- Home
- News & Events
- Look up your Local Land Services region
- Central Tablelands
- Contact us
- Events
- Grants and funding
- Healthy-Landscapes-project-fact-sheet-2019.pdf
- 2019-2020-Healthy-Landscapes-Project-Standards.pdf
- 31.07.2019-Woodland-Birds-on-Farms.pdf
- Woodland-Birds-on-Farms-2019-2020-Project-Standards.pdf
- CTLLS_Supporting-sheep-and-cattle-producers_Specialist-Biographies_Final_260520.pdf
- Soil-erosion-FactSheet-July-2020-FINAL.pdf
- Confinement-feeding-incentives-factsheet-2022.pdf
- Stream-Protection-Project-FactSheet-July-2022_FINAL-WEB.pdf
- Connecting-the-Plots-factsheet-landholder-incentives-Central-Tablelands.pdf
- Connecting-the-Plots-Projects-Standards-and-Eligibility-Criteria.pdf
- Latest news and newsletters
- Regional profile
- Community Advisory Groups
- Projects and programs
- Beneficial insects: Pollinators, parasitiods and predators
- Swamped by Threats
- Searching for Swainsona
- Living on the Edge
- Woodland Birds on Farms
- Central Tablelands horticultural production and hectares
- Lighting the Path
- iSPY Native Wildflowers
- Fungi guide
- Wild dog management plan 2021-2026
- Protecting the Purple copper butterfly
- Professional wild dog controller program
- Citizen Science
- Bringing back the glossy black-cockatoo
- Driving Corridor Connectivity project
- The Gaia Project
- Rockley Mount koalas
- Articles, publications and resources
- Yellowheaded and redheaded Cockchafer in pastures and crops
- When-to-topdress-your-pastures.pdf
- When to topdress your pastures?
- Common Legumes on the Central Tablelands
- Common Grass Seeds
- Carpophilus beetles
- Early weaning calves
- Liveweight Loss & Shrink
- Calf Castration Methods
- NLIS - Are you helping yourself?
- Grazing management of winter cereals
- Grass Tetany in Cattle
- Marking calves
- Iodine deficiency in sheep and goats
- Phalaris Staggers
- Abortions in sheep - the silent killer
- rural_living_handbook.pdf
- Scattered paddock trees
- Australin-Native-Bees-factsheet-.pdf
- Central-Tablelands-Annual-Report-2014.pdf
- rare-plants-of-the-capertee-valley.pdf
- native-grasses-guide.pdf
- CT-2015-Activity-Report.pdf
- central-tablelands-local-strategic-plan.pdf
- 201516-lls-state-annual-report.pdf
- Central-Tablelands-Regional-Weed-Mgmt-Plan_Abridged.pdf
- Central-Tablelands-LAR-2016-web.pdf
- Central-Tablelands-Regional-Strategic-Weed-Management-Plan-2023-2027.pdf
- Central_Tablelands_2017_Local_Annual_Report.pdf
- lls-drought-handbook.pdf
- 2019-rates-flyer-web.pdf
- 2018 Central Tablelands Local Annual Report
- 2014-Central-Tablelands-LLS-Transitional-CAP_lowres.pdf
- LLS_Future_Climate_Impacts.pdf
- 4-Farming-Practices-to-Encourage-Australian-Native-Bees.pdf
- 5-Tips-to-Protect-Pollinators-from-Pesticides-.pdf
- Australian-Native-Bees.pdf
- Designing-Onfarm-Tree-Planting-Programs-for-Pollinators.pdf
- Protect-our-Pollinators-Use-Pesticides-Wisely.pdf
- Soil-Nesting-Native-Bees-.pdf
- Wood-Nesting-Native-Bees.pdf
- Mixed-farm-LRZ-final-impact-and-adaptation-technical-report-Central-Tablelands-LLS-5.5.15-.pdf
- DOC19-140101-LLS_CT_Core_Services_Plan_Final-Approved-Copy.pdf
- CTLLSAerialBaitingProgram2020-updated-270420.pdf
- CTLLS_PestSurveyDesign2020.pdf
- CTLLS_PestSurveyBowanPark.pdf
- CTLLS_PestSurveyDuckmaloi.pdf
- CTLLS_PestSurveyGooloogong.pdf
- CTLLS_PestSurveyHillEndFreemantle.pdf
- CTLLS_Supporting-sheep-and-cattle-producers-_Factsheet_Final_250520.pdf
- CTLLS-Lighting-the-Path-Fire-Book_v3.pdf
- 2020-Spring-Aerial-Baiting-Overall-Map.pdf
- Participating-Holdings-for-Public-Advertisement-UPDATED-060920.pdf
- Weeds-in-Bush-Fire-Recovery-FactSheet-Oct-2020_FINAL.pdf
- Fish-Screens-factsheet-Sept-2020_FINAL.pdf
- CTLLS-Wild-dog-management-plan_-2021-2026_Final_-V1_20210429.pdf
- Regenerative farming and threatened species conservation on 'Brooklyn'
- LLS_confinement-feeding-booklet-web.pdf
- Preparing pasture paddocks for Autumn rainfall
- Planting-guide-for-inland-waterways-CT-web-1.pdf
- Central-Tablelands-NRM-Management-Plan-2022-web-ready.pdf
- Local Strategic Plan
- Landcare
- Frequently asked questions
- Central West
- Contact us
- Events
- Grants and funding
- Latest news and newsletters
- Regional profile
- Community Advisory Groups
- Projects and programs
- The Adapt Project
- Progressing the small purple-pea
- Natural Resource Management
- Grey Box Grassy Woodland
- Progressing the Small Purple-pea
- Malleefowl Matter
- Reaching out to the Regent Honeyeater
- Securing the Swift Parrot
- The Adapt Project
- Report a Regent this Spring to win!
- Making Inland Glossies Great Again
- 2022-23 Healthy Landscapes Incentives
- Seeds for Success podcast series
- Mark and Sally Dent | Cobbora Station
- Kieran McHugh | Pier Pier
- James Morse | Molong
- Elliot Shannon | Bugaldie
- Jarrod and Emma Amery | Forbes
- Pete Rothwell | Mendooran
- Andrew and Meegan Young | Purlewaugh
- Podcast transcripts
- Tallah Looten | Coonamble
- Bomber Moxham | Mullengudgery
- Gabriel Passmore | Forbes
- Jason and Kylie Catts | Kenebri
- Fiona Aveyard | Tullamore
- Jack Brennan | Warren
- Mick Wettenhall | Trangie
- Georgia White | Coolah - Part 1
- Georgia White | Coolah - Part 2
- Andrew McFadyen | Lake Cargelligo (Part 2)
- Tim Bowman | Tooraweenah
- Andrea Fletcher | Coonabarabran
- Jim Larkin | Binnaway (Part 1)
- Jim Larkin | Binnaway (Part 2)
- David and Suellen Taylor | Trundle (Part 1)
- David and Suellen Taylor | Trundle (Part 2)
- Norton Crane | Coonabarabran
- Darryl Jordison | Gulargambone
- Maria Thompson | Coonabarabran
- Intro to new podcast hosts
- Jack Cresswell | Dubbo
- Logan Tighe | Coonabarabran
- Kevin Kilby | Gilgandra
- Mike Rosser | Eugowra
- Mick Doolan | Coonamble
- Mark Mortimer | Albert
- Daniel Volkofsky | Gilgandra
- Andrew Wooldridge | DPI
- Trent Johnstone | Forbes
- Penny Henley | Tooraweenah
- James Leigo | Condobolin
- Winsome Mumford | Mogriguy
- Bob Freebairn | Coonabarabran
- Ned and Kim Williams | Dubbo
- Callen Thompson | Coonabarabran
- Ros Patton | Condobolin
- Tess Herbert | Eugowra
- David Greig | Tottenham
- Broden Holland | Grenfell
- Luke Dunn | Mandagery
- ServiceDeliverySummary2020-LandManagement.pdf
- ServiceDeliverySummary2020-TSRs.pdf
- ServiceDeliverySummary2020-NRM.pdf
- ServiceDeliverySummary2020-Soil-and-LandRehabilitation.pdf
- ServiceDeliverySummary2020-RiparianRestoration.pdf
- ServiceDeliverySummary2020-BiodiversityOnFarm.pdf
- ServiceDeliverySummary2020-Glossies.pdf
- ServiceDeliverySummary2020-WeedsActionPlan.pdf
- ServiceDeliverySummary2020-Adapt.pdf
- ServiceDeliverySummary2020-AgAdvisory.pdf
- ServiceDeliverySummary2020-DroughtSupport.pdf
- ServiceDeliverySummary2020-PlantBiosecurity.pdf
- ServiceDeliverySummary2020-AnimalBiosecurity.pdf
- ServiceDeliverySummary2020-InvasiveSpecies.pdf
- ServiceDeliverySummary2020-EmergencyManagement.pdf
- ServiceDeliverySummary2020-CustomerService.pdf
- ServiceDeliverySummary2020-Comms-and-Engagement.pdf
- ServiceDeliverySummary2020-CulturalHeritage.pdf
- ServiceDeliverySummary2020-Organisational.pdf
- ServiceDeliverySummary2020-Finance.pdf
- ServiceDeliverySummary-2020-21_LR.pdf
- Have your say
- Farm-Biosecruity-Plan-2022.pdf
- Healthy landscapes initiative
- Articles, publications and resources
- Greater Sydney
- Contact us
- Events
- Grants and funding
- Latest news and newsletters
- Community groups
- Aboriginal Community Groups
- Local-Landcare-Coordinators.pdf
- Starting a landcare group in Greater Sydney
- Bushcare Boosters
- Resources for landcare volunteers and coordinators
- 2019-Regional-Landcare-Awards.pdf
- 2023 Greater Sydney Regional Landcare Awards
- The State of Bushcare and Landcare
- Landcare-Strategy_web.pdf
- SYDNEY-A3-JUNE22.pdf
- Summarising-harvest.pdf
- Projects and programs
- Gateway pests of NSW
- Greater Sydney Small Farms Network
- Every Bit Counts
- Resources
- 23-Intro-slides-for-download.pdf
- 16_June_Pest-animals-webinar-for-download-final.pdf
- Hills-Shire-rabbit-baiting-program.pdf
- Deer-ID-brochure-draft-1-EDIT.pdf
- Engaging-with-peri-urban-landholders-4-March-slides.pdf
- Resource-List-from-Engaging-with-peri-urban-landholders-a-forum-for-councils-and-networks.pdf
- Resources
- The Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area
- Grevillea caleyi
- Swift Parrot and Regent Honeyeater
- Towra Point Nature Reserve
- Healthy Soils, Productive Pastures
- Interactive web-mapping apps
- Resources
- VegNET-e-newsletter-1-Sept-2017.pdf
- VegNET-e-newsletter-2-May-2018.pdf
- VegNET-e-newsletter-3-November-2018.pdf
- GS-LLS-VegNET-Adoption-of-Strip-Tillage-Practices.pdf
- GS-LLS-VegNET-Adoption-of-VegWHS-Workplace-Health-and-Safety-on-Vegetable-Farms.pdf
- GS-LLS-VegNET-Adoption-of-Water-Recycling-Systems.pdf
- GS-LLS-VegNET-Cambodian-Compost-Success-Story.pdf
- GS-LLS-VegNET-Adoption-of-Floating-Row-Covers.pdf
- GS-LLS-VegNET-Adoption-of-Grafted-Rootstocks-in-Greenhouse-Cucumbers.pdf
- GS-LLS-VegNET-Adoption-of-Moisture-Monitoring-in-Sweet-Corn.pdf
- Cucumber_diseases_05042023_Final.pdf
- Brassicas_diseases_21092021.pdf
- Brassica_leafy_veg_insect_11102021.pdf
- Cucumber_insect_15022023.pdf
- Resources
- Aquatic Champions
- Resources
- The Greater Sydney Demonstration Farm
- Regional profile
- Local Strategic Plan
- Articles, publications and resources
- GS-2016-LAR-web-1.pdf
- Poster-landcare.pdf
- lls-greater-sydney-annual-report-2014.pdf
- Landholder-Resource-Pack_April-2015-Storm-and-Floods-Central-Coast-NSW.pdf
- hollows-for-habitat-proceedings.pdf
- GS-LLS-Landcare-Strategy.pdf
- Greater-Sydney-annual-report-2015.pdf
- GS-LLS-Wildlife-Nest-Box-10-2017-Accessible.pdf
- customer-satisfaction-survey-results.pdf
- local-links-2016-spring.pdf
- Greater-Sydney-RLH-redesign-2017-FINAL-WEB.pdf
- 201516-lls-state-annual-report.pdf
- Greater-Sydney-Local-Land-Services-2016-Local-Annual-Report_web.pdf
- Landcare Survey tells great story
- 2017-GS-annual-land-and-stock-return-newsletter.pdf
- Bushcare-with-Care-Book-2014_LR-1.pdf
- Greater-Sydney-Regional-Strategic-Weed-Management-Plan-2023-2027.pdf
- GS-Biosecurity-Handbook.pdf
- Wildlife-of-the-Elizabeth-Macarthur-Agricultural-Institute-2017_accessible-3_sml.pdf
- Greater-Sydney_2017_Local_Annual_Report-a.pdf
- WEB-VERSION_Starting-a-New-Landcare-Group_LLS_Draft02.pdf
- State-of-Landcare-flyer-2019.pdf
- Greater-Sydney-Regional-Weed-Mgmt-Plan-updated-consultation-draft_web.pdf
- Farmers-selling-direct-to-market-combined.pdf
- Marketing fundamentals for direct to market producers
- Cucumber-book-2019_LOW_RES.pdf
- Animal-Emergency-Plan.pdf
- Basic-Weed-control-techniques.pdf
- Feral-Goats-trifold.pdf
- Feral-Pigs-brochure.pdf
- Fox-trifold.pdf
- Native-Species-planting-guide-new-layout.pdf
- Protect-your-cattle-from-diseases.pdf
- Protect-your-horses-from-diseases.pdf
- Protect-your-livestock.pdf
- Protect-your-sheep-and-goats-from-diseases.pdf
- Rabbits-trifold.pdf
- Wild-dogs-trifold.pdf
- Updated_dated_flyer_and_form-NEW-DATE-1.pdf
- Public-notification-Spring-baiting-programWEB.pdf
- Before-and-After-Images-2020-2021-LLS-Curl-Curl.pdf
- 10-Ways-to-Build-Soil-Carbon.pdf
- Pasture-trial-case-study-SO5_-2021-FINAL.pdf
- Incentive-projects-case-study-SO5_2021_FINAL.pdf
- 1080-factsheet.pdf
- Common_Riverbank_Weeds_Redesign_LR4_FINAL-2.pdf
- New-Weed-Incursion-Plan_August.pdf
- Australian-Native-Bees.pdf
- GS-NRM-Plan-2022-2028-FINAL-20230802.pdf
- Information for flood affected landholders
- Hunter
- Regional profile
- Events
- Managing Seasonal Condition Update - Gundy
- Managing Seasonal Condition Update - Merriwa
- Managing Seasonal Condition Update - Rouchel
- Managing Seasonal Condition Update - Timor
- Managing Seasonal Condition Update - Martindale
- Managing Seasonal Condition Update - Cassilis
- Managing Seasonal Conditions Update - Mitchells Flat
- 101 On-farm carbon workshop - Merriwa
- 101 On-farm carbon workshop - Gundy
- Contact us
- Latest news and newsletters
- Newsletters
- Landholders urged to watch for Three Day Sickness
- pasture-newsletterweb.pdf
- animal-newsletterwinter2018web.pdf
- pasture-2-newsletterv2.pdf
- Broswers-Bulletin-23-KG-Banner-1.pdf
- pasture-3-newsletter-web.pdf
- Broswers-Bulletin-25-KG-Banner.pdf
- Broswers-Bulletin-26.pdf
- animal-newsletterautumnAprilv2-1.pdf
- ag-ext-newsletter-winter-19-web-final.pdf
- Browsers-Bulletin-35-KG-.pdf
- ag-ext-newsletter-bushfire-6-version.pdf
- animal-newsletter-summer-2019v5-1.pdf
- ag-ext-newslettermarch-2020v2-6.pdf
