Services over the break

December 2019

Anthony Marshall, General Manager

Merry Christmas 2019

As we come to the end of a particularly challenging year I wanted to write a quick message to say thank you to all our customers and stakeholders for your ongoing engagement, feedback and support.

I would also like to say how proud I am of the way our local teams have gone about their work this year. I have great admiration for the way they continue to apply themselves to the task of supporting our customers and communities as the drought drags on and we face the challenges that have come with it.

We have prepared some advice for fire affected land managers which I’d encourage you all to take a look at. I would also encourage you to take a look at our article about our role in emergencies and how you can help us help you, and our summer drought guide.

Our offices will officially shut for the year on the afternoon of Friday 20 December and will re-open on the morning of Monday 6 January 2020.

During this time the Agricultural and Animal Services Functional Area (Local Land Services and NSW DPI) will be maintaining essential services and local staff will remain on standby to assist with any animal assessment, emergency water or fodder needs. Call 1800 814 647 for support.

If you have a biosecurity or animal health emergency to report please call 1800 675 888.

The NSW Government’s Drought Hub is still the best place for you to go to get information relating to drought support options.

Christmas can be a challenging time for some, the Drought Hub has a dedicated Wellbeing page which I would like to draw to your attention. The page includes the contact details for a range of services that may be able to assist you if you find yourself in need of support.

I wish you all a happy and safe holiday period and hope to see you at some point in the New Year.

Thanking you again for your support,

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