Reconciliation Action Plan consultation review

February 2018

Amanda Morgan

Local Land Services Aboriginal Programs Coordinator

Local Land Services is demonstrating its commitment to reconciliation through the development of our first Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).

The draft RAP identifies actions that Local Land Services will take across key areas including:

  • enhancing respect
  • enriching relationships
  • creating opportunities.

The draft was developed after a series of internal and external consultation sessions were held across the state. We had a total of 880 responses at these sessions.

The draft plan was on public exhibition until February 12. We will now undertake to evaluate and incorporate the second round of public consultation into the final version of the plan, which we hope to deliver by 28 May 2018.

This is an important and exciting time for Local Land Services and I want to thank everyone who has made a contribution to the process to date.

You can download the draft plan here.

If you have any questions about the plan or the process please send me an email.

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