- animal-newsletter-autumn-2020.pdf
- ag-ext-newsletterMay-2020web.pdf
- Broswers-Bulletin-KG-Banner30-new-1.pdf
- Broswers-Bulletin-45-KG.pdf
- Broswers-Bulletin-43.pdf
- Broswers-Bulletin-44.pdf
- Broswers-Bulletin-42.pdf
- Broswers-Bulletin-40.pdf
- Broswers-Bulletin-39-November-2019.pdf
- Browsers-Bulletin-48KG.JK.pdf
- ag-ext-newsletterSept-2020-web-final.pdf
- ag-ext-newsletter-January-2021-web-3-1.pdf
- Pig-Newsletter-6-External-Parasites.pdf
- Pig-Newsletter-7-External-Parasites-Lice-.pdf
- Pig-Newsletter-8-Erysipelas-.pdf
- Pig-Newsletter-9-Brucellosis.pdf
- Pig-Newsletter-10-Pigs-and-your-legal-obligations-.pdf
- Pig-Newsletter-5-Parasites-August-2020-1.pdf
- Browsers-Bulletin-49.KGdocx.pdf
- Browser50-1.pdf
- Browsers-Bulletin-51.KGdocx.pdf
- Browsers-Bulletin-52.docx.pdf
- Pig-Newsletter-11-Rodents-and-Pigs-.pdf
- Pig-Newsletter-12-Pigs-and-Biosecurity_.pdf
- Pig-Newsletter-13-Pig-Nutrition-.pdf
- ag-ext-newsletter-June-2021-web.pdf
- vet-newsletter-winter-2021-web-210621.pdf
- Animal-Health-newsletter-Spring-2021-final-print.pdf
- Pig-Newsletter-15-Zoonoses_.pdf
- Pig-Newsletter-16-Pregnancy-and-Farrowing.pdf
- Pig-Newsletter-17-Farrowing-Difficulties.pdf
- Pig-Newsletter-18-Post-Farrowing-Problems.pdf
- Pig-Newsletter-19-Diarrhoea.pdf
- Pig-Newsletter-20-Pig-Breeds.pdf
- BB57.pdf
- BB58.pdf
- BB592.pdf
- BB60.JKKG-1.pdf
- BB61docx.pdf
- BB62.pdf
- ag-ext-newsletter-december-2021-web.pdf
- Local Strategic Plan
- Community Advisory Groups
- Aboriginal Community Advisory Group
- Aboriginal-CAG-meeting-16-17-March-2016.pdf
- Aboriginal-CAG-meeting-27-28-July-2016.pdf
- Aboriginal-CAG-meeting-30-31-July-2015.pdf
- Aboriginal-CAG-meeting-November-2015.pdf
- aboriginal-cag-meeting-march-2017.pdf
- Aborginal-CAG-Meeting-April-2018.pdf
- Aborginal-CAG-Meeting-September-2017.pdf
- Aborginal-CAG-Meeting-April-2019.pdf
- Aboriginal-CAG-Meeting-October-2018.PDF
- Aboriginal-CAG-Meeting-October-2019.pdf
- ACAG-Terms-Of-Reference-September-2022.pdf
- Aboriginal-CAG-Out-of-Session-Meetings-September-to-October-2020.pdf
- Aboriginal-CAG-Meeting-March-2021.pdf
- Aboriginal-CAG-Meeting-December-2021.pdf
- Aboriginal-CAG-Meeting-June-2021.pdf
- Aboriginal-CAG-Meeting-May-2022.pdf
- Hunter Regional Pest Animal Committee
- Hunter Regional Weeds Committee (HRWC)
- Aboriginal Community Advisory Group
- Incentives, funding and scholarships
- Hunter-EOI-Form-Incentives-Projects-2018-19-2.pdf
- Hunter-Healthy-and-Productive-Landscapes-Incentives-Program-2018.pdf
- Hunter-Healthy-and-Productive-Landscapes-Incentives-Program-2020-21-1.pdf
- Four Valleys Sustainable Agriculture Incentives 2023-25
- Lower Manning Dairy Nutrient Management Incentives Program 2023 - 2025
- Strategic Weeds Grant Funding 2024
- Projects and programs
- Climate Ready Aquaculture
- LLS-Grants-Application-Form-2020-21-Hunter-Climate-Ready-Aquaculture-Incentive-Projects.pdf
- Small-Grants-Guidelines-2020-21-Hunter-Climate-Ready-Aquaculture-Incentives-Projects.pdf
- HLLS-Climate-Ready-Aquaculture-Application-Guidelines-2021-22.pdf
- HLLS-Climate-Ready-Aquaculture-Application-Form-2021-22.pdf
- HLLS-Climate-Ready-Aquaculture-Application-Form-2022-23.pdf
- HLLS-Climate-Ready-Aquaculture-Application-Guidelines-2022-23.pdf
- Riverbank-Restoration-Fact-Sheet-WEB.pdf
- Gilby-et-al-2022-Investigating-fish-populatio_Chloe-Baker.pdf
- Natural resource management and biodiversity programs in the Hunter Local Land Services region
- Fenced-but-not-forgottenupdate-hunterweb.pdf
- HR02505-Halls-Creek-Woodland-Bird-Monitoring-Summary-Report-for-Landholders.pdf
- HR03252-Wybong-CHIP-Woodland-Bird-Monitoring-Summary-Report-for-Landholders.pdf
- Hunter-shorebird-action-plan.pdf
- manning-river-shorebird-action-plan.pdf
- Port-Stephens-shorebird-action-plan.pdf
- Halls-Creek-riparian-enhancement-support-EOI-form-v3-editable.pdf
- MACH-Energy-weed-support-EOI-form.pdf
- Hunter Region Natural Resource Management Plan 2023 - 2028
- Hunter Catchment Contributions
- Hunter Smarter Farming: Irrigating for Profit
- Hunter-Starting-Smarter-Checklist-Bike-Shift.pdf
- Hunter-Starting-Smarter-Checklist-CPLM.pdf
- Hunter-Starting-Smarter-Checklist-K-Line.pdf
- Hunter-Starting-Smarter-Checklist-Travellers.pdf
- Hunter-Starting-Smarter-Irrigation-Development-Decisions.pdf
- Hunter-Starting-Smarter-Soil-Moisture-Monitoring-Check.pdf
- SIP-Soils-Report-Bowman-Farm-final-5.11.18.pdf
- SIP-Soils-Report-Kyong-final-draft-5.11.18..pdf
- Introduction-to-Tocal_Irrigation-Developments.pdf
- Summer-Nov-to-Jan-SMM-Report_Hunter-Smarter-Farming-Irrigating-for-Profit.pdf
- February-and-March-2019-SMM-Report_Hunter-Smarter-Farming-Irrigating-for-Profit.pdf
- April-to-June-2019-SMM-Report_Hunter-Smarter-Farming-Irrigating-for-Profit.pdf
- July-to-September-2019-SMM-Report_Hunter-Smarter-Farming-Irrigating-for-Profit.pdf
- October-to-January-2020-SMM-Report_Hunter-Smarter-Farming-Irrigating-for-Profit.pdf
- February-March-2020-SMM-Report_Hunter-Smarter-Farming-Irrigating-for-Profit.pdf
- Irrigating-Profitably...The-Low-hanging-fruit.pdf
- April-June-2020-SMM-Report_Hunter-Smarter-Farming-Irrigating-for-Profit.pdf
- Hunter-Irrigating-for-Profit-Overview-Report_-February-2021-1.pdf
- Hunter-Irrigating-for-Profit-Report-February-April-2021.pdf
- 2021-May-July_Irrigating-for-Profit-Project-Irrigation-Report.pdf
- 2021-November_Irrigating-for-Profit-Report.pdf
- 2022-February_Irrigating-for-Profit-Report.pdf
- Landcare
- Professional Wild Dog Controller Program
- Hunter Regional Pest Animal Committee
- Soil moisture network project
- The Hunter LLS Poddy
- Every Bit Counts - small farms and acres
- About Every Bit Counts
- Reading and resources
- Livestock and poultry
- Managing animals
- Animal Husbandry and other Calendars
- Have animals? You need a PIC!
- Rural Living Handbook
- Buying livestock through Facebook or Gumtree? Be aware of the risks!!
- Animal Health Issues in Drought Conditions
- Fit to load guide - understanding your responsibilities when transporting stock
- How vaccines work (NSW DPI)
- Zoonoses - Animal diseases that can infect you
- Q Fever
- Fertilisers for pastures guide
- Horses
- Sheep and goats
- Have animals? You need a PIC!
- Geriatric Goat Care
- Buying livestock through Facebook or Gumtree? Be aware of the risks!!
- Fit to load guide - understanding your responsibilities when transporting stock
- Sheep - managing, nutrition, disease and tools (NSW DPI)
- Goats - management, disease, breeds and welfare (NSW DPI)
- Moving sheep into and within NSW (NSW DPI)
- Moving goats into and within NSW (NSW DPI)
- Fertilisers for pastures guide
- Cattle
- Have animals? You need a PIC!
- Beef cattle vaccines (NSW DPI)
- Sustainable beef farming on Craven Plateau
- Cow Tales - Buying and selling cattle in NSW - Jill's Story
- Cow Tales - Buying and selling cattle in NSW - Mick's story
- Farming for tomorrow on Coopernook Dairy
- Buying livestock through Facebook or Gumtree? Be aware of the risks!!
- Fit to load guide - understanding your responsibilities when transporting stock
- Beef cattle - managing, nutrition, disease and equipment (NSW DPI)
- Moving cattle into and within NSW
- Managing a small beef herd in dry times: herd with less than 100 head
- Managing cattle pastures for resilience in winter
- Protect your cattle from diseases and pests
- Preparing for Joining in the North Coast
- Heat Stress in Cattle on the North Coast
- Feed Testing Pasture in the North Coast: how do I calculate how much pasture I have and is it suitable for cattle
- Cattle and Parasites (internal): explains the features of integrated pest management for parasite management in your North Coast herd (features non chemical control)
- Cattle and Theileria on the North Coast and how to minimise it’s impact on your herd
- Beef cattle health and husbandry for the NSW North Coast book
- Pasture recovery for North Coast Beef Producers
- Fertilisers for pastures guide
- Pigs
- Poultry
- Other animals
- Transporting and moving horses (NSW DPI)
- Transporting-horses-in-NSW-FAQs-Sept-2020.pdf
- Transported-Stock-Statement-for-Horse-Movements-March-2022-fillable-form.pdf
- Beekeeping for Community and environment
- Honey bees - management, pests, disease and registration
- Amateur beekeepers Association of NSW
- National best management practice for beekeeping in Australian environment
- Top Tips on setting up bees - Ron Witz
- Beekeeping with Community
- Managing animals
- Pest animals
- General pest control
- Removing pests from peri-urban areas
- Understanding your regional pest plan
- Rural Living Handbook
- GS-Biosecurity-Handbook.pdf
- Principles of pest animal management (PestSmart)
- The facts on 1080 poisoning (PestSmart)
- Best practice pest animal management (NSW DPI)
- Pest animal recording (FeralScan)
- Read your Regional Strategic Pest Animal Management Plan
- Foxes
- Removing pests from peri-urban areas
- Responsible-fox-control.pdf
- responsible-fox-control.pdf
- Understanding your regional pest plan
- A guide to cage trapping foxes (video)
- Fox control options (NSW DPI)
- Urban fox management (NSW DPI)
- European foxes - the issue, planning and management (PestSmart)
- Glovebox guide for managing foxes (PestSmart)
- Report fox activity (FoxScan)
- Feral pigs
- Wild dogs
- Responsible-wild-dog-control.pdf
- responsible-wild-dog-control.pdf
- Understanding your regional pest plan
- Wild dogs - how to recognise the signs
- Professional Wild Dog Controller Program (Hunter region)
- Wild dog biology and distribution ( NSW DPI)
- Wild dogs - the issue, planning and management (PestSmart)
- Glovebox guide for managing wild dogs (PestSmart)
- Report wild dog activity (WildDogScan)
- Feral deer
- Cats
- Other and unusual pest animals
- Understanding your regional pest plan
- The threat of non-native animals (NSW DPI)
- Cane toads - the issue, identification and control (PestSmart)
- How to correctly identify cane toads (NSW DPI)
- Report cane toad activity (PestSmart)
- Report red-eared slider turtles or corn snakes (PestSmart)
- Pest bird management (NSW PestSmart)
- Managing house mice (PestSmart)
- Managing feral cats (NSW PestSmart)
- How to identify a suspected cane toad (NSW DPI)
- Indian-Myna-Booklet-2021-PRINT.pdf
- Indian-myna-handbook-contacts.pdf
- Cane-Toad-Resource-Book.pdf
- Report sightings and impacts
- General pest control
- Weeds
- Wildlife
- Rural Living Handbook
- GS-LLS-Wildlife-Nest-Box-10-2017-Accessible.pdf
- Integrating wildlife conservation and farm management (Department of Planning, Industry and Environment)
- Wildlife friendly fencing (external site)
- Birdata App – Bird Surveys Instructional Video
- Shorebirds of the Hunter Estuary
- Eucalypt Identification - Tree Bark (NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust)
- How to make a Bee hotel (NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust)
- The Wonders of Wattles (NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust)
- Looking for Biodiversity (NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust)
- Backyard Birdbaths (NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust)
- How to set a camera trap (NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust)
- Significant woodland birds in the Hunter region
- HLLS-Koala_A4-web.pdf
- Beneficial insects webinar
- Rural property ownership
- Hunter Every Bit Counts (EBC) Self-Assessment Tool
- Small Property Landholder Guide Resources
- Meet other land managers (Case studies)
- Barrington River – A Property Management Case Study
- Salt Water – A Property Management Case Study
- Top Tips on setting up a small farm - Steve & Susan Nicholas
- Top Tips on managing a small farm - Terrewah Farm, Kangaroo Valley
- Top Tips on managing a farm - Kangaroo Valley Eggs
- Top Tips on getting established on a small farm - David & Kim King
- SOCO Farm, Berry
- Wilfords Lane (Burrill Lake) Wetland, Milton
- Julie Holstegge (Milkwood Farm), Milton
- Every Bit Counts – waterways and the Marine Estate
- Property management resources
- Farm planning - setting your vision for your land
- Rural Living Handbook
- Marketing fundamentals for direct to market producers
- The Big Shift for Small Farms podcast
- Farmers-selling-direct-to-market-combined.pdf
- Protecting your land from rural crime (NSW Police)
- The Farm Small Farm Smart Podcast (Farm Table)
- Myths about Mistletoe
- How can I make better farm management decisions?
