Have your say in the Private Native Forestry Review

December 2018
Private Native Forestry is the sustainable management of native forests on private property for timber production. It is a key resource for the NSW Forest Industry and an important land management option for many landholders.

Local Land Services is leading the review of Private Native Forestry in collaboration with the Environment Protection Authority and Department of Primary Industries.

The Private Native Forestry Review will look to balance the sustainable development of the Private Native Forestry and agricultural industries while recognising the environmental values of the private forest estate.

We are interested in your views on what is currently working well in the management of Private Native Forestry and what can be improved, including:
  • the Private Native Forestry Codes of Practice
  • the rules and regulations that govern Private Native Forestry
  • the process of authorisation
  • Private Native Forestry training and advisory services.
Submissions close on the 31 January 2019.
Submissions can be lodged:
By post: Private Native Forestry Review, Locked Bag 6013, Orange NSW 2800
By fax: 02 6562 7693

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