Soil pits and kits workshop | Garema

If healthy soils are important to you then this workshop is for you.

At this practical workshop, soil science experts will give you the skills to help you to make better informed decisions about your soil and farm management. You’ll learn about:

  • salinity, acidity and nutrients
  • structure, sodicity and erosion
  • what the numbers on a soil test mean
  • how to test soil yourself (bring your own soil sample to test)
  • management techniques and options.

You will also have the opportunity to take home a specialised soil kit to use in an ongoing monitoring program for your farm.

Smoko and lunch will be supplied.

Register online by Thursday 29 August.

3 Sep 2024 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Central West

381 Thurungle Road
Look for LLS field day signs

Stephen Pereira
0409 814 182

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