Farm census an opportunity to keep NSW safe and protect livestock

170,000 farmers are being encouraged to report their livestock numbers and land use information to keep NSW safe and help the state respond to emergencies such as bushfires and biosecurity outbreaks.
Local Land Services Acting CEO Rob Kelly said the 2024 Annual Land and Stock Return would build a statewide picture of agricultural land use and livestock across NSW.

“This information helps us in many ways, such as supporting land managers during disasters and if there was a biosecurity outbreak,” Mr Kelly said.

“This ensures the NSW Government can quickly and accurately respond to priority incidents to keep this state safe while supporting farmers, their businesses and animals through challenging times.

“It also helps us understand what land managers are using their properties for, with this information playing a role in shaping the services we deliver to support NSW farmers.”

The returns also help to:

  • protect the state’s ‘clean and green’ reputation and environment against pests and diseases
  • monitor flocks and herds for emergency animal diseases
  • keep domestic and international markets open.

Mr Kelly said landholders without stock still needed to complete their returns to avoid unnecessary fees.

“It is important all land managers complete their form regardless of whether they carry livestock on their properties or not,” he said.

“The Animal Health and Meat Industry Levy is automatically applied to their next rates notice if they fail to complete their return.

“That is why we encourage all rural landholders to make time to complete their Annual Land and Stock Return.”

Streamlining the process over recent years has made submitting Annual Land and Stock Returns even easier.

Submit returns online via our website or via the paper form, which can be returned via mail or to your nearest Local Land Services office.

The 2024 Annual Land and Stock Return portal opens 30 June 2024 and closes 31 August 2024. For more information, visit our website.