Farm business management advice on offer for local farmers

A suite of industry professionals will cover essential concepts including tracking farm performance, 90 day planning, budgets and forecasts, approaching conversations with the bank, managing staff, Work Health & Safety requirements, livestock trading and optimising farm business administration processes.
Face to face ‘Farm Office Plus’ workshops will be held in Croppa Creek and Manilla, hosted by Carmen Quade of AgriFocused, and a 6 week ‘Business Resilience’ webinar series will be available for farmers to tune from their own farm offices to hear presentations from a number of agricultural finance experts.
Naomi Hobson, Acting Team Leader Land Services Ag Extension at North West Local Land Services said that North West Local Land Services has previously focused on providing technical production advice, but the team is now looking at a whole farm approach.
“These events were developed in response to producer feedback, and I’m pleased that have been able to organise such a fantastic line up of farm finance experts to help producers expand their existing skills in this area”, she said.
“At the end of the day, farmers are business owners, and while the industry faces unique challenges, it is essential that producers have strong business acumen and a solid administrative skillset if they are to be really successful”, said Ms Hobson.
The workshops and online webinars are available to all landholders based in the North West region. Further details and links to register can be found on the North West Local Land Services website at

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