Aboriginal Culture and Community Led Koala Protection Management Plan

North Coast Local Land Services was proud to be invited as a stakeholder to participate in four Koala Protection workshops hosted by Coffs Harbour Land Council. The Project is financially and strategically supported by the Saving Our Species Iconic Koala Program.

The workshops are an opportunity for Southern Gumbaynggirr Rangers and other partnering organisations to develop an Aboriginal Culture and Community Led Koala Protection Management Plan.  Workshops and events will also provide an opportunity to pass on knowledge of the elders and increases indigenous rangers’ cultural and ecological capacity.

Aligned with the NSW State Government’s program of ‘Learning from Aboriginal people to manage country,’ the project seeks to improve Koala management on southern Gumbaynggirr-owned estate. North Coast Local Land Services is actively seeking to strengthen relationships with our indigenous stakeholders as a way to support enhanced indigenous cultural resource management and to support the delivery of the Local Land Services’ Reconciliation Action Plan.

Staff from Local Land Services attended workshops at the Koala Hospital and Scotts Head where Elders in the community shared cultural knowledge and dreaming stories of the Dunggirr (Koala).

Other upcoming workshops will be held in Dorrigo and will have a strong focus on cultural burning practices to help protect Koala Habitat.

Koala Artwork