Local Advisory Groups

Local Advisory Groups provide strategic advice to our local Boards around matters relating to our customers and stakeholders. Local Advisory Groups ensure we meet our community's needs and are a legislative requirement under the Local Land Services Act 2013.

Western Local Land Services and the Western Local Land Services Board seek input and advice from advisory groups to help shape its strategic direction. These industry-specific groups incorporate members with varying backgrounds from throughout the Western region who all bring different skills, experiences and qualities to their roles.

The advisory groups that provide advice on projects and programs are:

  • Weeds Advisory Committee
  • Regional Pest Animal Committee
  • Kangaroo Management Taskforce
  • Agricultural Services and Natural Resource Management Advisory Group
  • Aboriginal Community Advisory Group.

To be put in contact with or get more information about any of the above advisory groups, contact your nearest Western Local Land Services office on 1300 795 299.

Aboriginal Community Advisory Group poster

A poster which outlines the responsibilities and values of the Aboriginal Community Advisory Group, which includes artwork that is a symbol to represent the group, has been developed and can be viewed by clicking here.

Stakeholders and community groups

Western Local Land Services enjoys strong relationships with key stakeholders, community groups and government agencies. Some of the stakeholders, community groups and government agencies Western Local Land Services is associated with are:

  • Western Landcare NSW (approx 30 active groups)
  • NSW Farmers Association
  • Pastoralists Association of West Darling
  • Mallee Sustainable Farming
  • Meat & Livestock Australia
  • Australian Wool Innovation
  • Soils for Life
  • Bush Heritage Australia
  • Rangeland NRM Alliance
  • Goat Industry Council of Australia
  • Carbon farming
  • Pest Management Groups (approx 17 across the region)
  • Land councils
  • Aboriginal corporations and registered businesses
  • Animal Health Australia
  • Sheep Connect NSW
  • Citrus Growers
  • Citrus Australia
  • Grains Research and Development Corporation
  • Greater Sunraysia Pest Free Area
  • Murray Valley Winegrowers
  • Local Land Services (10 other regions)
  • Soil Conservation Service
  • NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (NSW DPIRD)
  • Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
  • NSW DPIRD - Fisheries
  • NSW DPIRD - Lands
  • WaterNSW
  • NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service
  • Natural Resource Commission
  • Rural Financial Counselling Service
  • Rural Resilience Program
  • Border Fence Maintenance Board
  • Environmental Protection Agency
  • Rural Assistance Authority
  • NRM Regions Australia
  • Landcare Australia
  • Murray Darling Basin Authority
  • Cross border partnerships (Victoria, Queensland and South Australia)
  • NSW Government (Catchment Action NSW)
  • Federal Government (National Landcare Program).

Western Local Land Services will continue to consult with its advisory groups, stakeholders, community groups and other government agencies, as well as direct consultation with individual landholders and community members, to ensure it is addressing local priorities and meeting local needs.

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