Horse Owners Reminded of Transport Statement Requirement

With increased police checks of vehicles horse owners are being reminded to make sure they are aware of their requirements when transporting their horses.

Horses moving into NSW from other states must meet the state of origin’s requirements until entering NSW and NSW requirements once in NSW. These requirements have been in existence for a number of years and are not in response to COVID-19.

If you are considering moving a horse within NSW during the COVID-19 pandemic, have you reviewed current COVID-19 advice from the Australian Government and reputable sources such as Equestrian NSW?NSW police may monitor travel around the state and can request necessary documentation for the transportation of livestock, including horses.

Horse owners who intend to transport horses within NSW require a Transported Stock Statement (TSS). These can be obtained from Local Land Services (fees apply).

The only exceptions to the TSS requirement are when the horse is:

  • travelling interstate and their journey deviates less than 30 km into NSW
  • travelling across a public road from one part of a property to another
  • being transported for veterinary treatment
  • being transported to or from a show, exhibition, gymkhana or other event
  • being transported for work

Horse owners must also keep a record of the Property Identification Code (PIC) of the property the horse is travelling to and from, including agistment properties. Find out how to apply for a PIC here (fees apply)