Weed control

Weeds can have damaging effects on our natural landscape and biodiversity. They can harm native plants and animals, water catchments and agriculture and have a negative impact on the economy, human health and recreational activities.

For farmers and landholders, weeds pose a serious risk. Weeds are a threat to primary production and biodiversity, and can impact market access and agricultural production. Weed control is an important part of protecting the environment and agriculture industries.

When it comes to controlling weeds, early detection and regular surveillance are key. Detecting weeds early means a better chance of controlling the infestation.

Find out more about how to report weeds.

Weeds compete with native plant species for nutrients, water, sunlight and space. They can form dense areas of vegetation that shade and smother other native species.

The Natural Resource Commission Weeds Review 2014 outlines reforms to weed control and management. These weed reforms provide an opportunity to better manage weeds in NSW.

When it comes to weed control and management, Local Land Services is primarily responsible for:

  • delivering regional strategic weed management plans
  • facilitating and coordinating regional strategic planning
  • assisting with education and community outreach programs.

It’s important to note that landowners and managers are responsible for controlling weeds on their own land.

Local control authorities, for example councils, are responsible for enforcing the Biosecurity Act as it relates to weeds, including conducting weed inspections on public and private land.

How we should be approaching weed management and control

Local Land Services has set up 11 Regional Weed Committees. These regional committees are made up of Local Control Authorities, public and private landholders, and community members.

Each Regional Weeds Committee has developed a five-year Regional Strategic Weed Management Plan to focus on managing and controlling weeds in their regions. The plans are based on local knowledge, research and technology and a strict assessment of the biosecurity risks posed by weeds.

The plans explain how each region will work together to identify, minimise, respond to and manage high-risk weeds, supporting the idea of a shared responsibility under the new biosecurity legislation.

Find out more about Regional Strategic Weed Management Plans and read your local management plan.

Weed identification

Local Land Services offers a range of weed identification resources as well as regionally specific guides to help identify priority weeds in NSW.

For further information regarding weed identification, view the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development website or contact your local council weeds officer.

New weed identification

If you think you’ve found a new type of weed on your land or property, contact your local council weeds officer.

Alternatively, you can contact the NSW Invasive Plants and Animals Enquiry Line on 1800 680 244 or email weeds@dpi.nsw.gov.au