Interested in revegetating large areas of your property?

If you answered yes to this question, then please get in contact with John Nagle, North Coast Local Land Services Project Officer on 1300 795 299.

John is working on an exciting new partnership project with Greening Australia and its Biodiverse Carbon Conservation arm to identify and contact landowners who are interested in planting at least 15 hectares or more of their property for carbon sequestration, biodiversity and animal welfare purposes.

The project has an ambitious target of securing approximately 40 landowners to plant 1000 hectares of mixed, local native species from 2022-23 onwards. Landowners who have 15 hectares or more of cleared land on their property in the Richmond catchment, Lower Clarence, Macleay and Hastings, Coffs Harbour, Dorrigo and Comboyne Plateau areas are encouraged to contact John. An ideal scenario would be a group of neighbours banding together to plant trees along a shared waterway or boundary.

The benefits of participating in a project like this are numerous. Not only could you earn extra income from the sale of premium carbon credits, but you could also improve your herd’s health (shade and shelter), provide extra habitat for threatened animal and plant species, improve landscape and waterway health and reduce global warming.

As part of the project, Local Land Services, Greening Australia and Biodiverse Carbon Conservation will provide advice and support to help you understand the opportunities and management requirements of a biodiverse carbon planting. Give John a call today if you are keen to learn more.

Give John a call today or submit your enquiry online using our website Online Customer Enquiry Form with 'Biodiverse Carbon Project' as the subject, if you are keen to learn more.