Regional Strategic Weed Management Plans

Our role in weed management is to:

  • deliver regional strategic weed management plans
  • facilitate and coordinating regional strategic planning
  • assist with education and community outreach programs.

To achieve this we have set up 11 Regional Weed Committees. These regional committees are made up of Local Control Authorities, public and private landholders and community members.

Each Regional Weed Committee developed a five-year Regional Strategic Weed Management Plan to focus on managing and controlling weeds in their regions.

The plans are based on local knowledge, research and technology and a strict assessment of the biosecurity risks posed by weeds.

They focus on managing weeds that impact:

  • animal and plant industries, including agriculture, horticulture, forestry, aquaculture and recreational and commercial fishing in freshwater systems
  • ecological communities and biodiversity, including natural, urban and regional environments
  • human health, livelihood, lifestyle, cultural values, recreation, landscapes and places
  • infrastructure and service industries, including energy, transport and water supplies.

The plans clarify how each region will work together to identify, minimise, respond to and manage high-risk weeds, supporting the idea of a shared responsibility under the new biosecurity legislation.

Priorities of the plans

The goals and objectives of the plans align with those of the NSW Biosecurity and Food Safety Strategy 2022-2030, the Local Land Services Strategic Plan 2020-2030 and the NSW Invasive Species Plan 2013-2028.

The goals of the Regional Strategic Weed Management Plans are that:

  • responsibility for weed biosecurity is shared by all people of the region
  • weed biosecurity supports profitable, productive and sustainable primary industries
  • weed biosecurity supports healthy, diverse and connected natural environments
  • weed biosecurity is supported by coordinated, collaborative and innovative leadership.

Find your local plan:

Monitoring, evaluation, reporting and improvement (MERI) framework for Regional Strategic Weed Management Plan

Regional Weeds Committees have developed Regional Strategic Weed Management Plans to guide weed management in each of the 11 Local Land Services regions in New South Wales.

These plans prioritise activities, clarify expectations and help guide investment to lead to more coordinated, efficient and effective weed management.

To help ensure that the plans are working well and achieving these goals, this document is a monitoring, evaluation, reporting and improvement framework (the framework) to guide the committees, the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) and the State Weeds Committee (SWC) to:

  • improve the consistency and quality of data collected under the plans
  • reflect on and improve activities in the plans to ensure goals and objectives are met
  • communicate the impacts and achievements of weed management across NSW
  • provide accountability for funds and fulfil the reporting requirements of funding bodies/agencies.

This document can be adopted as a framework to monitor, evaluate and report on the progress of a plan. Or, it can be adapted or used as a reference in the development of an individual committee’s framework.

Download and read the MERI framework. PDF, 1395.48 KB

New weed identification

If you think you’ve found a new type of weed on your land or property, then contact the NSW Invasive Plants and Animals Enquiry Line on 1800 680 244, email or contact your local council weed officer.

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