- Calendars
- Hunter Small Property Landholder Guide
- Future land managers
- Water for production
- Waterways
- Native vegetation
- Aboriginal Culture and Land Management
- Farm safety
- Horticulture
- Soil and groundcover
- Livestock and poultry
- Events
- Join your local network
- Connect with us
- Latest news
- Join the Blockies Bootcamp
- Schools Engagement Program
- Paddock Between The Ears
- Regenerative Agriculture
- Available TSRs
- 4 Valleys Program
- Climate Ready Aquaculture
- Articles, publications and resources
- Videos
- lls-hunter-annual-report-2014-web.pdf
- hunterllsabouthunterllsbrochure.pdf
- hunterllsproblemswithferalpigsbrochure.pdf
- hunterllsproblemswithfoxesbrochure.pdf
- hunterlssproblemswithrabbitsbrochure.pdf
- hunterllsprotectyourcattlebrochure.pdf
- hunterllsprotectyoursheepandgoatsbrochure.pdf
- hunterllsproblemswithwilddogsbrochure2.pdf
- hunterfloodsreportweb.pdf
- saltmarshinthehunterestuary.pdf
- portstephenshabitatmappingreport.pdf
- coal-point.pdf
- hollows-for-habitat-an-overview.pdf
- wsc-styman-development-hollows-forum.pdf
- landcare-in-the-hunter-region.pdf
- hunter-local-annual-report-2015.pdf
- flood-ready.pdf
- local-strategic-plan-overview.pdf
- hunter-local-strategic-plan-consultation-report.pdf
- service-delivery-charter.pdf
- 201516-lls-state-annual-report.pdf
- matching-enterprise-to-property-a4.pdf
- matching-enterprise-to-property-poster.pdf
- efm-poster-2016.pdf
- business-plan-2016-7.pdf
- woodberry-swamp-hydrologic-study.pdf
- managing-giant-reed.pdf
- funding-case-study-gloucester.pdf
- funding-case-study-merriwa.pdf
- funding-case-study_vacy.pdf
- hunter-information-for-landholders.pdf
- Hunter-RSWMP-FINAL.pdf
- DOC17-93917-Business-Plan-FINAL-FOR-WEB.pdf
- web-version.pdf
- Drought-factsheet-oct17v4.pdf
- A3-weeds-and-drought-factsheetfinal.pdf
- Flood-plan-and-nom-web.pdf
- FR_checklist_web-1.pdf
- A4-facts-Sheet-weed-hygiene-FINAL.pdf
- Hunter_2017_Local_Annual_Report.pdf
- Hunter-Regional-Strategic-Weed-Management-Plan-2023-2027.pdf
- grapesdroughtweb-.pdf
- property-planningv6.pdf
- OUR-RPMP-020718-Final-hunter4.pdf
- Drought-manning-factsheet-SEPTEMBER18-UPDATE.pdf
- hunter-catchment-contributions.pdf
- AGENDAv6.pdf
- beef-forum-general-final.pdf
- Feed-availability-and-messaging-NOVEMBER-2018.pdf
- HunterLLS_LandcareFlyerwebv6.pdf
- Hunter-LLS-Organisational-Business-Plan-2018_2019.pdf
- BITTERNweb.pdf
- Brush-Tailed-Rock-Wallaby.pdf
- regent-honey-eater.pdf
- Spotted-tailed-Quoll.pdf
- Swift-Parrot.pdf
- Giants-Rats-Tail.pdf
- african-olive.pdf
- African-boxthorn.pdf
- fireweed.pdf
- giant-Parramatta-weed.pdf
- green-cestrum.pdf
- mother-of-millions.pdf
- Groundsel-Bushel.pdf
- Salvinia.pdf
- st-johns-wort.pdf
- LLS_Weeds_in_Hay_Booklet_LR-1-FINAL.pdf
- Animal health issues in drought conditions (video)
- Livestock health issues during dry times (video)
- Weighing up health and financial impacts when feeding in dry times (video)
- Restocking-after-drought-and-fire.pdf
- Little-tern-web2.pdf
- COVID-HLLS-APRIL-final.pdf
- black-locustweb.pdf
- blackberryweb.pdf
- blue-heliotropeweb.pdf
- chinese-violetweb.pdf
- cockspur-coral-treeweb-.pdf
- coolatai-grassweb.pdf
- honey-locustweb.pdf
- lantanaweb.pdf
- Madeira-vineweb.pdf
- opuntia-speciesweb.pdf
- Water-hyacinthweb.pdf
- Water-lettuceweb.pdf
- 280420-blue-heliotropev4.pdf
- Nodulation-Fact-Sheet.pdf
- Hunter-LLS-Annual-Business-Plan-2019-20.pdf
- Hunter-LLS-Annual-Business-Plan-2020-21.pdf
- Merriwa-Box-Woodland-Survey-Results-Snapshot-Report-Dec19-2.pdf
- Citizen-Science2020-FINALAPPROVED-2020-March-2020.pdf
- HR02509-Social-Study-Box-Gum-Grassy-Woodlands-Report-12.8.19-FINAL.pdf
- Threatened-Species-Fact-Sheet-Fairy-Bells.pdf
- 200520-Myall-CASESTUDY-web.pdf
- HR02536-Woodberry-Swamp-Final-Report-Sep-2020.pdf
- HLLS-Mistletoe-Myths_Brochure_2020.pdf
- CHALLENGE-SERIES-pasture-planning.pdf
- CHALLENGE-SERIES-Stock-Water-.pdf
- CHALLEGE-SERIES-Singleton-trial-site-Virtual-Field-Day-.pdf
- LLS-200828-kikuyu-factsheet-web.pdf
- 200220-Hunter_2020_Local_Annual_Report-0406.pdf
- Supporting-Aboriginal-Land-Management-web-final-1.pdf
- Pasture-Recovery-after-a-Coast-Flood-2021-HUNTER.pdf
- Wildlife-Friendly-Fencing-2020-4-page-updated-2021.pdf
- Regent-Honeyeater-Project-and-Revegetation-Fact-Sheet-Updated-April-2021.pdf
- LLS-nitrogen-series-factsheet-web.pdf
- BeachStoneCurlew-web.pdf
- PiedOystercatcher-web.pdf
- SharpTailedSandpiper-web.pdf
- Oyster-Regeneration-Fact-Sheet-Screen.pdf
- CHALLENGE-SERIES-Giant-Parramatta-Grass-CA641087.pdf
- CHALLEGE-SERIES-Winter-Feed-Gap-.pdf
- HLLS-Koala_A4-web.pdf
- factsheet-managing-pain-in-calves-v2.pdf
- factsheet-calf-scours-in-beefs-herds-v2.pdf
- factsheet-BEF-v2.pdf
- factsheet-buying-bobby-calves-v2.pdf
- Manning-River-Turtle-Information-Sheet_2021.pdf
- Spring-Time-to-plan-2021-.pdf
- Frogbit_Seen-this-plant_flyer_Hunter_with-LLS-number.pdf
- Central-Hunter-Valley-Eucalypt-Forest-Factsheet-Sept-2021-Final-web.pdf
- Fenced-but-not-forgottenupdate-hunterweb.pdf
- HR02505-Halls-Creek-Woodland-Bird-Monitoring-Summary-Report-for-Landholders.pdf
- HR03252-Wybong-CHIP-Woodland-Bird-Monitoring-Summary-Report-for-Landholders.pdf
- Hunter-shorebird-action-plan.pdf
- manning-river-shorebird-action-plan.pdf
- Port-Stephens-shorebird-action-plan.pdf
- Newsletter-No.-3-Mt-Breckin-Project.pdf
- Newsletter-No.-1-Mt-Breckin-Project.pdf
- Newsletter-No.-2-Mt-Breckin-Project.pdf
- HLLS-Still-Here-to-Help-Newsletter-2021-web.pdf
- HLLS-KWRP-broch-update-17092020-web-1.pdf
- Manning-River-Helmeted-Nesting-Awareness.pdf
- Wollombi-Riparian-Reveg-Guide.pdf
- PUBLIC-Final-Report-for-HUNTER-RIVER-CATCHMENT-TURTLE-SURVEY-26th-Sept-7th-Oct-2020-and-Jan-2021-1.pdf
- Frogs-of-the-Hunter-Region.pdf
- Hunter-Catchment-Turtle-Survey-2020_21-Summary-FINAL.pdf
- Snapshot2019-print-in-house-final.pdf
- Safely-Transporting-Livestock.pdf
- Riparian-rehabilitation-info-sheet-web-version.pdf
- Congewai-and-Quorrobolong-catchments-water-quality-and-catchment-survey.pdf
- Fast-Furriest-WEB.pdf
- HLLS-ResourcesBooklet-rgb.pdf
- 2022-Wollombi-Catchment-Flyer-advisory-services-and-grants.pdf
- 2022-HSRP-Fact-Sheet-FINAL.pdf
- LLS-nitrogen-series-factsheet-v5-1.pdf
- 2022-23-Platypus,-turtle-and-water-rat-surveys-community-flyer.pdf
- 32-Woodland-Birds-of-the-Hunter-2022_Lyndel-Wilson-2.pdf
- LLS_RecognisingHabitatFeatures-Hunter-LLS-Web-Version-Nov22.pdf
- PlantingYourPatch-Hunter-LLS-Web-Version-Nov22.pdf
- Hunter Small Property Landholder Guide
- HR04135-Halls-Creek-CHIP-Woodland-bird-mo_Catherine-Conroy.pdf
- Koala-Fact-Sheet-Web-UPDATED-AUG-2022_Daniel-Trudgeon.pdf
- Manning-River-Helmeted-Turtle-Fact-Sheet-Web-UPDATED-AUG-2022.pdf
- Murray
- Contact us
- Events
- Grants and funding opportunities
- Latest news and newsletters
- Regional profile
- Community Advisory Groups
- Programs and projects
- Animal biosecurity video series
- Bushfire erosion video series
- Enhancement of NSW Central Murray Forests Ramsar Site
- Fencing training for Aboriginal work crews
- Reflecting on the Ramsar Project this Reconciliation Week
- Sandhill Direct Seeding
- Drones used to track bitterns
- Fighting foxes in the Werai Forest
- Sandhill restoration on track
- Celebrating 50 years of the Ramsar Convention
- Fake turtle nests measure the effect of fox baiting
- Boxthorn up for grabs
- Aboriginal groups working to improve the health of their country
- Controlling weeds at Little Forest Creek
- Turtles and traditional owners
- Cummeragunja revegetation project already sprouting
- First Nations artwork
- Grassy Woodlands
- Ovine Johnes disease
- Refreshing Rivers Program
- Restoring Superb Parrot Flyways
- Murray native seed services - helping you help your land
- Small Farms Network
- Sustainability credentials project
- Vet Chat video series
- Wild Orchids Project
- Wetlands for Wildlife
- Building soil carbon in the Murray
- West Hume Erosion Project
- Bushfire Recovery
- Bushfire erosion video series
- Bushfire recovery
- The Search for Gliders in Woomargama
- Reversing Gang-gang Cockatoo population decline
- Pest control for bushfire recovery
- Protecting fragile upper Murray montane peatlands
- Gang-gangs added to the threatened species list
- Habitat recovery site provides new homes for fauna
- Feral pig control program for bushfire impacted areas
- Maccas returned to Mannus
- Bringing Plains-wanderers back from the brink
- Plains-wanderer-email.pdf
- Plains-wanderer captive breeding success
- Protecting plains-wanderers from fox predators
- Plains-wanderer art exhibition
- Sam's here to support landholders to manage paddocks for plains-wanderers
- Plains-wanderers help save a 'sheep' load
- Tackling a prickly issue for plains-wanderer conservation
- ESG: What's in it for me?
