Watch out for parthenium weed

June 2020

Megan Wylie, Invasive species coordinator

Land managers in the South East are advised to please keep an eye out for parthenium weed in their paddocks. NSW is currently experiencing an outbreak of the weed. We have been lucky to avoid it so far in the South East, but with feed and fodder coming into the region due to the ongoing drought and the recent fires we need to remain vigilant.

Seen this plant?

Parthenium weed, Partheniumhysterophorus

Parthenium weed

How does this weed affect us?

Parthenium weed invades pastures and crops. It causes severe human health problems including:

  • respiratory problems
  • severe dermatitis.

It can also cause health problems in livestock, it:

  • is unpalatable to livestock
  • out competes pastures
  • can taint meat or milk
  • reduces crop yields
  • contaminates grain
  • is a host plant for crop viruses.

Seen it? 

Call the NSW DPI Biosecurity Helpline on 1800 680 244

Download the fact sheet or visit the NSW DPI Weeds website for more information on the risks of parthenium weed and how to identify it.

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