Searching for Superbs at Savernake

By Lou Bull - Superb Parrot Project                               
Land Services Officer P: 02 6051 2218 | M: 0436 316 432 | E:

Ben Humphries (Birdlife Australia) presenting

On 1 March, a superb collection of local Savernake farmers, dedicated birdo’s and passionate project officers gathered to learn and share current Superb Parrot knowledge.

60 people gathered at “Savernake Station” had hoped to spot some Superb Parrots, a historically regularly visited site. Only a single bird was heard flying through during the event. Fortunately, we had a couple of taxidermy birds available to help improve identification skills as a backup.

The number of birds seen and recorded around the local Savernake area is declining. Does this mean the birds are moving to other areas or decreasing in number? We aren’t sure. We hope that improved identification skills and a simple way of recording when the birds are spotted will help us better understand where the birds are and when.

The event was a joint effort between Corowa District Landcare, Southern NSW Birds on Farms (Birdlife Australia), Murray Local Land Services, Sue Logie (Picola Superb Parrot Project) and the hosts Ann & Alexander Sloane.

The Birds on Farms project officers Ben Humphries and Darcy Creece talked us through using the Birdata App as a simple way to record when you find a Superb Parrot (or any bird).

Searching for and recording Superb Parrots could be part of a coordinated effort such as that done through the Picola Superb Parrot Project. The group do an annual bird count in late November each year to coincide with when the young birds fledge their nests and begin to forage for seeds and nectar. Alternatively, recording when a bird(s) is seen at any time is encouraged.

Superb Parrots are quite simply superb. When you spot one, you know they are a remarkable find. You may even hear them calling before you see them, as they are social and chatty, even when flying. There is still a lot of mystery about where the birds go after breeding along the Murray River, so if you spot them, please record your sightings via the Birdata app (QR code below).

Seen a Superb Parrot?

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