Points to consider when assessing burnt vegetation

November 2020

Christian Wythes - Senior Land Services Officer

Clearing standing ‘burnt’ vegetation

You are encouraged not to clear ‘burnt’ vegetation until you are sure the trees will not naturally regenerate. This can take months depending on weather conditions. Most native vegetation is well adapted to survive fire, especially mature eucalypt species.

A tree may only be removed if there is an imminent risk of serious personal injury or damage to property however it is recommended that lopping is used in these situations.

Pasture improvement on native groundcover

Native grasses, like trees, are adapted to burning and will typically regenerate after fire once rain falls. Where native groundcover has been burned in a bushfire, you must give it an opportunity to regrow. Where you would like to sow introduced species on this land, you may need authorisation so come and see us and we can help you through the approval process.

Clearing Native Vegetation

If you are proposing to clear native vegetation that falls outside of that listed above, there are several pathways that could achieve this with authorisation. Come and talk with us about your plans and we will assist you through the approval process.

Further information

For further information on land management in NSW, go to https://www.lls.nsw.gov.au/help-and-advice/land-management-in-nsw

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