Biosecurity Update

June 2021

Megan Wyllie, Acting Biosecurity Coordinator

Ben Serafin, Biosecurity Operations Officer

A couple of things to catch up on this month.

Firstly, thanks to everyone who has participated in the autumn Feral Fighters campaign. We had good participation across the region which is encouraging. A reminder that there will be another campaign in spring. To participate you much be accredited. You can now do your accreditation free and online. Call 1300 795 299 to talk to your nearest biosecurity team about how you can get involved.

We’d also like to remind you that aerial surveillance is ongoing across the region. We put out a story about this a few months ago that you can review here. Surveillance activity is weather dependent so we can’t always give accurate updates too far in advance. Again, call 1300 795 299 to talk to your nearest biosecurity team if you have any questions.

Finally, as the temperatures drop it is also worth remembering that it is illegal to take firewood from Travelling Stock Reserves. You can read up on this via a story we did recently in the Yass/Borrowa area.

If you have any questions call 1300 795 299 to talk to your nearest biosecurity team.

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