Travelling Stock Reserves (TSRs) – Management Agreement Permits

North Coast Local Land Services Managed Travelling Stock Reserves (TSRs) will be advertised for Management Agreement (MA) Permits this year.

Current grazing permits finish up on the 30th June 2021 and the NCLLS is seeking to align with the Statewide permit cycle by rolling out 4-year MA Permits on all eligible TSRs across the region.  The new permits are proposed to commence in July 2021.

North Coast Local Land Services TSR Coordinator is currently assessing all TSRs for their current condition and suitability for an MA Permit.

While many TSRs provide quality grazing opportunities for prospective permit holders, there are also many TSRs across the region with high conservation value and are not suitable for grazing activities.

These varying attributes are being assessed as a part of the process with a view to applying a balanced approach to the management of all TSRs across the reserve network into the future.