Have my say and give feedback

We welcome your feedback

Please let us know what we are doing well and what we could do better so we can keep improving our services.

We value all feedback including compliments, concerns, suggestions or complaints.

How to give feedback

image with ways to complain

How to provide feedback or make a complaint

At Local Land Services (LLS), the satisfaction of our customers is extremely important.

Our goal is to deliver high quality customer service and provide useful information, resources and services.

We encourage our customers to provide feedback on what we are doing well and what we can do better so we can keep improving the quality of our services.

Who can provide feedback or a complaint?

Anyone can provide feedback to LLS, including landholders, stakeholders and members of the public. We value all feedback including compliments, concerns, suggestions or complaints.

How can i make a complaint?

There are several ways you can make a complaint:

  • call us on 1300 795 299 during business hours
  • speak with staff at any LLS office
  • email your local LLS office
  • use the Feedback Assist widget on the right-hand side of our website
  • scan the MyView survey QR code in one of our offices or in a staff email signature
  • write to your nearest LLS office

What do I need to make a complaint?

  • state that you are making a complaint
  • outline the nature of your complaint in as much detail as possible with dates, locations and people involved
  • clearly communicate your key concern and the outcome you would like to see
  • make sure the information you provide is factually correct.

Am I required to give my contact details?

You can remain anonymous if you like. If making your complaint directly to an LLS staff member, please let them know that you do not want to be identified.

What can I expect when I make a complaint?

When making a complaint, LLS staff will observe the NSW Government’s 6 commitments for effective complaint handling:

  1. respectful treatment
  2. information and accessibility
  3. good communication
  4. taking ownership
  5. timeliness
  6. transparency.

What happens after I make a complaint?

Any information you provide will be reviewed and assigned to an appropriate staff member to ensure your complaint is handled correctly. Our staff will try to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. More complex issues may be escalated to a senior staff member who will provide you updates as they work towards a resolution.

How long does it take to resolve a complaint?

LLS frontline staff can resolve most complaints quickly. Some complaints will require additional time and resources. If your complaint requires escalation, we will provide an estimated timeframe for your complaint to be resolved.

All complaints will be acknowledged within 5 working days and most should be resolved within 30 working days.

What will happen with the information I provide?

Your personal information will be treated confidentially and is protected under Federal and State legislation, such as the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998.

The information that you provide on LLS or its staff will be used for further analysis and to improve the services we provide and how we deliver them.

Can I review the outcome of my complaint?

If you are unhappy with the outcome of your complaiiant, you can request an internal or external review of your case. Please inform the person who you have been in contact with during the process and let them know you would like a review.

Where can I find more information?

Please contact:

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