Update on the RSPAMP

April 2018

The public consultation period for the draft Regional Strategic Pest Animal Management Plan (RSPAMP) closed on 20 April 2018.

We would like to thank the members of the community who attended the sessions held in Cooma, Goulburn and Berry, or provided feedback on the draft RSPAMP via the online survey.

We received a lot of constructive feedback which will now be presented to the South East Regional Pest Animal Committee (RPAC) for consideration.

The RPAC will review and amend the draft RSPAMP to reflect many of these comments.

The final draft will then be submitted to the Hon. Niall Blair (Minister for Primary Industries) for consideration by 1 July.

Thank you again for those who provided feedback. South East Local Land Services look forward to providing continued support to our community in pest animal management through this document and on-going initiatives.

If you have any questions or concerns about pest animal management on your property or in your community please contact the biosecurity team at your nearest Local Land Services office.

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