- Farm Water Management Planning project
- 2024 Irrigation Insights
- Articles, publications and resources
- Drought-contacts-final.pdf
- Murray-LAR-2016-web.pdf
- lls-murray-annual-report-2015.pdf
- Murray-LLS-annual-report-2016.pdf
- Murray_local_strategic_plan_w.pdf
- local-links-2016-spring.pdf
- 201516-lls-state-annual-report.pdf
- Travelling-Stock-Reserves-web.pdf
- 2017-M-annual-land-and-stock-return-newsletter.pdf
- Murray-Regional-Strategic-Weed-Management-Plan-2023-2027.pdf
- Financial-Statements-2016.pdf
- Murray_2017-Local_Annual_Report.pdf
- feeding-plan-presentation.pdf
- LLS-Confinement-Feeding-2019-Geoff-Duddy.pdf
- feeding-plan-presentation.pdf
- NSW-South-West-Slopes-Planting-Guide-Albury-Area-Lower-Slopes-and-Plains.pdf
- NSW-South-West-Slopes-Planting-Guide-Upper-Murray-and-Higer-Slopes.pdf
- IWM2019-handbook-V4-AP.pdf
- Grazing-public-land-fact-sheet.pdf
- Publications
- Wetland-bird-poster-FINAL-web-version.pdf
- Native-plants-slopes-and-mountains-2018_1.pdf
- Woodland-Birds-Central-Riverina-NSW-2018_1.pdf
- Pollinators-insects-of-the-souhwest-slopes-of-NSW-and-north-east-Victoria-2018_1.pdf
- Large-Native-Trees-of-the-southwest-slopes-and-upper-Murray-region-of-NSW-2018_1.pdf
- Terrestrial-mammals-of-the-southwest-slopes-and-upper-Murray-region-of-NSW-2018_1.pdf
- Fungi-of-the-southwest-slopes-and-upper-Murray-region-os-NSW-2018_1.pdf
- DOC16-58876-MY00464-Colourfield-Creative-Wetland-Birds-Central-Riverina-NSW-2016-Final-Proof.pdf
- LivingLagoonsBrochure.pdf
- MLLS-Orchids-online.pdf
- Farm-Dam-Handbook.pdf
- Superb-Parrot-Infosheet-1.pdf
- Wiradjuri-led bushfire recovery
- Priority Weeds of the Murray and Riverina Regions - Identification Guide
- 'The bush is our living culture' - Working with the Wiradjuri community on bushfire recovery
- murray-bmp-full.pdf
- Murray-Region-NRM-Strategy-2023-2028_final_web_updated.pdf
- North Coast
- Contact us
- Events
- Grants and opportunities
- Landscape Links Grant
- Clean Coastal Catchments On-Farm Grants Program
- Protecting Koalas through habitat restoration
- EOI_Koalas_Port-Macquarie_NCLLS_fillable_sml.pdf
- Protecting-Koalas-of-North-Coast-NSW_All-ARKS_Oct21.pdf
- EOI_Koalas_Bellingen_NCLLS_fillable.pdf
- Final-Protecting-koalas-of-NC-NSW-CHCC-letter.pdf
- Project-Inforamtion-Protecting-Koalas-of-North-Coast-NSW-1.pdf
- New-layout-Flow-chart-private-land-conservation-Dec-.pdf
- North-Macleay-Nambucca-ARK_Designer-edit.pdf
- Letter-to-Landholders-in-the-North-Macleay-Nambucca-Area-of-Regional-Koala-Significance.pdf
- CoffsHarbour_NorthBellingen-ARKS-New-Report-Grey.pdf
- Riparian and Habitat Recovery Funding - CLOSED
- EOI-Dairy-Focus-Farm06082021.pdf
- Free Soil Testing - Planning for Recovery
- Fixing Farm Erosion Expression Of Interest
- Fence re-building program
- Farm drainage and erosion management plan
- Living Carbon Grants: North Coast
- Expression of Interest for irrigation and drainage performance assessment
- Latest news and newsletters
- Regional profile
- Community
- Aboriginal Stakeholders
- 2022-Sem1-Cert-III-Guiding_Cultural-Tourism_Flyer.pdf
- CANVA_proof_order_PAE-SM03h1Y-1.pdf
- Letter-to-Aboriginal-Custodians.PDF
- Overview-2022-Floods-Emergency-Response-Grants.pdf
- North-Coast-LLS-Aboriginal-Stakeholder-Registration-Form-updated-new-date-April-2022.pdf
- North-Coast-LLS-Aboriginal-Stakeholder-Workshops-Flyer-updated-new-date-April-2022.pdf
- AWOL_EOI_FoodGardensfillin.pdf
- Bowraville-Memorial-Cup-Service-Registration-Form-2022.pdf
- Koala-Officer-Position-Description.pdf
- Community Advisory Groups
- Aboriginal Stakeholders
- Projects and programs
- Natural Resource Management
- Sustainable Agriculture
- Plant & Animal Biosecurity
- Weeds Action Program 2020-2025
- FINAL-North-Coast-Communication-and-Engagement-Regional-Plan.pdf
- FINAL-North-Coast-New-Weed-Incursion-and-Rapid-Response-Regional-Plan.pdf
- FINAL-North-Coast-High-Risk-Weed-Species-Sites-and-Pathways-Inspection-Plan-2020-2022.pdf
- MERI-Framework-for-the-North-Coast-RSWMP_finalReduced.pdf
- Training AI to hunt for weeds
- Hastings Feral Deer Management
- Indian Myna Control
- Weeds Action Program 2020-2025
- Online Resources
- Tips from our Team Videos
- Land Life Podcast
- Every Bit Counts - small farms and acres
- About Every Bit Counts
- Reading and resources
- Livestock and poultry
- Managing animals
- Animal Husbandry and other Calendars
- Have animals? You need a PIC!
- Rural Living Handbook
- Buying livestock through Facebook or Gumtree? Be aware of the risks!!
- Animal Health Issues in Drought Conditions
- Fit to load guide - understanding your responsibilities when transporting stock
- How vaccines work (NSW DPI)
- Zoonoses - Animal diseases that can infect you
- Q Fever
- Fertilisers for pastures guide
- Horses
- Sheep and goats
- Have animals? You need a PIC!
- Geriatric Goat Care
- Buying livestock through Facebook or Gumtree? Be aware of the risks!!
- Fit to load guide - understanding your responsibilities when transporting stock
- Sheep - managing, nutrition, disease and tools (NSW DPI)
- Goats - management, disease, breeds and welfare (NSW DPI)
- Moving sheep into and within NSW (NSW DPI)
- Moving goats into and within NSW (NSW DPI)
- Fertilisers for pastures guide
- Cattle
- Have animals? You need a PIC!
- Beef cattle vaccines (NSW DPI)
- Sustainable beef farming on Craven Plateau
- Cow Tales - Buying and selling cattle in NSW - Jill's Story
- Cow Tales - Buying and selling cattle in NSW - Mick's story
- Farming for tomorrow on Coopernook Dairy
- Buying livestock through Facebook or Gumtree? Be aware of the risks!!
- Fit to load guide - understanding your responsibilities when transporting stock
- Beef cattle - managing, nutrition, disease and equipment (NSW DPI)
- Moving cattle into and within NSW
- Managing a small beef herd in dry times: herd with less than 100 head
- Managing cattle pastures for resilience in winter
- Protect your cattle from diseases and pests
- Preparing for Joining in the North Coast
- Heat Stress in Cattle on the North Coast
- Feed Testing Pasture in the North Coast: how do I calculate how much pasture I have and is it suitable for cattle
- Cattle and Parasites (internal): explains the features of integrated pest management for parasite management in your North Coast herd (features non chemical control)
- Cattle and Theileria on the North Coast and how to minimise it’s impact on your herd
- Beef cattle health and husbandry for the NSW North Coast book
- Pasture recovery for North Coast Beef Producers
- Fertilisers for pastures guide
- Pigs
- Poultry
- Other animals
- Transporting and moving horses (NSW DPI)
- Transporting-horses-in-NSW-FAQs-Sept-2020.pdf
- Transported-Stock-Statement-for-Horse-Movements-March-2022-fillable-form.pdf
- Beekeeping for Community and environment
- Honey bees - management, pests, disease and registration
- Amateur beekeepers Association of NSW
- National best management practice for beekeeping in Australian environment
- Top Tips on setting up bees - Ron Witz
- Beekeeping with Community
- Managing animals
- Pest animals
- General pest control
- Removing pests from peri-urban areas
- Understanding your regional pest plan
- Rural Living Handbook
- GS-Biosecurity-Handbook.pdf
- Principles of pest animal management (PestSmart)
- The facts on 1080 poisoning (PestSmart)
- Best practice pest animal management (NSW DPI)
- Pest animal recording (FeralScan)
- Read your Regional Strategic Pest Animal Management Plan
- Foxes
- Removing pests from peri-urban areas
- Responsible-fox-control.pdf
- responsible-fox-control.pdf
- Understanding your regional pest plan
- A guide to cage trapping foxes (video)
- Fox control options (NSW DPI)
- Urban fox management (NSW DPI)
- European foxes - the issue, planning and management (PestSmart)
- Glovebox guide for managing foxes (PestSmart)
- Report fox activity (FoxScan)
- Feral pigs
- Wild dogs
- Responsible-wild-dog-control.pdf
- responsible-wild-dog-control.pdf
- Understanding your regional pest plan
- Wild dogs - how to recognise the signs
- Professional Wild Dog Controller Program (Hunter region)
- Wild dog biology and distribution ( NSW DPI)
- Wild dogs - the issue, planning and management (PestSmart)
- Glovebox guide for managing wild dogs (PestSmart)
- Report wild dog activity (WildDogScan)
- Feral deer
- Cats
- Other and unusual pest animals
- Understanding your regional pest plan
- The threat of non-native animals (NSW DPI)
- Cane toads - the issue, identification and control (PestSmart)
- How to correctly identify cane toads (NSW DPI)
- Report cane toad activity (PestSmart)
- Report red-eared slider turtles or corn snakes (PestSmart)
- Pest bird management (NSW PestSmart)
- Managing house mice (PestSmart)
- Managing feral cats (NSW PestSmart)
- How to identify a suspected cane toad (NSW DPI)
- Indian-Myna-Booklet-2021-PRINT.pdf
- Indian-myna-handbook-contacts.pdf
- Cane-Toad-Resource-Book.pdf
- Report sightings and impacts
- General pest control
- Weeds
- Wildlife
- Rural Living Handbook
- GS-LLS-Wildlife-Nest-Box-10-2017-Accessible.pdf
- Integrating wildlife conservation and farm management (Department of Planning, Industry and Environment)
- Wildlife friendly fencing (external site)
- Birdata App – Bird Surveys Instructional Video
- Shorebirds of the Hunter Estuary
- Eucalypt Identification - Tree Bark (NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust)
- How to make a Bee hotel (NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust)
- The Wonders of Wattles (NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust)
- Looking for Biodiversity (NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust)
- Backyard Birdbaths (NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust)
- How to set a camera trap (NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust)
- Significant woodland birds in the Hunter region
- HLLS-Koala_A4-web.pdf
- Beneficial insects webinar
- Rural property ownership
- Hunter Every Bit Counts (EBC) Self-Assessment Tool
- Small Property Landholder Guide Resources
- Meet other land managers (Case studies)
- Barrington River – A Property Management Case Study
- Salt Water – A Property Management Case Study
- Top Tips on setting up a small farm - Steve & Susan Nicholas
- Top Tips on managing a small farm - Terrewah Farm, Kangaroo Valley
- Top Tips on managing a farm - Kangaroo Valley Eggs
- Top Tips on getting established on a small farm - David & Kim King
- SOCO Farm, Berry
- Wilfords Lane (Burrill Lake) Wetland, Milton
- Julie Holstegge (Milkwood Farm), Milton
- Every Bit Counts – waterways and the Marine Estate
- Property management resources
- Farm planning - setting your vision for your land
- Rural Living Handbook
- Marketing fundamentals for direct to market producers
- The Big Shift for Small Farms podcast
- Farmers-selling-direct-to-market-combined.pdf
- Protecting your land from rural crime (NSW Police)
- The Farm Small Farm Smart Podcast (Farm Table)
- Myths about Mistletoe
- How can I make better farm management decisions?
- Calendars
- Hunter Small Property Landholder Guide
- Future land managers
- Water for production
- Waterways
- Native vegetation
- Aboriginal Culture and Land Management
- Farm safety
- Horticulture
- Soil and groundcover
- Livestock and poultry
- Events
- Join your local network
- Connect with us
- Latest news
- Join the Blockies Bootcamp
- Our Webinar recordings
- Natural Disaster Recovery Resources
- Invasive Pests
- Fisheries Habitat Restoration Program
- Prograze Course - Expressions of Interest
- North Coast LLS controlled Travelling Stock Reserves
- Articles & Publications
- Beef cattle guide
- 2017-NC-annual-land-and-stock-return-newsletter.pdf
- NR_CAP_2013.pdf
- Pasture-sowing-guide-AW-2014.pdf
- factsheet-over-sowing-summer-grass.pdf
- eea-csg-evidence-report.pdf
- factsheet-compensatory-growth-beef-cattle.pdf
- nclls-cag-terms-of-reference.pdf
- nclls-general-map.pdf
- nclls-community-advisory-group-overview.pdf
- nclls-cag-expression-of-interest-form.pdf
- nclls-minutes-of-board-meeting-11-february-14.pdf
- nclls-minutes-of-board-meeting-27-march-2014.pdf
- a-protect-your-livestock-brochure.pdf
- b-protect-your-cattle-from-disease-and-pests.pdf
- c-protect-your-sheep-and-goats-from-disease-and-pests-brochure.pdf
- e-problems-with-wild-dogs-brochure.pdf
- f-problems-with-feral-pigs-brochure.pdf
- i-problems-with-wild-rabbits-brochure.pdf
- h-problems-with-foxes-brochure.pdf
- nclls-biosecurity-awareness-posters.pdf
- Macleay-Technical-Background.pdf
- Macleay-supporting-Images.pdf
- nclls-enrolment-form.pdf
- lls-northcoast-annual-report-2014.pdf
- characterisation-of-the-socio-economic-landscape-of-the-north-coast-region-of-nsw.pdf
- Coffs-Harbour-Regional-Landcare.pdf
- Big-Scrub-Landcare.pdf
- Jeremy-Bradley.pdf
- Tony-Parkes.pdf
- nclls-organic-farming-north-coast.pdf
- North-Coast-Local-Annual-Report-2015.pdf
- 201516-lls-state-annual-report.pdf
- Factsheet-Colombian-waxweed.pdf
- information-for-new-horticulture-producer.pdf
- DOC21-183357-NCLLS_NC_BCHH-2021_FA-E.pdf
- ryegrass-in-dairy.pdf
- NCLLS-Factsheet-Queensland-fruit-fly-web.pdf
- nclls-local-annual-report-2016.pdf
- fact-sheet-nclls-pastures-in-flood.pdf
- nclls-wild-dog-information-days-web.pdf
- North-Coast-Regional-Strategic-Weed-Management-Plan-2023-2027.pdf
- nclls-factsheet-managing-ryegrass-in-dairy-web.pdf
- tweed-river-oyster-farmers-EMS.pdf
- nclls-factsheet-bahiagrass-fertiliser-response-report.pdf
- nclls-factsheet-bahiagrass-fertiliser-response-sandy-loam-report.pdf
- north-coast-local-achievements-report-2018.pdf
- Understanding-Stock-feed-product-labels-factsheet.pdf
- nclls-supplementary-feed-options-update-Jan19.pdf
- nclls-supplementary-feed-update2_Jan19-1.pdf
- Supplementary-Feed-Update-27-02-2019.pdf
- Supplementary-Feed-Update-August.pdf
- Fact-sheet-managing-pasture-for-winter-resilience_final.pdf
- NCLLS-Beef-Farmer-Market-Report_FINAL-Phase-2_EPA.pdf
- NCLLS_Biosecutity-Risk-Assessment_Final.pdf
- Pasture-Recovery.pdf
- Managing-a-Small-Beef-herd-in-dry-times_final.pdf
- NC-Drought-factsheet-October-25-2019.pdf
- Video Case Studies
- Clybucca-Wetlands-Remediation-Project-Update-May-2020.pdf
- WRL-Clybucca-Wetlands-Management-Options-Report-executive-summary-April-2020.pdf
- NC_Blueberry_BMP_web.pdf
- 2-Soil-Sampling-V2.pdf
- 2021-Calendar-web.pdf
- Pasture-Dieback-Information-Sessions-2020_EF-20201020.pdf
- 1-The-Nature-of-Soil_FINAL.pdf
- 2-Soil-Sampling_FINAL.pdf
- 3-Soil-Chemistry_FINAL.pdf
- 4-Cation-Exchange-Capacity_FINAL.pdf
