Wild dog management plan 2021-2026

Wild dogs are considered a serious established pest animal in Australia and are a designated priority pest species in the Central Tablelands Regional Strategic Pest Animal Management Plan 2018-2023 (CT RSPAMP).

In response to this, we have developed the draft Central Tablelands Local Land Services Wild Dog Management Plan 2021-2026.

The plan is a strategic document, rather than being operational. This means it answers the why, who and where of wild dog management in our region, rather than containing operational detail and budgets.

There’s been a lot of work to get here, and we thank everyone who has participated. The process to date has included;

  1. A facilitated session by an independent expert with members of our pest animal groups
  2. Ongoing discussions between our biosecurity staff, neighbouring regions, people with expertise in wild dog management and landholders
  3. A meeting with all pest animal groups to introduce features of the draft plan
  4. One-on-one workshop sessions with members from interested pest animal groups

The final Wild Dog Management Plan for 2021-2026 can be downloaded here.

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