Forest Stewardship Pilot. Through the program, she received helpful advice and support on improving the health of her forest, which allowed her to manage weeds, prepare for bushfires, improve forest tracks and conduct thinning.

Intergenerational connections on Country

The Mudgee Local Aboriginal Land Council (MLALC) is a custodian of over 850 hectares of land, some of which is managed under a Private Native Forestry Plan.  The MLALC participated in the LLS Forest Stewardship Pilot with the aim of opening up Country, managing the forest effectively, revitalising traditional practices and providing opportunities to pass on knowledge to the next generation.

Dairy to bananas to trees, one property over 100 years

Peter and Jenny Wills' property has a long history dating back to a homestead grant in the early 1900s. It was once a dairy and banana farm but now they raise cattle and harvest timber following a Private Native Forestry Plan. They're now on their fourth timber harvest in their 60-plus years of ownership.

Managing Forest Health

Trevor Woolley owns a 140-hectare property next to Wollomi National Park in Martindale Valley. He's part of the LLS Forest Stewardship Pilot, managing a dense forest left from past harvesting. His main goal is to improve its health by thinning regrowth. Trevor also participates in the Hunter Farm Forestry Network, where forest knowledge is shared among regional members who support each other.

Farm and forest management at Pine Ridge

Norm Arkell, together with his wife and two sons, operates a diversified enterprise. Just over half of Pine Ridge is managed under a Private Native Forestry Plan, while the remainder of the property is utilised for grazing beef cattle and Boer goats. At Pine Ridge, the private native forest mainly yields Ironbark timber, which is used for fencing, decking and firewood, under the Cypress and Western Hardwood Code.

Read more about how Norm was able to implement a harvest of his Private Native Forest.

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