- 5-North-Coast-Soils_FINAL.pdf
- 6-Soil-Carbon-and-Organic-Matter_FINAL.pdf
- 7-Soil-Biology_FINAL.pdf
- 8-Enhancing-Biology_FINAL.pdf
- 9-Soil-Physics_FINAL.pdf
- 10-Soil-Water_FINAL.pdf
- 11-What-is-a-Healthy-Soil_FINAL.pdf
- 12-Managing-Pastures_FINAL.pdf
- Establishing-Chicory-Fact-Sheet-March21-V1.pdf
- Pasture-Recovery-after-a-Coast-Flood-2022.pdf
- Waterlogging-in-crops.pdf
- Drench-trial-poster-Final-9.4.21.pdf
- Finalised-addendum-to-the-RSWMP.pdf
- Rotational-Grazing-Systems-Fact-Sheet-V1.pdf
- Weeds of the North Coast of NSW
- North Coast Land Activity Calendar
- RSPAMP-Implmentation-Plan-Summary.pdf
- Indian-Myna-Booklet-2021-PRINT.pdf
- Indian-myna-handbook-contacts.pdf
- Cane-Toad-Resource-Book.pdf
- NCLLS-Dashboard-2020-21.pdf
- online-WEEDS-calendar-2022.pdf
- LLS-2022-Floods-Riverbank-Erosion-Support.pdf
- Grazing-and-grain-recovery-of-the-soybean-variety-Hayman-FINAL.pdf
- Animal-health-seasonal-update-apr-23.pdf
- NC-feed-prices-July2023.pdf
- Case-Study-Smiths-Ulmarra-and-BlazeAid-FINAL-for-web.pdf
- Animal-Health-Disease-Update-November-2023.pdf
- North-Coast-November-Supplementary-Feed-Update.pdf
- Northern Tablelands
- Contact us
- Events
- Grants and Funding
- EOI-OngroundPartnershipGrant.pdf
- On-ground-PartnershipGrantguidelines.pdf
- SmallCommunityGrantbrochure.pdf
- On-groundPartnershipGrantGuidelinesV2.pdf
- EOI-OngroundPartnershipGrantV2.pdf
- SmallCommunityGrantsApplicationGuidelines.pdf
- smallcommunitygrants-assessmentplan.pdf
- biolinksprojectideas2016.pdf
- largescalerevegeoi2016.pdf
- revegetationprojects-guidelines-2016.pdf
- ach-grants-program-guidelines.pdf
- ach-grants-application-tips.pdf
- ntlls-eoiform-onfarm-projects-190318.pdf
- ntlls-eoiguidelines-onfarm-projects-190318.pdf
- eoi-form-on-farm-projects-20-21.pdf
- eoi-guidelines-on-farm-nrm-21-23-v2.pdf
- Bushfire-Recovery-Grant-Guidelines-2020-V6.pdf
- Improving-water-application-form-NTLLS.pdf
- Improving-farm-water-for-livestock-and-biodiversity-Guidelines.pdf
- Latest news and newsletters
- Regional profile
- Local Advisory Group
- Local Strategic Plan
- Projects and programs
- Upland Wetlands
- Priority Weeds
- Sustainable Agriculture
- TSRs on the Northern Tablelands
- Farm planning
- Cool Country Koalas
- Cool-Country-Koala-project-2018-2019_Final-Report_WEB-.pdf
- Cool-Country-Koala-Project-2019-2020-Northern-Tablelands-Koala-Habitat-and-Pilot-Genetic-Project-.pdf
- DOC18-82723-NT-Tablelands_Koala-Recovery-Strategy-2015-2025.pdf
- DOC19-3236-Northern-Tablelands-Cool-Country-Koala-Project-2016-2017-v62-1_WEB.pdf
- Humpy-Bridge-TSR-Management-Plan-2022-2027_Word-Document.pdf
- Iwata-Gully-TSR-Management-Plan-2022-2027_Word-Document.pdf
- Cool-Country-Koala-Project-2020_2021_final_report.pdf
- Threatened Species
- Equipment for Loan
- Articles, publications and resources
- Cultural heritage
- landfact-earlyweaning.pdf
- investmentplan-2015-web.pdf
- landfact-lambmarketing.pdf
- landfact-grazinglucerne-lf-ap-04.pdf
- Land-Fact_Feeding-grain-to-livestock_LF-AP-L-1.pdf
- landfact-nativerevegetationestablishment-lf-nr-01-.pdf
- landfact-oatsforwinterfeed-lf-ap-03.pdf
- Northern-Tablelands-LLS-annual-report-2015.pdf
- local-links-2016-spring.pdf
- 201516-lls-state-annual-report.pdf
- 2016northerntablelands-lar-web.pdf
- farm-biosecurity-plan-web.pdf
- farm-biosecurity-plan-level2-cattle-web.pdf
- farm-biosecurity-plan-level2-sheep-web.pdf
- farm-biosecurity-plan-level3-contingencies-web.pdf
- V1-farm-biosecurity-plan-level3-jbas-bjd-290517.pdf
- farm-biosecurity-plan-level3-market-risk-assessment-web.pdf
- farm-biosecurity-plan-level3-neighbour-risk-management-web.pdf
- 2017-NT-annual-land-and-stock-return-newsletter.pdf
- Northern-Tablelands-Regional-Strategic-Weed-Management-Plan-2023-2027.pdf
- landscape-restoration-equipment.pdf
- direct-tree-seeder.pdf
- ripper-mounder.pdf
- water-trailer.pdf
- cool-country-koala-south-final_june17.pdf
- cool-country-koala-north-project-final-june17.pdf
- ntlls-2017-localannualreport.pdf
- help-in-dry-times-factsheet.pdf
- ntlls-pest-animal-flyer.pdf
- landfact-summer-crop-options.pdf
- northern-tablelands-koala-recovery-strategy-2015-2025-final.pdf
- landfact-farm-water-supply.pdf
- Managing-Drought-Manual-2018-edition.pdf
- landfact-lambing-in-droughtlots-lf-ap-07.pdf
- cool-country-koala-project-report-2018.pdf
- Northern-Tablelands-Pest-Plan-Web.pdf
- TSRFactsheet1.pdf
- landfact-managing-sediment-in-farm-dams-lf-ap-08.pdf
- Land-Fact-Winter-forage-crops-LF-AP-09.pdf
- landfact-managing-scanned-ewes-the-basics-lf-ap-11.pdf
- landfact-pregnancy-testing-ewes-the-benefits-lf-ap-10.pdf
- Cool-Country-Koala-Project-Final-report-2019-20.pdf
- Land-Fact-Managing-scanned-ewes-the-basics-LF-AP-S-3.2.pdf
- Land-Fact-Managing-scanned-ewes-the-benefits-LF-AP-S-3.1.pdf
- Land-Fact_Managing-scanned-ewes_Placental-development_LF-AP-S-3.3.pdf
- Land-Fact-Managing-scanned-ewes-Pre-lambing-LF-AP-S-3.4.pdf
- Land-Fact_Managing-scanned-ewes_Lambing_LF-AP-S-3.5.pdf
- Land-Fact_Managing-scanned-ewes_Lambing-mob-structure_LF-AP-S-3.6.pdf
- Land-Fact-Fit-to-load-LF-AW-1.pdf
- Land-Fact-African-Love-Grass-LF-AP-N-2.1.pdf
- landfact-supplementing-african-lovegrass-lf-ap-n-2.2.pdf
- Land-Fact-Hay-quality-LF-AP-N-3.pdf
- NT-Turtle-Nest.pdf
- Factsheet-Balancing-Nutrition-and-Cost-Final-Edit.pdf
- North West
- Contact us
- Events
- Grants and funding
- Latest news and newsletters
- Regional profile
- Local Advisory Group
- Local Strategic Plan
- Community groups
- Projects and programs
- North West Beef Extension Network
- Hudson pear control program
- North West Feral Pig Program
- Natural Resource Management case studies
- Local Land Services and farmers working to rehabilitate Big Jacks Creek
- Springhill
- A holistic management approach to improve natural assets
- Upper Mooki Rehydration Project
- The Kirkbys: Award winning North West landholders
- Wallabadah Water Gully Rehabilitation
- Turning tin into gold at Wee Waa
- Valuing, preserving and protecting brigalow woodland
- In search of the Regent honeyeater
- Protecting the pale imperial hairstreak butterfly
- North West Producers Beef Forum
- Ag Resources
- North West Producer Case Studies: Drought Strategies
- BOWMAN_NWLLS_CaseStudyBOWMAN_webversion.pdf
- GARDNER_LOW-RES-FOR-WEB_NWLLSCaseStudy_GARDNER_corrected_webversion.pdf
- Travelling stock reserves in the North West
- Kamilaroi Guda Koalas
- Digifarm Project
- Resilient Regional Agriculture
- Improving Endangered Ecological Community across the North West
- Protecting woodland bird habitat for Regent Honeyeaters
- Collaboration to build character of Ramsar Wetlands
- Check Ready Grow
- Waratah Project - Liverpool Plains Biodiversity
- Pest animal control programs
- Articles, publications and resources
- DIY Field Soil Tests
- North-West-Regional-Strategic-Weed-Management-Plan-2023-2027.pdf
- Landholder perceptions about wild deer on Liverpool Plains
- 201516-lls-state-annual-report.pdf
- Climate change in the North West region
- invasive-species-prioritisation-framework.pdf
- Site-Preparation-Guidelines.pdf
- EM-brochure-2.pdf
- nasma-fact-sheet.pdf
- 2015-North-West-lls-annual-report.pdf
- Weaning-Calves-Factsheet.pdf
- North-West-Local-Strategic-Plan_LR.pdf
- north-west-2016-achievements.pdf
- North_West_2017_Local_Annual_Report-a.pdf
- Factsheet-Forage-sorghum-Sept-18.pdf
- LLSNW_KoalasBackyardA4.pdf
- TSR-Condition-and-Utilisation-Report-August-2019.pdf
- Herbicide-Residue-Factsheet-2019.pdf
- Ground-Cover-Factsheet-October-2019.pdf
- FINALDahsboard_Oct-Dec2019.pdf
- AfterRainFACTSHEET_Final.pdf
- NWLLS-TSR-condition-and-utilisation-report-Jan-Feb-2020.pdf
- NWLLS_USyd_KoalaDrinkerBrochure.pdf
- North-West-Local-Land-Services-contact-booklet.pdf
- AgEcon-Feral-Pig-BCA-FINAL-report.pdf
- Feral-pigs-BCA-Fact-Sheet_2020-1.pdf
- Cactus-Quarterly_Spring2020_FINAL.pdf
- NWLLSCaseStudyAvendano_webversion.pdf
- NWLLSCaseStudy_GARDNER_webversion.pdf
- NWLLS_CaseStudyBOWMAN_webversion.pdf
- NWLLS-Trapping-fact-sheet.pdf
- Exclusion-fencing-fact-sheet-FINAL.pdf
- NWLLS-Aerial-shooting-fact-sheet.pdf
- NWLLS-Baiting-fact-sheet.pdf
- Cotton-fact-sheet-FINAL.pdf
- Maize-fact-sheet-FINAL.pdf
- Sorghum-fact-sheet-FINAL.pdf
- NW-LLS-CAGs-V2.pdf
- Wheat-and-Barley-fact-sheet-FINAL.pdf
- Faba-bean-fact-sheet-FINAL.pdf
- Chickpeas-fact-sheet-FINAL.pdf
- Sheep-fact-sheet-FINAL.pdf
- NWLLS-Floods-FINAL-web.pdf
- Denitrification-in-cropping_July-2021.pdf
- NWLLS-Aboriginal-Engagement-Strategy-WEB.pdf
- Goathead-burr-fact-sheet-FINAL.pdf
- Meeting-your-general-biosecurity-duty-handbook-FINAL.pdf
- July-September-2021-TSR-Condition-and-Utilisation-report_FINAL.pdf
- Dashboard-Jul-Sep-2021-FINAL_WEB-VERSION.pdf
- Tamworth-Pasture-Field-Day-Booklet.pdf
- Crossborder-control-program_WEB.pdf
- October-December-2021-Condition-and-Utilisation-report_WEB.pdf
- Pesticide-use-notification-plan-for-outdoor-public-places-TSR-2021.pdf
- Dashboard-Oct-Dec-2021_WEB.pdf
- Soil Water Mapping
- KoalaTreesMOREE_Final.pdf
- Koala_Gunnedah_PlantingList_LLS_2018.pdf
- Hayes-case-study.pdf
- DigiFarm-Project-Notes-Livestock-Dec-2021.pdf
- Digifarm-Project-Case-Study-C-probes-Mullaley.pdf
- Digifarm-Project-Case-Study-Manilla,-Lockrey.pdf
- Digifarm-Project-Case-Study-Maules-Creek,-ISON-Ron.pdf
- Digifarm-Project-Case-Study-Optiweigh-Willala-DONALDSON.pdf
- Digifarm-Project-Case-Study-Warialda,-Barnett.pdf
- Digifarm-Project-Case-Study-Werris-Creek,-LOMAX-MIKE.pdf
- January-March-2022-Condition-and-Utilisation-report_WEB.pdf
- Dashboard-Jan-March-2022_WEB.pdf
- 2022-Top-Fodder-EOI-1.pdf
- North-West-Weed-Alert-Parthenium-Weed-Fact-Sheet.pdf
- April-June-2022-Condition-and-Utilisation-report.pdf
- Riverina
- Contact us
- Events
- Grants and funding
- Latest news and newsletters
- Regional profile
- Commmunity Advisory Groups
- Local Strategic Plan
- Projects and programs
- Living Carbon: Riverina
- “Grow me the money”: Understanding Your Farms Natural Capital
- Soils for Future Productivity
- Box gum grassy woodland project
- Paddock, Farm, Landscape - building our communities natural capital from the soil up
- National Landcare Program
- TSR Stock Permits - Short Term Grazing
- Adaptive Farms for Sustainable Landscapes
- Bringing Back the Bunyip Bird - Australasian Bittern Conservation Summit 2023
- Bushfire erosion video series
- Re-awakening Indigenous place names in West Wyalong
- Bringing Plains-wanderers back from the brink
- Plains-wanderer-email.pdf
- Plains-wanderer captive breeding success
- Protecting plains-wanderers from fox predators
- Plains-wanderer art exhibition
- Sam's here to support landholders to manage paddocks for plains-wanderers
- Plains-wanderers help save a 'sheep' load
- Tackling a prickly issue for plains-wanderer conservation
- Riverina Local Land Services Partnership Prospectus
- Drench resistance monitoring program – Autumn 2023
- The-magic-of-Wiradjuri-Country-photo-competition-factsheet-1.pdf
- 20210806-swift.pdf
- DOC24-3076-RLLS-TSR-South-East-WMA-Weed-Control-RFQ-Letter-and-Document-FINAL.pdf
- DOC24-3075-RLLS-TSR-Western-WMA-Weed-Control-RFQ-Letter-and-Document-FINAL.pdf
- Articles, publications and resources
- Riverina-LAR-2016-web-1.pdf
- wiradjuri-plant-use.pdf
- lls-riverina-annualreport-2014.pdf
- LLS_Riverina_Future_Climate_Impacts.pdf
- Riverina-Local-Annual-Report-2015-web.pdf
- Strategicplanfinal.pdf
- local-links-2016-spring.pdf
- 201516-lls-state-annual-report.pdf
- 2017-R-annual-land-and-stock-return-newsletter.pdf
- Riverina-Regional-Strategic-Weed-Management-Plan-2023-2027.pdf
- Riverina_2017_Local_Annual_Report.pdf
- Animal health update
- Riverina-Local-Livestock-Update-February.pdf
- Riverina-Local-Livestock-Update-March.pdf
- Riverina-Local-Livestock-Update-April.pdf
- Riverina-Local-Livestock-Update-May.pdf
- Riverina-Local-Livestock-Update-June.pdf
- Riverina-Local-Livestock-Update-July-2020.pdf
- Plains-wanderer-Habitat-Management-Guide.pdf
- Landholder-guide-Growing-Bittern-Friendly-Rice.pdf
- Riverina-Local-Livestock-Update-August-2020.pdf
- Wiradjuri-Plant-Use-in-the-Murrumbidgee-Catchment.pdf
- 20210316-Riverina-Local-Livestock-Update-March.pdf
- 2021 Riverina Pastures Research Update - Presentation
- Riverina Pastures Research Update – Opening, Welcome to Country and General Manager's welcome
- Getting the most out of lucerne pastures – Richard Hayes (DPI)
- Increasing pasture sophistication & management – Mark Lucas
- Managing soil acidity in the cropping zone – Jason Condon (DPI)
- Farming Smarter soil project – Lisa Castleman & Rebecca Waalkens
- Morning Presenter Panel Session – Riverina Pastures Research Update
- Hard seeded legume pastures: The grower experience – Mike O’Hare
- Mineral balance in sheep grazing cereals – Gordon Refshauge (DPI)
- Tropical grasses for southern environments – Sue Boschma (DPI)
- Managing the grazing interface – Basil Doonan (Opinion Advisory)
- Afternoon Presenter Panel Session – Riverina Pastures Research Update
- 20210415-Riverina-Local-Livestock-Update-APRIL.pdf
- 2021 Riverina Livestock Production in the Rangelands - Presentations
- Sheep Reproduction Strategic Partnership Project Overview | Dr Sue Hatcher, Program Coordinator
- Pregnancy Scanning in Extensive Sheep Flocks Project Overview | Laura Broughton
- Moving to a Non Mulesed Merino Enterprise in the Rangelands | Geoff Lindon, AWI
- Livestock Production in the Rangelands | Stacey Lugsdin, landholder and WoolProducers Director, Hay
- Using new technologies to help control the Aust sheep blowfly | Dr Trent Perry, Melbourne University
- MLA Research, Development and Adoption Update | Mitch Plumbe, Project Manager - Adoption
- Livestock Production in the Rangelands | Bill Ryan, landholder, Curragh, Oxley
- 20210519-Riverina-Local-Livestock-Update-MAY.pdf
- Pastures in practice webinar: Use of Nitrogen fertiliser & Gibberellic Acid
- Pastures in practice webinar: Set stocking and the merits of rotational grazing systems
- Pastures in practice webinar: Choosing perennial species for your perennial pasture mix
- Rebound workshops support recovering landholders
- 20210617-Riverina-Local-Livestock-Update-June.pdf
- 20210715-Riverina-Local-Livestock-Update-July.pdf
- Riverina Travelling Stock Reserve Management Pilot Public Information Webinar
- riverina-local-livestock-update-aug.pdf
- 20210915-Riverina-Local-Livestock-Update-Sep.pdf
- First Aboriginal cultural burn at Top Gobarralong TSR since contact
- Riverina-Local-Livestock-Update-Oct.pdf
- Direct seeding with revegetation
- Do you know what your current livestock worm burden numbers are?
