Frequently asked questions

A few organisations and government agencies deal in similar topics in our region. To help you find who can help you, we've put together the following information.

Land and water

Who is involved in managing water?

I want to sink a bore, build a ground water tank or pump water

Who manages floodwaters?

Who do I contact about blue green algae and weeds?

I want to report large numbers of fish dying

I want to report illegal water activities

Who do I contact about rubbish in the water and illegal dumping?

Who do I contact if the quality of water on my property appears to be affected by mining in the area?

I have an erosion problem who should I talk to?

I want to know what my rights are with mining. Who do I call?

I would like to find out more about the Aboriginal cultural heritage on my land. Who can help?

I would like a map of my property. Can Local Land Services do that?

Native vegetation

I want to clear native vegetation. Where do I go?

How do I report illegal clearing?

Who do I contact about illegal dumping?

How can I report noxious weeds?

I want to collect firewood. Who do I talk to?


Can I help out with our school's environmental education?

What are some good applications I can use?


Can you help me identify this insect, critter, plant?

I want to report animal cruelty. Where do I go?

Who can help me manage feral pests?

Animal health/ veterinary services

I have sick livestock

I need advice about livestock husbandry

I suspect my animals have an exotic disease

I am an export company and need a property clearance signed

I have a sick horse or dog

I have a cow that's calving

Emergency Management

Where to go to get information on the drought subsidies available?

Contact and Feedback

I want to contact my local Landcare Group

I want to keep up to date with Local Land Services information and activities

Land and Water

Who is involved in managing water?

We, Central Tablelands Local Land Services, improve water quality in our region to encourage more sustainable land practices and support erosion control and river rehabilitation.

We also encourage community involvement in water sharing, groundwater and other natural resource management related plans are open for consultation.

The NSW Office of Water is responsible for managing NSW's surface water and groundwater resources. They develop natural resource management policy frameworks and work on water management, water quality, salinity, soils, vegetation and environmental sustainability.

They also prepare water sharing plans. These are the basic water resource policy document for catchments across the State.

State Water delivers water in accordance with these water sharing plans.

The Rural Assistance Authority's (RAA) natural disaster relief scheme helps primary producers and small business operators affected by flood/fire/storm damage or any other declared natural disaster.

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I want to sink a bore, build a ground water tank or pump water

These all sit with the NSW Office of Water (1800 353 1041800 353 104 or

Who manages floodwaters?

The Office of Water provides the basic data for the management of flood flows through government-owned storages managed by the State Water Corporation and the Murray-Darling Basin Authority.

The NSW Office of Water's also manages water monitoring sites. This information is used by key decision makers such as Bureau of Meteorology and the State Emergency Services.

The Rural Assistance Authority's (RAA) Natural Disaster Relief Scheme helps primary producers and small business operators affected by flood/fire/storm damage or any other declared natural disaster.

We (Local Land Services) are not responsible for water flows (including floods).

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Who do I contact about blue green algae and weeds?

To report suspected algal blooms during business hours, phone your local central west Regional Algal Coordinating Committee Technical Co-ordinator. In the central west, the number is 8838 7517.

Outside business hours phone the Environment Hotline: 131 555.

I want to report large numbers of fish dying

Call the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Fishers Watch 24 hour hotline 1800 043 536.

I want to report illegal water activities

To report any suspicious activities phone 1800 633 3621800 633 362 or email

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Who do I contact about rubbish in the water and illegal dumping?

Please report rubbish and illegal dumping to your local council promptly. Councils have the authority to issue large fines to those caught dumping illegally.

You can also call the Environment Protection Authority's environment line on 131 555.

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Who do I contact if the quality of water on my property appears to be affected by mining in the area?

Contact the Office of Water on 1800 353 104.

I have an erosion problem who should I talk to?

We are able to provide general advice on erosion, and our staff can visit your property to assess your soil erosion problem.

If you would like more specific advice there are many businesses that provide surveying services and machinery to carry out earthworks. These businesses are located in the Yellow Pages under Excavating and Earth Moving Contractors.

The Soil Conservation Service also provides a range of professional and technical services in:

  • conservation earthworks
  • project management, resource planning and assessment
  • erosion control and rehabilitation of degraded areas
  • water resource management
  • education and training
  • rural property planning
  • soil and water testing.

You can get in touch with them on 02 8836 5350 or visit their website

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I want to know what my rights are with mining. Who do I call?

Contact Trade and Investment Resources & Energy on 1300 736 1221300 736 122 (toll free) or

They also have a lot of information on their website (

The Environment Defenders Office NSW also has a lot of useful info for landholders. Contact them on 1800 626 239 or

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I would like to find out more about the Aboriginal cultural heritage on my land. Who can help?

We can put you in touch with people who carry out cultural site surveys. Contact us to find out more.

