South East Soils Survey

The South East Soils Survey is part of the South East Soils Project which delivers extension services on land management practices that aim to improve soil health.

This survey is an important part of the project as it will help South East Local Land Services and ACT NRM better understand:

  1. current land management practices in the region
  2. common land management challenges being experienced by land managers in the region
  3. barriers or constraints to adopting land management practices recommended to improve soil health.

Participating in the survey will help us deliver information that is targeted to your needs - please consider taking part. Your responses are confidential and anonymous. You cannot be individually identified in any reporting resulting from this survey.

The survey was distributed and promoted at the South East Soils roadshow events with NSW Department of Primary Industries in May 2019. If you have not already mailed back a hard copy from the roadshow or already completed the survey on-line, we would love to hear from you.
If you didn't make the roadshow that is fine: please follow the link below and participate in the survey.

The survey is available here.

For more information on the survey, please go to South East Soil Survey Information Sheet.

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