Our role in emergencies

December 2019

Amanda Britton, Acting Risk and Emergency Coordinator

LLS Loading emergency fodder

Given the ongoing situation with the North Black Range and Currowan fires we would like to share with you a timely reminder about our role in responding to emergencies, some of the things you can do to help us help you in the event of an emergency, where you can find out more information and, importantly, what to do during an emergency.

What is our role in emergencies?

Local Land Services and the NSW Department of Primary Industries make up AASFA – Agriculture and Animal Services Functional Area. We support the promotion of resilience to emergencies by providing information about property planning and preparedness for emergencies.

During emergencies AASFA supports the coordination of assistance to all affected animals including livestock, companion animals and wildlife. We do this in close consultation with other supporting agencies including the RSPCA and WIRES.

Once we have clearance from the response agencies (NSW Rural Fire Service, NSW State Emergency Services) we then provide support to land managers in the immediate aftermath of an emergency, providing emergency fodder and water to allow them enough time to take stock and make a plan.

How you can help us help you:

  • Complete and submit your Annual Land and Stock Return each year. Stock returns help us understand the number, type and distribution of stock across the region. This helps us plan and allocate resources during emergencies and to identify who might need emergency fodder and water supplies in the aftermath.
  • Have a plan – do you have a bushfire plan? Does it include your animals big and small? Having a plan can save you vital time in an emergency and help you make good decisions in a time of stress. See below for more details.

Where you can find out more

For your home and family:

Visit the NSW Rural Fire Service website for a guide to making a bushfire plan.

For your animals:

The Animal Welfare League of NSW have prepared advice on including your pets in your emergency plan. This information is very important in the event that you need to move to an evacuation centre.

Tips for preparing your property:

Review the bushfire preparedness article we produced ahead of last year’s fire season.

NSW DPI have compiled a list of things to help you get organised before an emergency.

In an emergency

Remember to:

  • Follow instructions from emergency services
  • Call 000 if your life is at risk or you see a new fire
  • Only travel if absolutely necessary
  • Keep in touch with family, friends and neighbours - especially the elderly or less mobile

A reminder that in an emergency ABC is the emergency broadcaster. It is a good idea to have a battery operated radio with spare batteries on hand. Find your local station here.

You can also get updates via Bush Fire Information Line (1800 679 737) and the NSW Rural Fire Service website, Facebook and twitter pages.

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