A message from the Chair

December 2020

Allison Harker, South East Local Land Services board Chair

2020 has be a year that not many people in the South East will forget any time soon.  The environmental, financial and personal challenges were unforeseen and considerable. As we head into the end of the year and the customary shutdown period, it’s time for some much-needed time with family and friends. I thought it might be appropriate to just reflect for a few moments on the challenges we’ve faced, and in many cases, overcome this year.

It has been a year now since the Southern Fires raged across much of the South East. These events have left and indelible mark on the landscape and our communities. We’ve taken time to reflect on that experience and the work done since in another piece in this edition that I’d encourage you to read.

The pandemic threw another set of challenges our way. I know South East team appreciate your support and understanding in adhering to the restrictions that have been in place at various times. While online will never be quite the same as getting together in person, we’ve had a great response to many of our online webinars and discussion sessions.

The speed and commitment our local teams showed to adapt our services in order to be as available to you as conditions allowed was extremely impressive. Its’ a testament to their agility and dedication to service our customers, stakeholder and investor no matter what.

I would also like to offer my thanks, and the thanks of the board, to our staff for the way they have applied themselves this year, adapted to changing conditions and come up with new solutions and work arounds on the as the situation changed.

In 2021 we, as a board will be looking to implement our next five year strategic plan. Our focus remains on delivering meaning full support that empowers land managers to maximise their productivity, land management and long term custodianship.

The board is looking to being able to see more of you in person in 2021. If there is anything you would like to raise with me, you can reach me via allison.harker@lls.nsw.gov.au.

All the best for the end of 2020 and I hope you have a happy and enjoyable festive period with your loved ones.


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