Quollidor spring fox baiting campaign

October 2018

Evelyn Osborne, Biosecurity Support Officer

The spring 2018 Quollidor fox baiting campaign is underway. The campaign is designed to create a fox free buffer zone around key Quoll habitat in the Barren Grounds Nature Reserve and Budderoo National Park and supports the Office of Environment and Heritage’s ‘Saving Our Species Quollidor program'.

Foxes pose a significant threat to Quolls, preying on juveniles and competing for food. Creating a fox free zone in areas within 2 kilometres of the habitat area has seen an increase in the number of Quolls on the ground. The spring 2018 campaign is an important continuation of the work that has been done to get the population to this point.

The spring 2018 campaign so far has 44 properties across Berry, Wattamolla, Woodhill, Brogers Creek, Kangaroo Valley, Upper Kangaroo Valley, Barrengarry, Robertson, Knights Hill, Peasant Ground, Carrington Falls, Jamberoo and Foxground signed up to participate.

This is a great result as the best way to have a significant impact on pest animal numbers is to take a landscape scale approach and cover as much ground as possible, minimising the area that pests can inhabit.

It is not too late to join the campaign. Campaign members, as part of our Feral Fighters program, receive:

  • Free training in the use of 1080 and Canid Pest Ejectors
  • Free newspaper community notification
  • Free 1080 fox baits and fox Canid Pest Ejector capsules
  • There is also the opportunity to borrow:
    • Fox cage and leghold traps
    • Cat cage traps
    • Canid pest ejector kits
    • Infra-red cameras

The next Feral Fighters training session will be held at the South Coast office in Berry on Wednesday 24 October.

To find RSVP for training or find out more about either the Quollidor program or the South Coast Feral Fighters program, please contact the South Coast office on 4464 6000 and ask to speak to the biosecurity team.

One of the Quolls monitored by the NSW OEH Saving Our Species research project (photo: Joel Nichiolson).

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