Soil Moisture Probe Network expanded

Five new sites have recently been added to the soil moisture probes website.

Probes have been added at:

  • Bookham
  • Bowning
  • Murrumbateman
  • Bungonia
  • Sutton Forest.

Some of the probe sites are indicating reasonable soil moisture following the recent rainfall, however as shown below a number of locations are unfortunately still very dry (Figure 1). Soil moisture will become increasingly important as we move into spring and the moisture probes website can be used to help guide decision making.

The regular spring pasture outlook report will also be released in late August. This report will outline the range in pasture availability that we can expect to see this spring.

Figure 1: Soil moisture readings from various moisture probes across the region (as of 9 August 2018). Soil moisture readings are relative measurements and expressed as a percentage - i.e. 100% indicates the soil has reached saturation point; 0% indicates the plant is not able to extract any more moisture.

For further information contact:

Matthew Lieschke

Senior Agriculture Advisor – Livestock

South East Local Land Services, Goulburn

T: 02 4824 1913 | M: 0428 271 127| E:

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