Be on the Lookout for Fall Armyworm

FALL ARMYWORM (Spodoptera frugiperda) is an exotic pest recently detected for the first time in the Torres Strait and a trial maize crop in Georgetown, Far North Queensland. The invasive moth’s larvae can cause significant and rapid damage to crops. The pest is known to feed on more than 350 different plant species, including fruit, vegetable and forage crops.

What does it look like?

The adult moths are 32 to 40 mm wing tip to wing tip, with a brown or grey forewing, and a white hind wing. Male fall armyworms have more patterns and a distinct white spot on each of their forewings. During the development stage, the larva is light coloured with a larger dark head. As they develop, they become browner with white lengthwise lines. They also develop dark spots with spines.

How is it spread?

Adults are capable of flying long distances. Their migration rate is remarkably fast, estimated at almost 500 kilometres per generation. They can also spread through people movement, with it believed that their arrival in Africa was on via a passenger flight.

What is the potential cost to Australia?

Destruction of crops can happen almost overnight because the first stages of a larva’s life require very little food, and the later stages require about 50 times more. Because of this rapid change in food consumption, the presence of larva will not be noticed until they have destroyed almost everything in as little as a night.

Examples of targeted crops include cotton, tobacco, sweet corn, rice, peanuts, and fruits including apples, oranges, tomatoes and many more. The list of possible food sources for the larvae is extensive. Because the larva eats so much of the plant, they are incredibly detrimental to crop survival and yield.

How do I report it?

If you suspect fall armyworm, you should immediately call the Exotic Plant Pest Hotline on 1800 084 881 or email with a clear photo and your contact details.

Fall Armyworm Fall Armyworm Moth