Sheep confinement feeding roadshow | Forbes

Join us for a bus tour showcasing sheep confinement feeding systems in the Forbes areas.

The event will involve 4 farm visits accompanied by expertise from Local Land Services Senior Land Services Officer Brett Littler, Mixed Farming Advisor Rohan Leach, District Vet Alicia Moses and Drought Adoption Officer Geoff Minchin.

The discussion will include:

  • site selection and design
  • animal health and nutrition in confinement
  • pasture assessment and groundcover retention
  • other benefits of confinement feeding areas.

This event is free with lunch provided.

Register online.

The Drought Adoption Officer program received funding from the Australian Government's Future Drought Fund through the Southern NSW Innovation Hub and Southern Queensland and Northern New South Wales Innovation Hub.

7 Aug 2024 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Central West

Bus will leave the Local Land Services office at
46 Sherriff Street

Bonnie Mitchell
Drought Adoption Officer
0477 185 133

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