Customer service survey - we want your feedback

May 2021

Anthony Marshall, General Manager

At South East Local Land Services we’re committed to supporting our customers in improving their knowledge, skills, and practices in managing their properties and enterprises.

Local Land Services has commissioned Ipsos, a social research agency, to conduct research with our customers across the state. This research will help us to improve the programs and services we provide to our customers across our core services of primary production, natural resource management, biosecurity and emergency management.

You will soon be sent an email containing a link to the survey. We’re keen to learn more about the wants and needs of our customers in the South East. If you do not wish to participate in the survey, please email by Wednesday 12 May.

The survey should take less than 15 minutes to complete. By sharing your experiences, you will contribute to our understanding of the changing needs and practices of our customers and communities.

All responses will be entirely confidential. Individual responses will not be revealed to us. Only general findings and recommendations from the research will be presented to us.

I look forward to your involvement in this important research and very much hope you will be able to spare some time to help us.

In accordance with Privacy Laws, your participation in this survey will remain confidential and your individual responses anonymous.


Ipsos is a member of the Association of Market and Social Research Organisations (AMSRO) and all Ipsos consultants are current members of the Australian Market and Social Research Society (AMSRS).  Ipsos adheres to all standards of conduct as indicated by the AMSRS Code of Professional Behaviour.  Ipsos’ bona fides’ can also be found here:

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