
There are a range of resources available to help landholders and forestry contractors conduct farm forestry operations. These include a series of fact sheets, guidelines and training videos. A directory of available resources for farm forest managers is provided below and will be updated as more resources become available.

Fact sheets

The following list includes fact sheets developed the help landholders manage their farm forests:

Forest Management guidelines

The guidelines aim to give landholders, land managers and private native forestry contractors an understanding of:

  • forest types in NSW
  • managing habitat and biodiversity
  • forest management, carbon and climate change
  • water and soil management
  • tree growth and development
  • silviculture, putting theory into practice
  • regeneration.

The use of these guidelines and the optimum silvicultural regime for any given forest depends on many factors, including management intent and objectives, nature of the local industry, economic considerations, forest type and species present, and the condition and structure of the forest.

Forest Management Guidelines PDF, 8696.14 KB.

Private native forestry advisory notes

The Private Native Forestry Codes of Practice state that certain forest features such as habitat trees, wetlands, old growth and rainforest must be protected from potential harm caused by forestry operations. The advisory notes provide advice and guidance on how to ensure these features are protected and conserved.

These advisory notes have been prepared to help landholders and forestry contractors apply the requirements of the Private Native Forestry Codes of Practice. These notes provide information on threatened species, cultural heritage and biodiversity.

You can access the advisory notes on the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) website.

Endangered ecological communities identification guides

Endangered ecological communities (EEC) identification guidelines have been developed to assist landholders and contractors identify EECs in the field. The guidelines provide information on characteristic tree species, locations and other key features and are intended to supplement the detailed Scientific Committee Final Determination on EECs.

EEC identification guidelines relevant to private native forestry can be accessed on the EPA website.

In addition, the EPA's threatened ecological communities (TEC) mapping project produced detailed technical reports of 18 TECs in coastal forests, which can be used to assist identification in the field.

Private native forestry training clips

There are also a number of training clips and a DVD for landholders, contractors and other stakeholders interested in private native forestry. These resources are intended to provide information that will help protect the environment and forest health during private native forestry operations.

The introductory series provides an overview of the legal framework underpinning private native forestry in NSW. It introducing the Private Native Forestry Codes of Practice, which set environmental and operational standards for timber harvesting on private land.

The technical series expands on the concepts in the introductory clips with more technical information to help landholders and harvesting contractors apply the Private Native Forestry Codes of Practice.

More information on the video clips can be found on the EPA website.

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Forest Science - farm forestry

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) - Forest Science provides expert research and industry development services to the forestry sector. There are a number of papers relating to farm forestry including research on:

  • planning and regulatory instruments that interact with farm forestry
  • the condition of farm forests
  • landholders' attitudes, knowledge and intentions in relation to farm forestry.

Access the DPIRD Forest Science page.

On-ground examples of farm forestry

These case studies show how landholders, foresters, contractors, the timber industry and Local Land Services work together in farm forestry.

One example is the Hurford Group of timber-related businesses and the Hurford family's property, Warrazambil which has a Private Native Forestry Plan on it.  Farm Forestry plays a critical role in Hurford's operations.

A second example is Pine Ridge, where landholder Norm Arkell, has a mixed farming enterprise including private native forestry, which helps to provide an additional income stream, which is particularly important in times of drought.

Note: New PNF Codes of Practice have commenced for farm forestry. It should be noted that some references on related publications may now be outdated.

Managing koalas in forestry operations

This video gives information regarding the presence of koalas, how to comprehensively search for koalas before and during a forestry operation, and management actions to be taken if koalas are found, including the requirements under the PNF Codes of Practice.

This video outlines the actions for consideration to ensure the care of koalas, including what to do if a koala is injured and unwell, and management actions to ensure the protection of koalas.

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