- Flystrike is on its way - are you prepared?
- Fall armyworm update in NSW (Oct 2021)
- Lupin anthracnose Update - Current Situation (Sep 2021)
- Western Area Paddock Restoration – the Oakville Journey and Property Visit
- Happy Days – White-Top is Seeding (Again)
- 202111116-Riverina-Local-Livestock-Update-Nov.pdf
- Beneath the dung hill
- That’s a bit rough…Rough Speargrass
- Fire...friend or foe
- Hey, it’s hay time, but how safe is your hay for storage or feeding?
- Preparing for the bushfire season: Increased risk of grassland & crop fuel loads
- Rain, moisture and grain…
- The 2021-22 harvest might be called the Green Harvest yet...
- 20211215-Riverina-Local-Livestock-Update-Dec.pdf
- Wiradjuri-led bushfire recovery
- Priority Weeds of the Murray and Riverina Regions - Identification Guide
- Understanding the costs and benefits of exclusion fencing - Riverside station, Booligal
- Woolshed and yard design at 'Curragh', Oxley
- Summer, Rainfall and Blowflies – How susceptible are your sheep?
- 20220215-Riverina-Local-Livestock-Update-Feb.pdf
- Four seasons of seed workshop wrap up
- 20220314-Riverina-Local-Livestock-Update-March.pdf
- Better Bull Buying Webinar Series - Bull Selection Decisions for Heifer Matings
- Better Bull Buying Webinar Series - Managing Bulls to Ensure the Genetics Work
- Better Bull Buying Webinar Series - Southern Multi Breed Project Update
- Long-term recovery of scalded soils
- Riverina Innovator to Trial Cropping Vertically
- Expect the unexpected!
- 20220512-Riverina-Local-Livestock-Update-May.pdf
- 2022 Riverina Pastures Research Update - Presentation
- Guide to Saving The Endangered Australasian Bittern
- Riverina-quarterly-highlights-April-June-2022-web.pdf
- 2021-22-Q1-Riverina-Final.pdf
- Riverina-NLP-Natural-Resource-Management-Evidence-Guide-2022-2027.pdf
- Riverina-NLP-Natural-Resource-Management-Plan-2022-2027.pdf
- District Veterinarians
- South East
- Contact us
- Events
- Grants and funding
- Latest news and newsletters
- Regional profile
- Local Strategic Plan
- Projects and programs
- Landholder and community resilience services
- Profitable and sustainable farming services
- Resilient land and seascapes projects
- Emergency response and recovery services
- Alternative fertilizers field research project
- Laggan Grazing Demonstration
- Illawarra Feral Deer Management Program
- Save our scarlet robin
- Brown-Treecreeper-Fact-Sheets.pdf
- Diamond-Firetail-Fact-Sheet.pdf
- Flame-Robin-Fact-Sheet.pdf
- Gang-gang-Cockatoo-Fact-Sheet.pdf
- Glossy-Black-Cockatoo-Fact-Sheet.pdf
- Hooded-Robin-Fact-Shees.pdf
- Scarlet-Robin-Fact-Sheet.pdf
- SOS-Facts.pdf
- Speckled-warbler-Fact-Sheet.pdf
- Registration-of-Interest_Scarlet-Robin-landholder-grants-Round-4-2019-20.pdf
- Guide-to-incentives-program-for-landholder-R4_19-20.pdf
- Migrants on the wing
- South East Farmers' Network
- Every Bit Counts - small farms and acres
- About Every Bit Counts
- Reading and resources
- Livestock and poultry
- Managing animals
- Animal Husbandry and other Calendars
- Have animals? You need a PIC!
- Rural Living Handbook
- Buying livestock through Facebook or Gumtree? Be aware of the risks!!
- Animal Health Issues in Drought Conditions
- Fit to load guide - understanding your responsibilities when transporting stock
- How vaccines work (NSW DPI)
- Zoonoses - Animal diseases that can infect you
- Q Fever
- Fertilisers for pastures guide
- Horses
- Sheep and goats
- Have animals? You need a PIC!
- Geriatric Goat Care
- Buying livestock through Facebook or Gumtree? Be aware of the risks!!
- Fit to load guide - understanding your responsibilities when transporting stock
- Sheep - managing, nutrition, disease and tools (NSW DPI)
- Goats - management, disease, breeds and welfare (NSW DPI)
- Moving sheep into and within NSW (NSW DPI)
- Moving goats into and within NSW (NSW DPI)
- Fertilisers for pastures guide
- Cattle
- Have animals? You need a PIC!
- Beef cattle vaccines (NSW DPI)
- Sustainable beef farming on Craven Plateau
- Cow Tales - Buying and selling cattle in NSW - Jill's Story
- Cow Tales - Buying and selling cattle in NSW - Mick's story
- Farming for tomorrow on Coopernook Dairy
- Buying livestock through Facebook or Gumtree? Be aware of the risks!!
- Fit to load guide - understanding your responsibilities when transporting stock
- Beef cattle - managing, nutrition, disease and equipment (NSW DPI)
- Moving cattle into and within NSW
- Managing a small beef herd in dry times: herd with less than 100 head
- Managing cattle pastures for resilience in winter
- Protect your cattle from diseases and pests
- Preparing for Joining in the North Coast
- Heat Stress in Cattle on the North Coast
- Feed Testing Pasture in the North Coast: how do I calculate how much pasture I have and is it suitable for cattle
- Cattle and Parasites (internal): explains the features of integrated pest management for parasite management in your North Coast herd (features non chemical control)
- Cattle and Theileria on the North Coast and how to minimise it’s impact on your herd
- Beef cattle health and husbandry for the NSW North Coast book
- Pasture recovery for North Coast Beef Producers
- Fertilisers for pastures guide
- Pigs
- Poultry
- Other animals
- Transporting and moving horses (NSW DPI)
- Transporting-horses-in-NSW-FAQs-Sept-2020.pdf
- Transported-Stock-Statement-for-Horse-Movements-March-2022-fillable-form.pdf
- Beekeeping for Community and environment
- Honey bees - management, pests, disease and registration
- Amateur beekeepers Association of NSW
- National best management practice for beekeeping in Australian environment
- Top Tips on setting up bees - Ron Witz
- Beekeeping with Community
- Managing animals
- Pest animals
- General pest control
- Removing pests from peri-urban areas
- Understanding your regional pest plan
- Rural Living Handbook
- GS-Biosecurity-Handbook.pdf
- Principles of pest animal management (PestSmart)
- The facts on 1080 poisoning (PestSmart)
- Best practice pest animal management (NSW DPI)
- Pest animal recording (FeralScan)
- Read your Regional Strategic Pest Animal Management Plan
- Foxes
- Removing pests from peri-urban areas
- Responsible-fox-control.pdf
- responsible-fox-control.pdf
- Understanding your regional pest plan
- A guide to cage trapping foxes (video)
- Fox control options (NSW DPI)
- Urban fox management (NSW DPI)
- European foxes - the issue, planning and management (PestSmart)
- Glovebox guide for managing foxes (PestSmart)
- Report fox activity (FoxScan)
- Feral pigs
- Wild dogs
- Responsible-wild-dog-control.pdf
- responsible-wild-dog-control.pdf
- Understanding your regional pest plan
- Wild dogs - how to recognise the signs
- Professional Wild Dog Controller Program (Hunter region)
- Wild dog biology and distribution ( NSW DPI)
- Wild dogs - the issue, planning and management (PestSmart)
- Glovebox guide for managing wild dogs (PestSmart)
- Report wild dog activity (WildDogScan)
- Feral deer
- Cats
- Other and unusual pest animals
- Understanding your regional pest plan
- The threat of non-native animals (NSW DPI)
- Cane toads - the issue, identification and control (PestSmart)
- How to correctly identify cane toads (NSW DPI)
- Report cane toad activity (PestSmart)
- Report red-eared slider turtles or corn snakes (PestSmart)
- Pest bird management (NSW PestSmart)
- Managing house mice (PestSmart)
- Managing feral cats (NSW PestSmart)
- How to identify a suspected cane toad (NSW DPI)
- Indian-Myna-Booklet-2021-PRINT.pdf
- Indian-myna-handbook-contacts.pdf
- Cane-Toad-Resource-Book.pdf
- Report sightings and impacts
- General pest control
- Weeds
- Wildlife
- Rural Living Handbook
- GS-LLS-Wildlife-Nest-Box-10-2017-Accessible.pdf
- Integrating wildlife conservation and farm management (Department of Planning, Industry and Environment)
- Wildlife friendly fencing (external site)
- Birdata App – Bird Surveys Instructional Video
- Shorebirds of the Hunter Estuary
- Eucalypt Identification - Tree Bark (NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust)
- How to make a Bee hotel (NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust)
- The Wonders of Wattles (NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust)
- Looking for Biodiversity (NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust)
- Backyard Birdbaths (NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust)
- How to set a camera trap (NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust)
- Significant woodland birds in the Hunter region
- HLLS-Koala_A4-web.pdf
- Beneficial insects webinar
- Rural property ownership
- Hunter Every Bit Counts (EBC) Self-Assessment Tool
- Small Property Landholder Guide Resources
- Meet other land managers (Case studies)
- Barrington River – A Property Management Case Study
- Salt Water – A Property Management Case Study
- Top Tips on setting up a small farm - Steve & Susan Nicholas
- Top Tips on managing a small farm - Terrewah Farm, Kangaroo Valley
- Top Tips on managing a farm - Kangaroo Valley Eggs
- Top Tips on getting established on a small farm - David & Kim King
- SOCO Farm, Berry
- Wilfords Lane (Burrill Lake) Wetland, Milton
- Julie Holstegge (Milkwood Farm), Milton
- Every Bit Counts – waterways and the Marine Estate
- Property management resources
- Farm planning - setting your vision for your land
- Rural Living Handbook
- Marketing fundamentals for direct to market producers
- The Big Shift for Small Farms podcast
- Farmers-selling-direct-to-market-combined.pdf
- Protecting your land from rural crime (NSW Police)
- The Farm Small Farm Smart Podcast (Farm Table)
- Myths about Mistletoe
- How can I make better farm management decisions?
