Warrell Creek Riverbank Works & Bush Regeneration

North Coast Local Land Services with Nambucca Valley Council has been protecting an endangered Swamp Oak Floodplain Forest at Scotts Head from transformer weeds with funding by the Environmental Trust and Saving Our Species programs.

The community has also identified riverbank erosion as a threat to the site. Nambucca Valley Council has responded by contributing their funds to a grant from the Department of Planning Industry and Environment’s Coastal Management Program.

The community has been consulted, and now Nambucca Valley Landcare will undertake 150m of construction works, with Council and North Coast Local Land Services to undertake the revegetation works.

These agency collaborations will address multiple threats with a set of integrated management actions, protecting this valuable forest and private properties.

Eroded Bank at Warrell Creek Warrell Creek Erosion works

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