Advice for fire affected land managers

December 2019

Bushfire response team

North Black Range and Currowan fire response

In the wake of the North Black Range and Currowan bushfires we want to let you know we are here to help during the response and recovery period.

There is some important information for the fire affected in the below, however if you are not personally affected by the fires, we would appreciate you please sharing this with friends or neighbours who may have been impacted.

Our team is working in partnership with the Department of Primary Industries to support affected property owners and help them in assessing injured animals and assisting with welfare issues. 

Fire affected land managers needing emergency fodder are required to register via the Agriculture and Animal Services Hotline on 1800 814 647. 

We appreciate many of you are also dealing with ongoing drought conditions and while it might not be business as usual due to the fire response, we are still able to support you making feeding and nutrition decisions for your stock, accessing drought support or dealing with animal health or biosecurity issues. Our team is available by calling your nearest office on 1300 795 299.

Emergency Fodder and water for fire affected land managers

Fire affected land manager needing emergency fodder and water are required to register via the Agriculture and Animal Services Hotline on 1800 814 647. 

Emergency Fodder distribution points have been set up for those affected by the North Black Range and Currowan fires.

Fire affected land managers are supplied with emergency fodder, usually enough for three days, which allows them time to make a plan for the ongoing management of their stock post fire.

Caring for Wildlife

We understand along with impacts to livestock and properties, our wildlife will have been severely impacted by the recent bushfires. 

Injured wildlife can be reported to the Agriculture and Animal Services Hotline on 1800 814 647 or to your local wildlife rescue organisations. 

Wildcare Queanbeyan – Southern NSW, excluding coast and inland to Young area
Contact Number: 02 6299 1966
Postal Address: PO Box 1404 Queanbeyan NSW 2620
Website: .

Native Animal Rescue Group (NARG) – Braidwood
Contact Number: 02 4846 1900
Postal Address: PO Box 24 Majors Creek NSW 2622

Wildlife Rescue South Coast Inc – Wollongong to Batemans Bay, west to Braidwood and shortly beyond, west of Goulburn, north of Taralga, east to Bargo and back across to Wollongong.


Find your nearest group via NSW Wildlife Council.

Drought Support

The key message is please don’t self assess - we’re here to help with ‘boots on the ground’ services during times of drought.

The ongoing drought continues to have a major impact on land managers and communities across the South East. Proactive management and planning can help reduce the impact of drought. If you have concerns about your drought management strategy, feed or water budgets or any animal welfare concerns contact your nearest Local Land Services office.

Please take some time to look at this month’s Animal Health Update and the Summer Drought Guide prepared by our teams of District Veterinarians and Agriculture Advisors.

It's important that you connect with services and support agencies that can help you manage your property, livestock and most importantly your own health, wellbeing and finances during tough times.

We encourage you to visit the DPI Droughthub for up to date information on the services and support available during drought. 

More Support Services

We acknowledge being affected by emergencies and difficult situations including drought is a highly stressful and emotional situation. It can be hard to prioritise your own wellbeing, as you manage competing demands on the farm and at home.

Talking to someone could help ease some of your concerns. If you are concerned about your own or someone else’s mental health, please contact your local GP or any of the services below for advice and support:

NSW Mental Health Line: 1800 011 511

Lifeline: 13 11 14

Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636

National Centre for Farmer Health

Rural Adversity Mental Health Program
Find your local coordinator:

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