Update on the (draft) South East Regional Strategic Pest Animal Management Plan

March 2018

South East Local Land Services continue to encourage interested individuals and organisations to have their say on the draft South East Regional Strategic Pest Animal Management Plan (RSPAMP).

In March, public information sessions were held in Cooma and Goulburn. As a result of community feedback, a third public information session will be held from 10 am – 12 pm on 11 April 2018, at the Berry Bowling Club, 140 Princes Hwy, Berry NSW 2535.

If you would like to attend, please RSVP by calling 02 02 4464 6000, or by clicking here.

To date, constructive feedback has been received from the South East community. We are grateful that people are taking the time to review the draft RSPAMP and care enough to provide their comments.

If you haven’t reviewed the RSPAMP yet, there is still time. To download a copy of the plan and have your say, visit: www.lls.nsw.gov.au/pestplan

The plan will be on public exhibition until Friday 20 April 2018.

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