Rural Recovery Workers hit the ground

Bushfire Update

Primary producers recovering from the devastating impacts of bushfires will receive critical support as 22 specialist rural recovery workers of the Rural Recovery Support Service are now deployed across the State. The Rural Recovery Support Service is managed by the NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) and funded by Resilience NSW, to provide assistance to rural landholders and primary producers who have been impacted by the recent bushfires. DPI Recovery Workers are a single point of contact, providing information and referrals to support our rural communities on their recovery journey. Rural landholders and primary producers who have been impacted by the bushfires, and are not sure where to go for information and assistance, can directly contact their local Recovery Worker.

To find your local Recovery Support Worker, visit:

Applications for the Special Disaster bushfire program extended

The NSW Government is continuing to support bushfire affected communities with the extension of the Special Disaster bushfire funding program. Both Special Disaster Loan and Grant applications have been extended to December 15, 2020.

Special Disaster Grant - Bushfires – Grants of up to $75,000 are available to eligible primary producers. These grants help to pay for immediate clean-up, reinstatement and repairs to infrastructure. Nearly 1700 primary producers from across the State’s bushfire zones have so far received the grant payment through the NSW Rural Assistance Authority (RAA), with $104 million in Special Disaster Grants approved since January. The average processing time for a complete application is currently around 17 business days.

Special Disaster Loans - Available to primary producers, small business and not-for-profits, these loans include a Working Capital Loan up to $50,000 over five years, or Bushfire Recovery Loans up to $500,000 over 10 years. Administered by the Rural Assistance Authority, applicants are encouraged not to self-assess their eligibility but to contact the RAA team on 1800 678 593 for assistance in applying. To date almost $30 million has been approved for 424 applicants. The average processing time for a complete application is currently around 38 business days. This can take longer depending on the nature of the security offered, and, on occasion, discussions with relevant banks or lending institutions.

Read more here: Further support for primary producers and small

businesses in bushfire communities

Improved access to grants for bushfire-affected primary producers

The Australian Government has introduced improvements to the Emergency Bushfire Response in Primary Industries Grants to help producers meet immediate needs and made it easier for them to apply for up to $75,000. This will help more producers access the critical support they need to help with the costs of clean-up and repairs. That may include rebuilding or replacing on-farm fencing and other infrastructure damaged or destroyed by fire, smoke, ash or soot.

The changes include:

  • extending the closing date to December 2020
  • allowing you to count production of goods from your produce (e.g. wine you produce from your grapes) towards the requirement that you earn at least half of your income from primary production
  • if your business is forestry, allowing you to demonstrate the requirement to meet at least half your income from primary production based on your income at the time when your trees are finally harvested
  • extending the timeframe for reaching the 50% income threshold from three to eight years
  • removing the $100,000 off-farm income threshold (noting you will still need to demonstrate that you earn at least 50% of your income from primary production)
  • removing the requirement to be registered for Goods and Services Tax (GST).

New Apple and Smoke Taint Grants

The Commonwealth Government has announced new grants to support apple growers and wine grape producers impacted by smoke taint in the recent bushfires. The NSW Government is currently working with the National Bushfire Recovery Agency to open this program as soon as possible. For further information please visit the Smoke Taint & Apple Recovery Grants page on the RAA website.

Bushfire Industry Recovery Package 

The NSW Government’s $140 million Bushfire Industry Recovery Package provided funding to support the short-term recovery and resilience of the forestry, horticulture, agriculture and aquaculture industries in NSW impacted by the bushfires from 31 August 2019.

Supply Chain Support Grants - Applications for the Supply Chain Support Grants for the apiculture, aquaculture, dairy, horticulture and viticulture industries are now closed. To date over $40 million has been approved for disbursement to these industries with an average processing time of around 9 business days.

Industry Sector Development Grants - Applications for the Sector Development Grants (separate to Supply Chain Grants) have now closed, visit for more information.

Ongoing bushfire support

The NSW Government is delivering ongoing financial assistance to bushfire affected communities across the State, available to primary producers, small business and not-for-profit organisations.

Small Business Bushfire Support Grant - The Commonwealth and NSW Governments announced a Small Business Bushfire Support Grant of $10,000. This grant is administered by Service NSW, not the RAA, and is available to small businesses. Further information on the grant guidelines, the list of eligible LGAs and the online application form can be found on the Service NSW website which also includes comprehensive information on other form s of assistance available.

Useful Contacts:

Northern NSW Rural Recovery Support Service
DPI’s Rural Recovery Support Service works with primary producers, small landholders and communities across rural NSW to support your recovery after disasters or adverse events. We can provide practical and personal support to help you manage your recovery, link you with services, assist you in decision making and future planning.

Telephone: 0437 497 555

Bushfire Hub
For information, resources and support on bushfire response and recovery visit DPI’s Bushfire Hub.

The Rural Financial Counselling Service is a free and confidential service, providing support to help producers make the right decisions for their farm business. To find a Rural Financial Counsellor in your area call: Central Region 1800 940 404, Northern Region 6662 5055, Southern Region 1800 319 458

Health and wellbeing

A range of services are available to help you care for yourself and those around you.

  • Mental Health Line 1800 011 511
  • Beyondblue 1300 224 636
  • Mensline 1300 789 978
  • Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800
  • In an emergency, call 000