The Office of Environment and Heritage can help out and there are consultants around who do this work.

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Native Vegetation

I want to clear native vegetation. Where do I go?

We can help with that one. There are a number of options available and our staff are happy to have a chat.

How do I report illegal clearing?

Report any illegal clearing in NSW to Office of Environment and Heritage at any time (131 555 or

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Who do I contact about illegal dumping?

Please report rubbish and illegal dumping to your local council promptly. Councils have the authority to issue large fines to those caught dumping illegally.

You can also call the Environment Protection Authority's environment line on 131 555.

How can I report noxious weeds?

Report suspicious weeds to your local council weeds officer, phone the NSW Weeds Hotline (1800 680 2441800 680 244 or

I want to collect firewood. Who do I talk to?

Sorry, you can't collect firewood on travelling stock reserves (TSRs). It is illegal and fines apply.

However, you can contact the Forestry Corporation to get a firewood permit on state forests (1300 655 6871300 655 687 or

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Can I help out with our school's environmental education?

There are a couple of ways we can help kids learn about the environment and natural resources.

Local Land Services is involved in the Kids Teach Kids program, which helps kids and teachers learn about sustainable agriculture. More info is on our website or contact Liz Davis (02 6363 7872 or

We also work with schools on the EnviroStories program. This sees students research and write their own books on natural resource management themes. This program opens in around April. Again visit the Envirostories website.

We also work closely with Riversmart, who run a raft of educational programs such as the outdoor floating classroom. More information is on their website.

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Can you help me identify this insect, critter, plant?

We have staff across Central Tablelands Local Land Services who may help you identify the various things you come across. If we can't help, you can also try the Office of Environment and Heritage or the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Plant health diagnostic service

If your critter is still alive and needing help though, you are better talking to WIRES rescue line (1300 094 737 or or the RSPCA (02 9770 7555 or

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I want to report animal cruelty. Where do I go?

Animal cruelty can be reported to the RSPCA on 02 9770 7555 or

Who can help me manage feral pests?

Our biosecurity officers can help landholders manage pests through:

  • advice and training on managing declared pest species
  • coordinate management plans to control vertebrate pests
  • inspect properties for declared pests and help you to develop a plan to control pest populations
  • provide advice on controlling nuisance animals – either through group baiting programs (organised with your neighbours) or individual control methods
  • help you obtain suitable control options through targeted baits.

Statewide, we also work with other agencies to develop vertebrate pest management plans.

Other agencies such as the Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) also carry out research and develop national strategies and tools to manage pest species.

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Animal Health/Veterinary Services

I have sick livestock

District vets are available to investigate herd and flock problems such as ill-thrift, mortalities or poor reproductive rates.

If you see symptoms or deaths in animals that may be due to a notifiable disease, or an emergency animal disease, contact your Local Land Services local district veterinarian on 1300 795 299.

District Veterinarians are not involved in diagnosis and treatment for individual animals, unless a landholder suspects a notifiable disease. You should contact your local private veterinary practitioner for individual animal health problems, unless you suspect a notifiable disease.

For more information on notifiable diseases in NSW contact the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development.

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I need advice about livestock husbandry

District vets provide one on one advice on management practices such as drench use, vaccination programs, parasite treatments and nutrition issues. They do not provide treatment or pregnancy testing.

I suspect my animals have an exotic disease

The animal health team are trained and involved in exotic diseases prevention and eradication programs.

If you see symptoms or deaths in animals that may be due to a notifiable disease, or an emergency animal disease, contact your Local Land Services local district veterinarian on 1300 795 299.

More information on notifiable diseases in NSW (Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development)

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I am an export company and need a property clearance signed

Please contact your local District Veterinarian. They can be reached here...

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I have a sick horse or dog

District Veterinarians are not involved in diagnosis and treatment for individual animals, you should contact your local private veterinary practitioner for individual animal health problems, unless you suspect a notifiable disease.

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I have a cow that's calving

District Veterinarians are not involved in diagnosis and treatment for individual animals, you should contact your local private veterinary practitioner for individual animal health problems, unless you suspect a notifiable disease.

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Emergency Management

Where do I go to get information on the drought subsidies available?

Rural Assistance Authority is coordinating a range of drought assistance measures that are now available for eligible NSW farmers – Toll Free: 1800 678 593 or

There is information also on our website about how Local Land Services and others can help you manage in hard times.

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I want to contact my local Landcare Group

Our website has information on Landcare and similar groups in our region.

You can also contact our Regional Landcare Facilitator...

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I want to keep up to date with Local Land Services information and activities

Interested in the latest news, events and updates across the central tablelands?

In less than a minute you can sign up to our eNewsletter the Tablelands Telegraph, to hear about:

  • agricultural production
  • biosecurity
  • natural resource management
  • emergency management.

We won't share your details with anyone else and you can unsubscribe at any time.

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