Have a plan for the season ahead

October 2018

Helen Smith, Agriculture Advisor

With a very tough winter behind us and a neutral spring-summer outlook from the Bureau of Meteorology (updated fortnightly at www.bom.gov.au/climate/outlooks) livestock managers are reminded to have a plan for the coming months.

Key points to consider:

  • will you have enough water for all your animals?
  • what pasture will be available
  • feed all animals correctly  - they may need more than you realise and grain might be the best way to meet energy demands
  • wean earlier than normal to reduce feed demands
  • sell animals
  • monitor outlooks and rainfall: plan key decision points and be prepared to make decisions.

Valuable information on all these points is available from DroughtHub and the Managing Drought Guide, and staff at your nearest Local Land Services office can also assist.

Remember to look after your personal health and well-being during challenging times. Further information on support services can also be found on DroughtHub.

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