- Calendars
- Hunter Small Property Landholder Guide
- Future land managers
- Water for production
- Waterways
- Native vegetation
- Aboriginal Culture and Land Management
- Farm safety
- Horticulture
- Soil and groundcover
- Livestock and poultry
- Events
- Join your local network
- Connect with us
- Latest news
- Join the Blockies Bootcamp
- Catchment Action NSW
- Managing water on your farm
- Cold Country Koalas Project
- Climate proofing Coastal Saltmarsh
- The Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area
- Lower Shoalhaven River floodplain flood refuge mounds
- Articles, publications and resources
- South-East-Regional-Strategic-Weed-Management-Plan-2023-2027.pdf
- integrated-weed-management-plan-guide.pdf
- South-East-Local-Land-Services-Gully-Erosion-Guide.PDF
- Phalaris Staggers
- Flupropanate resistant serrated tussock on the Monaro
- 201802-Johnes-Disease-Transmission-Primefact.pdf
- Johne's Disease transmission
- Autumn-Feeding-Guide-for-Sheep_2018_F.pdf
- South-East-CAP.pdf
- South_East_2017_Local_Annual_Report_final.pdf
- 2019-Monaro-tour-notes_final-high-res-version.pdf
- South-East-2016-web.pdf
- rural-living-guide.pdf
- southeastannualreport2014web.pdf
- sells_local_annual_report_2015.pdf
- wild-dog-management-in-the-south-east-lls-region-strategy.pdf
- SE00120-alg-economic-analyses-overview-report-with-summary-final.pdf
- SE00120-alg-economic-analyses-technical-report-final.pdf
- south-east-strategic-plan.pdf
- South East Catchment Action Plan 2013 - 2023
- LLS-Confinement-Feeding-2019-part-2-for-pdf.pdf
- LLS-Confinement-Feeding-2019-part-1-for-pdf.pdf
- SELLS-Beef-Calendar-Final-version.pdf
- Final-Version-SELLS_Sheep_Calendar.pdf
- FAQs-Herbicide-resistance-factsheet-final.pdf
- Cowpea-aphid-accessible.pdf
- Foot-Bathing-Fact-Sheet-June-2021.pdf
- South-East-Natural-Resource-Management-Plan-2022-2026.pdf
- South-East-Natural-Resource-Management-Plan-Evidence-Plan-2022-2026.pdf
- DPI Bushfire Hub redirect page
- Western
- Contact us
- Events
- Grants and funding
- Community-Activities-EOI-Application-2014.pdf
- Application-and-Guidelines-Southern-Integrated-Cross-Tenure-Pest-Program.pdf
- Community-Activities-EOI-Guidelines.pdf
- training-activities-eoi-application-2014.pdf
- training-activities-eoi-guidelines.pdf
- Demonstration-fencing-Project-EOI.pdf
- Incentives-2015-Expression-of-Interest-Form.pdf
- incentives2015_expression_of_interest_form.pdf
- WRSLMG-factsheet.pdf
- Factsheet_Guarantee_Factsheet.pdf
- FAQ_Riparian_projects.pdf
- FAQ_TGP_projects.pdf
- MER-Guidelines-Landscape-Management-Projects-2015.pdf
- Riparian_program_guidelines_and_conditions_FINAL.pdf
- Riparian_project_application_form_FINAL.pdf
- TGP_application_form_FINAL.pdf
- TGP_program_guidelines_and_conditions_FINAL.pdf
- Local-Land-Services-Western-Region-Landholder-MER-Guidelines-for-Landscape-Scale-Projects-2016.pdf
- Guidelines-Western-Region-Riparian-Projects-Incentive-Program-2017.pdf
- small-land-management-grants-revised-guidelines-for-weed-management-activities.pdf
- expression-of-interest-EMU-participants_2017.pdf
- small-land-management-grants-revised-guidelines-for-weed-management-activities-May-2017.pdf
- small-land-management-grants-revised-guidelines-for-weed-management-activities-May-2017-1.pdf
- Guidelines-and-Conditions-Western-Weed-Management-Program-2017.pdf
- Ag-Innovation-and-Technology-Grants-application-form-final.pdf
- Guidelines-Western-LLS-Grants-for-Rangeland-Rehabilitation-NLP2-CBB-Project-2019-2020.pdf
- DOC20-56793-Guidelines-and-Conditions-Western-Weed-Management-Program-2021.pdf
- KLR-Marketing-School-Training-Grant-guidelines-and-conditions.pdf
- Guidelines-Plains-wanderer-2020-2021-IP.pdf
- Guidelines-and-Conditions-Western-Weed-Management-Program-2021-22.pdf
- Latest news and newsletters
- Regional profile
- Local Advisory Groups
- Advisory-Group-Flyer-101114.pdf
- Local-Aboriginal-Advisory-Group-Terms-of-Reference-@-141113.pdf
- Local-Community-Advisory-Groups-Terms-of-Reference-@-141113.pdf
- Southern_LCAG_Communique_meeting_1.pdf
- Local-Aboriginal-Advisory-Group-Terms-of-Reference-Final.pdf
- Local-Community-Advisory-Groups-Terms-of-Reference-Final.pdf
- community-advisory-groups-terms-of-reference.pdf
- Expression-of-Interest-Local-Community-Advisory-Groups-2017.pdf
- 2018-Expression-of-Interest-Aboriginal-Community-Advisory-Groups-final.pdf
- DRAFT-2018-Terms-of-Reference-ACAG.pdf
- 2018-Expression-of-Interest-Ag-and-NRM-Advisory-Group-final.pdf
- 2018-Ag-and-NRM-Advisory-Group-Role-Outline-final.pdf
- DRAFT-2018-Terms-of-Reference-Ag-and-NRM-final.pdf
- W-ACAG-poster-web.pdf
- Projects and programs
- Western-land-services-plan-on-a-page-website.pdf
- LSP-profile-Glenn-Humbert.pdf
- LSP-profile-Gus-Whyte.pdf
- LSP-profile-George-Millear.pdf
- LSP-profile-Geoff-Peters-updated.pdf
- EOI_WRLP_Mentor.pdf
- EOI_WRLP_Participant.pdf
- Western-Resilient-Landscapes-Project-Guidelines-Final.pdf
- LSP-profile-Tony-Thompson.pdf
- Fish-friendly Diversions Screens
- Pastoral Poddy
- Strategies to manage groundcover
- NSW Wild Dog Fence Extension project
- Western-operations-plan-EXT19-20-A4.pdf
- 1-2020-23-WLLS-SWP-leases2-FORM_Tenders-Info-and-Tender-submission-FINAL-20200224.pdf
- 2-2020-23-WLLS-SWP-leases2-LIST_Tenders-SWPs-advertised-for-tender-FINAL-20200312.pdf
- 2019-23-WLLS-SWP-leases-FORM-SWP-Lease-agreement-EXAMPLE-20190528-DOC19_64266.pdf
- LSP-profile-Garry-Hannigan.pdf
- The Land Services Program — improve your business and landscape
- You can’t manage what you can’t measure - kangaroo predictive tool project
- June-2023-Western-Local-Land-Services-Land-Services-Program.pdf
- WLLS-Drone-CS-web.pdf
- West is Best: Living and working in Western NSW
- Greenspots conservation project
- Monitoring pastures with drone technology
- Regional Landholder and Aboriginal Community Survey
- Pasture Monitoring in the Rangelands
- Broken Hill livestock biosecurity hub
- Improving Tactical Decision Making Program
- Pathways to Country program
- Western Tracks Collaring Project
- Articles, publications and resources
- Strategies to manage groundcover
- Video Resource Material
- Western_2017_Local_Annual_Report-a.pdf
- Western-LAR-2016-web.pdf
- Updated-DustWatch-Network-and-Roadside-Survey.pdf
- 2015-Western-Annual-Report.pdf
- Western-LLS-Annual-Report-2014-Final.pdf
- rangelands-carbon-conference-program-summary.pdf
- west2000-plus.pdf
- Western_local_strategic_plan.pdf
- Climate-Change-Addendum.pdf
- local-links-2016-spring.pdf
- Managing invasive native scrub guide
- 201516-lls-state-annual-report.pdf
- Landholder-benchmarking-survey-report-2014-website-version.pdf
- 2017-W-annual-land-and-stock-return-newsletter.pdf
- Western-Regional-Strategic-Weed-Management-Plan-2023-2027.pdf
- Barkindji_Booklet_WEB-updated.pdf
- Ngiyampaa_Booklet_WEB-updated.pdf
- Paakantji_Maraura_Booklet_WEB-updated.pdf
- Paakantyi_Booklet_WEB-updated.pdf
- Yitha_Yitha_Booklet_WEB-updated.pdf
- Western-LLS-Landholder-Survey-9.10.2017.pdf
- Western-LLS-Aboriginal-Survey-9.10.2017.pdf
- Rangeland-goat-production-in-Western-NSW.pdf
- Outback-Roads-manual-WEB.pdf
- Benefits-of-scanning-ewes-fact-sheet.pdf
- CBB-factsheet-web.pdf
- Ag-innovation-and-technology-W.pdf
- Kangaroo-Management-in-Western-NSW-W.pdf
- WLLS-INS-Management-Guide-W.pdf
- Pathways-to-country-Brochure-May-2022.pdf
- Pimelea-poisoning-fact-sheet-April-2020.pdf
- PWDC-May-2020-update.pdf
- Restocking-fact-sheet-may-newsletter.pdf
- Aboriginal-cultural-heritage-projects-guide-May-2020.pdf
- Western-Weeds-Guide-web.pdf
- KMT_Kangaroo_options_web.pdf
- Integrated-Kangaroo-Management_web.pdf
- WLLS-OP-2021-W.pdf
- Porker-citrus-case-study.pdf
- Cropping-fact-sheet-October-2020.pdf
- PWDC-Program-landholder-guide-and-infographic-Nov-2020.pdf
- PWDC-spring-2020-update.pdf
- PWDC-summer-2021-update.pdf
- LSP-CS-Bellenbar-web.pdf
- LSP-CS-Netallie-web.pdf
- PWDC-landholder-trapper-day.pdf
- Western-GBD-booklet-web-V2.pdf
- White-spaces-4pp-web.pdf
- Western-LLS-Aboriginal-Survey-2021-Final.pdf
- Western-LLS-Landholder-Survey-2021-Final.pdf
- 2020-social-benchmarking-survey-web.pdf
- PWDC-May-2021-update.pdf
- PWDC-July-2021-update.pdf
- Producer-demonstration-site-Feb-2022.pdf
- WLLS-Threatened-Species-NSW.pdf
- WLLS-Barkindji-Booklet-ORANGE-22.pdf
- WLLS-Ngiyampaa-Booklet-GREEN-22.pdf
- WLLS-Paakantji-Booklet-BLUE-22.pdf
- WLLS-Paakantyi-Booklet-PURPLE-22.pdf
- WLLS-Yitha-Yitha-Booklet-YELLOW-22.pdf
- Grasswren-Land-units.pdf
- Ground-tank-construction-fact-sheet-web.pdf
- Central Tablelands
- Help & advice
- Biosecurity
- Livestock health and production
- Diagnosing livestock diseases
- Arthritis in sheep
- Barber's Pole Worm
- Bloat
- Bovine Ephemeral Fever (Three Day Sickness)
- Bovine Respiratory Disease
- Bovine Vibriosis
- Fleece Rot
- Flood mud scours (Yersiniosis)
- Foot-and-mouth disease
- Flystrike
- Liver Fluke
- Lumpy skin disease
- Lumpy Wool
- Phalaris Staggers
- Photosensitisation
- Pinkeye
- Pregnancy toxaemia
- Pulpy kidney
- Red Gut in Sheep
- Strawberry Footrot
- Ticks & Livestock
- Theileria orientalis
- Livestock advice
- Dairy & Beef cattle
- Sheep and goats
- Pigs
- Other livestock
- Livestock health after flood
- Livestock chemical residues
- Moving and selling livestock
- Transporting Livestock
- Moving livestock on public roads
- Stock containment areas
- National Livestock Identification Scheme
- Diagnosing livestock diseases
- Travelling Stock Reserves
- Travelling Stock Reserves - TSRs
- TSR Stock Permits - Long Term Grazing
- TSR-factsheet-Long-term-grazing-stock-permits-20230501.pdf
- LTGP-2023-sample-permit.pdf
- LTGP-2023-sample-submission-form.pdf
- LTGP-2023-Tender-Submission-Process.pdf
- 2023-TSR-details-Hunter.pdf
- 2023-TSR-details-Riverina.pdf
- 2023-TSR-details-Central-Tablelands.pdf
- 2023-TSR-details-Central-West.pdf
- 2023-TSR-details-Western.pdf
- 2023-TSR-details-South-East.pdf
- Using TSRs
- Conservation of TSRs
- Stock Watering Place leases
- TSR Stock Permits - Long Term Grazing
- Growing, grazing and land
- Climate change
- Cropping
- Irrigation
- Horticulture
- Pastures
- Kangaroo management
- Pest animal management
- Vertebrate pest animals
- Insect pests
- Alert species in NSW
- Feral Fighters
- Bait collection
- Vertebrate Pesticide Induction Training
- Regional strategic pest animal management
- Intensive Pest Control Zones
- Locusts
- mice management
- Weeds and plant diseases
- Weed identification and Management
- Stop weeds at the gate
- Friend or foe? Plant identification tips
- Rural Living Handbook
- African-boxthorn.pdf
- african-olive.pdf
- Alligator Weed
- black-locustweb.pdf
- blackberryweb.pdf
- Blue Heliotrope Weed Management Guide
- blue-heliotropeweb.pdf
- chinese-violetweb.pdf
- cockspur-coral-treeweb-.pdf
- coolatai-grassweb.pdf
- fireweed.pdf
- Fireweed Guide (University of New England)
- Giant Parramatta Grass weed control and identification
- giant-Parramatta-weed.pdf
- Giants-Rats-Tail.pdf
- Giant reed weed control
- Green cestrum weed control and identification
- green-cestrum.pdf
- Groundsel-Bushel.pdf
- honey-locustweb.pdf
- Hudson pear
- lantanaweb.pdf
- Madeira-vineweb.pdf
- Mimosa bush
- mother-of-millions.pdf
- opuntia-speciesweb.pdf
- Parthenium Weed
- Salvinia.pdf
- st-johns-wort.pdf
- Water-hyacinthweb.pdf
- Water-lettuceweb.pdf
- LLS_Weeds_in_Hay_Booklet_LR-1-FINAL.pdf
- Weeds of the North Coast of NSW
- Weed control
- Weed reporting
- Regional Strategic Weed Management Plans
- Weed identification and Management
- Pests, weeds and diseases
- Natural resource management
- Natural Capital
- Natural capital
- Natural Capital service finder
- Carbon farming, calculating farm emissions and insetting
- Environmental markets
- Understanding natural capital
- Natural Capital Conversations
- Natural capital services and support
- NatCap-What-are-the-opportunities-for-landholders-WEB.pdf
- NatCap-What-are-the-benefits-and-risks-for-landholders-WEB.pdf
- NatCap-Natural-Capital-environmental-services-and-more-explained-WEB.pdf
- Drought
- Natural Disasters & Biosecurity Emergencies
- Land management in NSW
- Land Management and Biodiversity Reform Framework
- Resources
- On the ground: real examples
- Landholder forms
- LM-FORM-Withdraw-Notification-EXTERNAL-Form-v2023.pdf
- LM-FORM-Expression-of-Interest-EXTERNAL-Form-v2023.pdf
- LM-FORM-Part-5-Div-2-Notification-Form-Compromised-native-groundcover-Form-v2023.pdf
- LM-FORM-Part-2-Div-1-Notification-Form-Invasive-Native-Species-From-v2023.pdf
- LM-FORM-Part-3-Div-1-Notification-Form-Uniform-thinning-Form-v2023.pdf
- LM-FORM-Part-5-Div-1-Notification-Form-Paddock-tree-areas-Form-v2023.pdf
- Public register
- Public-Information-Register-Certificates-Under-Section-60Y-LMC2018-0302025.pdf
- Public-Information-Register-Approvals-and-Refusal-of-Applications-For-Approval-Under-Division-6-24082018.pdf
- Public-Information-Register-Set-Asides-Areas-LMC2018-31012025.pdf
- Public-Information-Register-Certificates-Under-Schedule-5A-2018-21052024.pdf
- Public-Information-Register-Notifications-Given-Under-Section-60X-LMC2018-03022025.pdf
- Public_Information_Register-_Certificates_Under_Section_60Y_LMC2017.pdf
- Archive-Public-Information-Register-Notifications-Given-Under-Section-60X-LMC-2017-2.pdf
- Archive-Public-Information-Register-Set-Asides-Areas-LMC2017-2.pdf
- Statutory review of the native vegetation provisions of the Local Land Services Act
- Farm Forestry
- Getting started in farm forestry
- Private native forestry codes of practice
- Private native forestry plans and forest management plans
- Apply For a Native Vegetation Regulatory Map Review of Category 2 - Sensitive Regulated Land (Old Growth Forest and Rainforest)
