The Environmental and Economic Benefits of Improved Grazing Methods

North Coast Local Land Services is partnering with Catchment Action NSW to investigate improved soils, pasture and grazing management on the North Coast.

The Sustainable Agriculture team at North Coast Local Land Services are currently rolling out a project with a northern rivers landholder to investigate the environmental and economic benefits of improved grazing methods. The focus farm has been established, and work is currently underway to implement a series of paddocks and watering points for rotational grazing of cattle.

With the assistance of Catchment Action NSW, the producer has received a grant to complete these on-ground works, and our Ag team will be assisting in capturing data relating to cattle, soils and pasture.

Southern Cross University has also recently come on board to help with the soil sampling of each paddock. Livestock weights, movements, soil and pasture data and costs associated will be recorded and assessed, with results and reporting being made available to our landholders.

To find out more about the project contact  Nathan Jennings SLSO Agricultural Advice 0437 083 147 or submit an online enquiry form Contact Us.

Grazing Cattle