“Grow me the money”: Understanding Your Farms Natural Capital

Riverina Local Land Services can help you to manage your farms natural assets and understand the natural capital and environmental market opportunities available.

These assets include your farms waterways, native vegetation, rocky outcrops, soils and cultural heritage.

Our pilot project will work with you to map and document the natural capital on your property. It will involve a mix of online learning, desktop mapping and site visits to develop a profile and baseline condition of the natural capital assets.

Recommendations to help you improve these assets and a pathway to potential financial rewards will also be provided.

What are the benefits?

This project can help you to:

  • set sustainability goals for your farm business
  • prioritise actions to improve on ground management
  • utilise baseline data as an evidence base for environmental reporting requirements such as ESG, supply chain accreditation and/or, industry reporting
  • recognise the environmental services you may be providing on-farm
  • recognise opportunities to monetise these assets and environmental services
  • identify where there may be environmental risks to your business.

What are the next steps?

To sign up to be part of the Riverina Natural Capital Pilot project email Cherie White on cherie.white@lls.nsw.gov.au
or Allie Maffei on allie.mafferi@lls.nsw.gov.au

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