Fall Armyworm Update

North Coast Local Land Services has continued surveillance of Fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) at five sites in the northern part of our region over winter. All samples collected have returned a negative result. An additional ten sites will be re-established throughout the region in the coming weeks to monitor for the pest.

Fall armyworm is considered an invasive pest and has caused significant economic losses overseas. It was first detected in Northern Australia in February 2020. State and federal biosecurity organisations have determined it to be unfeasible to eradicate this pest, and it is now classified as endemic. Information about how Queensland is dealing with this pest can be found here.

If you suspect the presence of Fall armyworm at your property, please report it by:

  • Calling Exotic Plant Pest Hotline on 1800 084 881
  • Email biosecurity@dpi.nsw.gov.au with a clear photo and your contact details
  • Complete an online form or
  • Call your nearest Local Land Services Office on 1300 795 299

webinar was held in April to discuss the current situation in NSW, biology, damage caused, identification, surveillance activities, how to report, and chemical control options.

The webinar was recorded and can be viewed as an entire playlist or separate videos (link directs to www.youtube.com).

Fall ArmyWorm