- Resources
- Managing-FF-and-Bushfire-WEB.pdf
- Fact-Sheet-Managing-private-native-forests-after-flooding.pdf
- Koala-search-guide-for-farm-forestry-factsheet-06112023.pdf
- Farm-Forestry-Factsheet-Drainage-feature-protections.pdf
- Farm-Forestry-working-with-your-contractor.pdf
- Australian-Group-Selection-in-Farm-Forestry-1.pdf
- Forest-Regeneration-in-Farm-Forestry_web.pdf
- PNF-Good-Neighbour-Protocol-MASTER.pdf
- Dead-Standing-trees-in-Farm-Forestry_website-1.pdf
- Field-and-Tree-marking-in-Farm-Forestry.pdf
- Allowable activities for private native forestry
- Private native forestry officer contacts
- On-ground examples of private native forestry
- Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting
- Ecologically sustainable forest management
- Find a Forester
- Flooding and severe weather support for farm forestry
- Small Farms
- Articles, publications and resources
- Native vegetation and private native forestry
- Other agencies and resources
- Landholder resource hub
- I want to
- Apply for a property identification code
- Pay my rates
- Lodge my Annual Land and Stock Return
- Request a property search
- Apply for grants and funding
- Have my say and give feedback
- Apply for a permit
- Contactless services
- Contact us
- Report a pest, weed or disease
- Make a payment
- Find a local vet
- What we do
- News & Events
- Emergency contacts
- Aboriginal culture and communities
- Governance
- Our major projects and programs
- Going ahead with goats Project
- Measuring What Matters
- Fencing Northern Basin Riverbanks Program
- Riverbank Rehabilitation Project
- Riverbank-Rehabilitation-Project-Factsheet-June-2022.pdf
- LLS-Erosion-RR-support.pdf
- LLS-Erosion-should-I-undertake-works-WEB.pdf
- LLS-Erosion-riverbank-erosion-on-my-property-WEB.pdf
- Revegetation-and-planting-tips-and-tricks-WEB.pdf
- Clarence-catchment-factsheet-V2.pdf
- Hawkesbury-catchment-factsheet-June2023.pdf
- Richmond-catchment-factsheet-June2023.pdf
- Nambucca-catchment-factsheet-June2023.pdf
- Macleay-catchment-factsheet-June2023.pdf
- Tweed-River-catchment-species-selection-guide.pdf
- Current riverbank rehabilitation works
- Best practice riverbank rehabilitation
- On-ground examples of riverbank rehabilitation
- Riverbank support for flood-impacted land managers
- Early Needs Recovery Program
- Early Needs Recovery Program - Weed Management Grants - Closed
- Helping get Upper Hunter producers back on track
- Supporting dairy farmers through flood recovery case study
- ShoreTrack rebuilding fences after floods case study
- Early-Needs-Recovery-dashboard-October-2023_web.pdf
- Restoring production confidence in Australian tea tree oil producers
- Collaborative flood recovery efforts in the NSW oyster industry
- Mastitis and lameness management in the Bega Valley
- North Coast dairy farmers one-on-one support program
- NSW vegetable resilience protected cropping program
- Resilience through restoration: The Early Needs Recovery Program in the Oyster Industry
- Reconnecting River Country Program
- Liverpool Plains Biodiversity Enhancement
- Saving Our Soils During Drought
- Drought Adoption Officers
- NSW Landcare Enabling Program 2023-2027
- Foot-and-mouth Disease Prevention and Preparedness Program
- Fencing Biosecure Production Zones and Pest Knockout Grant Program
- Farming Forward Project
- Aboriginal Ranger Program
- Environmental Markets Leadership Program NSW
- Every Bit Counts - small farms and acres
- About Every Bit Counts
- Reading and resources
- Livestock and poultry
- Managing animals
- Animal Husbandry and other Calendars
- Have animals? You need a PIC!
- Rural Living Handbook
- Buying livestock through Facebook or Gumtree? Be aware of the risks!!
- Animal Health Issues in Drought Conditions
- Fit to load guide - understanding your responsibilities when transporting stock
- How vaccines work (NSW DPI)
- Zoonoses - Animal diseases that can infect you
- Q Fever
- Fertilisers for pastures guide
- Horses
- Sheep and goats
- Have animals? You need a PIC!
- Geriatric Goat Care
- Buying livestock through Facebook or Gumtree? Be aware of the risks!!
- Fit to load guide - understanding your responsibilities when transporting stock
- Sheep - managing, nutrition, disease and tools (NSW DPI)
- Goats - management, disease, breeds and welfare (NSW DPI)
- Moving sheep into and within NSW (NSW DPI)
- Moving goats into and within NSW (NSW DPI)
- Fertilisers for pastures guide
- Cattle
- Have animals? You need a PIC!
- Beef cattle vaccines (NSW DPI)
- Sustainable beef farming on Craven Plateau
- Cow Tales - Buying and selling cattle in NSW - Jill's Story
- Cow Tales - Buying and selling cattle in NSW - Mick's story
- Farming for tomorrow on Coopernook Dairy
- Buying livestock through Facebook or Gumtree? Be aware of the risks!!
- Fit to load guide - understanding your responsibilities when transporting stock
- Beef cattle - managing, nutrition, disease and equipment (NSW DPI)
- Moving cattle into and within NSW
- Managing a small beef herd in dry times: herd with less than 100 head
- Managing cattle pastures for resilience in winter
- Protect your cattle from diseases and pests
- Preparing for Joining in the North Coast
- Heat Stress in Cattle on the North Coast
- Feed Testing Pasture in the North Coast: how do I calculate how much pasture I have and is it suitable for cattle
- Cattle and Parasites (internal): explains the features of integrated pest management for parasite management in your North Coast herd (features non chemical control)
- Cattle and Theileria on the North Coast and how to minimise it’s impact on your herd
- Beef cattle health and husbandry for the NSW North Coast book
- Pasture recovery for North Coast Beef Producers
- Fertilisers for pastures guide
- Pigs
- Poultry
- Other animals
- Transporting and moving horses (NSW DPI)
- Transporting-horses-in-NSW-FAQs-Sept-2020.pdf
- Transported-Stock-Statement-for-Horse-Movements-March-2022-fillable-form.pdf
- Beekeeping for Community and environment
- Honey bees - management, pests, disease and registration
- Amateur beekeepers Association of NSW
- National best management practice for beekeeping in Australian environment
- Top Tips on setting up bees - Ron Witz
- Beekeeping with Community
- Managing animals
- Pest animals
- General pest control
- Removing pests from peri-urban areas
- Understanding your regional pest plan
- Rural Living Handbook
- GS-Biosecurity-Handbook.pdf
- Principles of pest animal management (PestSmart)
- The facts on 1080 poisoning (PestSmart)
- Best practice pest animal management (NSW DPI)
- Pest animal recording (FeralScan)
- Read your Regional Strategic Pest Animal Management Plan
- Foxes
- Removing pests from peri-urban areas
- Responsible-fox-control.pdf
- responsible-fox-control.pdf
- Understanding your regional pest plan
- A guide to cage trapping foxes (video)
- Fox control options (NSW DPI)
- Urban fox management (NSW DPI)
- European foxes - the issue, planning and management (PestSmart)
- Glovebox guide for managing foxes (PestSmart)
- Report fox activity (FoxScan)
- Feral pigs
- Wild dogs
- Responsible-wild-dog-control.pdf
- responsible-wild-dog-control.pdf
- Understanding your regional pest plan
- Wild dogs - how to recognise the signs
- Professional Wild Dog Controller Program (Hunter region)
- Wild dog biology and distribution ( NSW DPI)
- Wild dogs - the issue, planning and management (PestSmart)
- Glovebox guide for managing wild dogs (PestSmart)
- Report wild dog activity (WildDogScan)
- Feral deer
- Cats
- Other and unusual pest animals
- Understanding your regional pest plan
- The threat of non-native animals (NSW DPI)
- Cane toads - the issue, identification and control (PestSmart)
- How to correctly identify cane toads (NSW DPI)
- Report cane toad activity (PestSmart)
- Report red-eared slider turtles or corn snakes (PestSmart)
- Pest bird management (NSW PestSmart)
- Managing house mice (PestSmart)
- Managing feral cats (NSW PestSmart)
- How to identify a suspected cane toad (NSW DPI)
- Indian-Myna-Booklet-2021-PRINT.pdf
- Indian-myna-handbook-contacts.pdf
- Cane-Toad-Resource-Book.pdf
- Report sightings and impacts
- General pest control
- Weeds
- Wildlife
- Rural Living Handbook
- GS-LLS-Wildlife-Nest-Box-10-2017-Accessible.pdf
- Integrating wildlife conservation and farm management (Department of Planning, Industry and Environment)
- Wildlife friendly fencing (external site)
- Birdata App – Bird Surveys Instructional Video
- Shorebirds of the Hunter Estuary
- Eucalypt Identification - Tree Bark (NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust)
- How to make a Bee hotel (NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust)
- The Wonders of Wattles (NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust)
- Looking for Biodiversity (NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust)
- Backyard Birdbaths (NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust)
- How to set a camera trap (NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust)
- Significant woodland birds in the Hunter region
- HLLS-Koala_A4-web.pdf
- Beneficial insects webinar
- Rural property ownership
- Hunter Every Bit Counts (EBC) Self-Assessment Tool
- Small Property Landholder Guide Resources
- Meet other land managers (Case studies)
- Barrington River – A Property Management Case Study
- Salt Water – A Property Management Case Study
- Top Tips on setting up a small farm - Steve & Susan Nicholas
- Top Tips on managing a small farm - Terrewah Farm, Kangaroo Valley
- Top Tips on managing a farm - Kangaroo Valley Eggs
- Top Tips on getting established on a small farm - David & Kim King
- SOCO Farm, Berry
- Wilfords Lane (Burrill Lake) Wetland, Milton
- Julie Holstegge (Milkwood Farm), Milton
- Every Bit Counts – waterways and the Marine Estate
- Property management resources
- Farm planning - setting your vision for your land
- Rural Living Handbook
- Marketing fundamentals for direct to market producers
- The Big Shift for Small Farms podcast
- Farmers-selling-direct-to-market-combined.pdf
- Protecting your land from rural crime (NSW Police)
- The Farm Small Farm Smart Podcast (Farm Table)
- Myths about Mistletoe
- How can I make better farm management decisions?
- Calendars
- Hunter Small Property Landholder Guide
- Future land managers
- Water for production
- Waterways
- Native vegetation
- Aboriginal Culture and Land Management
- Farm safety
- Horticulture
- Soil and groundcover
- Livestock and poultry
- Events
- Join your local network
- Connect with us
- Latest news
- Join the Blockies Bootcamp
- Graduate Program
- Landcare Riparian Restoration Grants
- Marine Estate Management Strategy
- MEMs-Riverbank-Vegetation-Improvement-Project-factsheet_draft_updated-1.pdf
- Managing-drainage-provides-multiple-benefits-Clean-Coastal-Catchments-Project.pdf
- Clean-Coastal-Catchments-case-study-WEB.pdf
- MEMS case study - Elysium Farm
- Fert$mart-Nutrient-Management-Planning.pdf
- MEMS Case Study - Guy and George Tiedeman
- MEMS case study - Mayfield Road, Pyree
- MEMS case study - Middle Lagoon catchment
- MEMS case study - Wapengo Lake catchment
- MEMS case study - farming software
- Riverbank Vegetation Improvements Project
- Clean Coastal Catchments Project
- Improving Roads And Tracks Project
- Riverbank Stabilisation Project
- MEMS Case Study - Rick Billson - how to work with nature
- NSW Wild Dog Fence Extension project
- Supporting our neighbours – public land boundary fencing program
- Western Tracks collaring project
- Feral Pig Program 2023-2024
- Natural Heritage Trust Projects 2023-28
- Bellinger River snapping turtle
- Threatened Ecological Communities On Farms
- Caring For Country
- Strong Culture - healthy Country
- Cool Burning for Culture and Ecological Knowledge
- Future-proofing Australia’s Alpine Catchments
- Grey range thick-billed grasswren
- Visions for Healthy Country
- Linking Habitat In The South-East Coastal Ranges
- Mallee Birds Endangered Ecological Community
- Plains-wanderer Conservation
- Regent Honeyeater conservation
- Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area
- Safeguarding Lord Howe Island World Heritage Area
- Willandra Lakes World Heritage Area
- Caryapundy Swamp Ramsar Preservation
- Healing Country in the Central Murray Ramsar
- Ramsar Wetlands Preservation In The Hunter Region
- Highland Wetlands Conservation
- Towra Point Nature Reserve
- Sustainable Agriculture Projects
- Feral Pig and Pest Program 2024-25
- Corporate publications
- Partnerships and funding
- Landcare
- Access to information
- Careers
- Floods
- Flood Preparation
- Flood recovery
- Disaster advice for primary producers
- Livestock health after flood
- Managing a small beef herd in wet conditions
- Horse care after floods
- Managing feed and fodder risks
- Animal disposal after a natural disaster
- Pasture recovery after flood
- Planting pasture and crops after flood
- Denitrification in cropping (cereals)
- Weed management in crops and pastures after flooding
- Identifying weeds after a flood
- Managing waterlogging in crops
- On-farm composting of flood spoilage
- Managing erosion before and after floods
- Undertaking erosion work following floods
- Landslip repair following emergencies
- Flood affected wildlife
- On farm flood factsheets
- Support for Other Organisations
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- Major Flood Recovery Programs
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- AASFA Emergency Assistance
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