Services over the break

December 2020

Anthony Marshall, General Manager

Christmas 2020

As we head toward the end of the year and some much-needed time with family and friends I just wanted to take moment to let you know what our arrangements will be over the break.

All South East Local Land Services offices will be closed on the afternoon of Thursday 24 December and will be reopening on the morning of Monday 11 January 2021.

It has been an incredibly challenging year for us all, I would like to thank our staff for their tireless efforts throughout the year, and you, our customers for your understanding, adaptability and support through this time.

For life threatening emergencies, please call 000 immediately.

If you suspect a significant animal pest, disease, or residue or experience a large number of unexplained livestock deaths, please contact the Emergency Animal Disease hotline on 1800 675 888. 

If you need to report an exotic plant pest or disease, please call the Plant Pest Hotline on 1800 084 881.

For assistance with non-emergency livestock health issues, please contact your nearest private vet.

While we have had some good recent rain there are no doubt still some producers and land managers with some decisions to make over the coming months. The NSW Government’s Drought Hub is still the best place for you to go to get information relating to drought support and management options.

Christmas can be a challenging time for some, the Drought Hub has a dedicated Wellbeing page which I would like to draw to your attention. The page includes the contact details for a range of services that may be able to assist you if you find yourself in need of support.

I wish you all a happy and safe holiday period and hope to see you at some point in the New Year.

Thanking you again for your support,

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