Voice. Treaty. Truth

July 2019

NAIDOC Week is an important time to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of First Nations peoples. NAIDOC week offered all Australians the chance to celebrate and reflect on this year’s theme: Voice. Treaty. Truth.

The South East team was pleased to be able to participate in a number of events across the week including the Family Fun Day celebrations at Nowra and Ulladulla, as well as events at Wallaga Lake and Bermagui.

Aboriginal Community Support Officer Dan Morgan took some time to share with us what NAIDOC week means to him:

It was nice just to connect back to community and appreciate the simple things that make up the community as a whole. To have a sense of belonging through my family to such a beautiful Culture and community is a feeling of contentment.

To see and interact with the young children and the younger generation brings drive and passion to create opportunities that can pave ways for a brighter future for the next generation.

The next generation at Wallaga Lake

As part of the NAIDOC week celebrations we have supported Community in developing a short film which captures the events of the week, provides a voice for Community, emphasises the role of storytelling in Culture and preserves the memories of the week for future generations. We hope to share this with you shortly.

This is an example of the work that the team has been doing to form partnerships that provide opportunities for Community to engage with Culture and traditional land practices while gaining new skills and reviving some long lost ones.

The events of the week have also provided an opportunity for some of our non-Indigenous staff to engage with Community. We asked a few of them to reflect on what the experience meant to them, to give Voice to their Truth, and we’d like to share their responses with you here.

Peter Pigott – Regional Agriculture Landcare Facilitator

I felt privileged to be a part of NAIDOC week this year and to have our first LLS stand at the Nowra Community Day with colleagues from across the region.  'Let's work together for a shared future' was evident in the conversations and connections we had with community members about caring for Country.  

Seeing Community coming together to have fun, catch up, share a meal was a reminder for me of how important these things are. I also loved watching the young kids identify tracks and scats at the LLS stand and of course the informal game of footy that was going on all day behind us.

I suppose the other thing that has come up this week is the need to listen and to take the time to understand so that we can truly work together for a shared future - listening to all the voices and creating spaces where truth can be spoken.

Megan Wyllie – Invasive Species Coordinator

What a privilege to be a part of the day. 

To see happy engaged kids and adults really getting into the spirit of the day was great.

My favourite bit? Watching Noel speak so passionately, intelligently and inclusively. I admit I had a tear in my eye and pride that he is part of our South East team. With people like Noel on the team, the themes of grow, protect, connect can be realised.

Best NAIDOC day ever!

Megan and Evelyn Walker at the Nowra celebration

Mark Lettfuss - Palerang area local manager

I was really excited and honoured to be a part of NAIDOC celebrations this year and proud to represent LLS as part of it. I feel there is a growing sense within the wider community that it’s time for Australia and Australians to finally acknowledge our past (and present) treatment/mistreatment of Aboriginal people and make a real effort towards achieving treaty and social and cultural equality.

Helen Smith – Agriculture Advisor

I thought it would be great to go along and see what the NAIDOC event was all about and help support Dan and Noel. It was really interesting to see the work that Noel has been doing with Virtual Reality and movies, and I always love catching up with Dan and hearing his take on our work activities. 

Many of the other agencies represented wandered past for a chat - a great day to meet lots of fun, friendly, engaged people - it was great to have the opportunity to be part of it.

Felicity Sturgiss – Senior Land Services Officer

NAIDOC celebrations in Ulladulla this year were huge. Nowhere to park! Voice - Treaty - Truth Tee shirts were everywhere - I have to say I love the slogan. It’s all there in three words. Easy. Gracious. Imagine a time when these basic things are acknowledged and treasured. Then we can all move forward with respect for each other. That pathway is so clear, so easy. I felt really good being part of an organisation that has decided to show some leadership, and is smart enough to see the benefits for everyone, and in particular, the benefits for the land. Taking care of the natural world so we can all benefit, nature, plants, animals, humans. Everybody loves the bush and the ocean and all the wild natural places. A productive farm, long term. All together. It’s possible. Aboriginal Land Management practices are such an important piece of getting back the balance that we've lost. Together we've got everything we need to make it work. Voice Treaty Truth. It’s just part of paying basic respect to people. It’s only upwards from there. 

And to finish let’s hear from Noel Webster – Aboriginal Community Support Officer

NAIDOC is enriched with value for all Australians, a time to reflect on the past and have vision for the future. Being involved in NAIDOC has strong connection for me, my Grandfather started the very first NAIDOC here in Nowra 16 years ago. In a small park at East Nowra, there was about three tents there, over the years through his legacy NAIDOC in Nowra has continued to grow.

This year, I reckon there was over three thousand people in attendance. Like my very first NAIDOC all them years ago, I am proud to share the history and culture of Aboriginal People.

Like Megan, I shed tears, not from sadness but pride, having my LLS family there to support and to fill the void from the passing of the old fella is very special moment. Everyone standing tall, sharing story with my Community, setting a journey well into the future. I can’t thank you enough, and I am honoured to work with so many wonderful people and in togetherness as one.

Noel at the Ulladulla celebration

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