Restoring production confidence in Australian tea tree oil producers

Industry: Australian Tea Tree Industry Association (ATTIA)
Number of growers supported: 108 
Location: Richmond Valley Shire, Lismore Shire, Ballina Shire, Clarence Valley Shire, Byron Shire and Kyogle Shire.

Impact of the 2022 floods

The Australian tea tree industry faced significant setbacks following the February 2022 floods, which led to a permanent loss of 10% of its crop production area. About 60% of the industry was directly affect by the floods with a further 20% indirectly affected.

Fluffy white tea tree flowers
Flooded North Coast region Tea Tree property. Image: ATTIA.

Ongoing challenges saw the harvest of that year drop by 40% compared to previous years, due to permanent loss and tree stress. This impacted the mental health and financial position of growers as well as the industry’s long-term prospects.

With the decline in the industry, it was important that the Australian Tea Tree Industry Association (ATTIA) increase communication with members, buyers and their global partners to improve their position.

Submerged building during the flooding, the roof is just peaking out of the water
The 2022 flood devastating Tea Tree farmers. Image: ATTIA. 

Challenges faced by the tea tree industry

The industry encountered various difficulties, including reduced production due to flooding, regulatory challenges and market positioning issues. These factors affected growers’ financial well-being and mental health. Additionally, ATTIA’s communication challenges with growers, buyers and their global partners further hindered recovery efforts.

ATTIA takes action

ATTIA received a grant from the Early Needs Recovery Program to rebuild confidence and resilience among tea tree producers, enabling them to face adversity and improve their market position.

Key initiatives were implemented to rebrand ATTIA as the global authority on tea tree oil and improve industry-wide communication and collaboration. This included:

  • face-to-face engagements with growers to determine what they needed from the website and communications platform
  • the development of a new website and the creation of essential industry research documents accessed via a member only portal
  • enhanced communication and engagement strategies.

Group of people gathered inside listening to a presentation
Tea tree growers meeting at the ATTIA field day and AGM.

ATTIA improves engagement and builds resilience for the industry

The rebranding of ATTIA has refocused global partners’ attention on the organisation as the leading authority on tea tree oil. This strategic positioning has helped promote the entire Australian tea tree industry to potential buyers.

The launch of the new website and communication platform has brought the industry into the 21st century. By providing timely updates on research, regulations and industry developments there is now increased engagement between ATTIA and growers, buyers and industry partners.  The new website has seen increased utilisation, more enquiries directed to ATTIA and higher downloads of industry documents.

This improved communication and engagement has restored producer confidence, supported recovery efforts, and improved market positioning.

Overall, the tea tree industry is now on a path to recovery and better equipped to navigate future challenges and capitalise on emerging opportunities.

Relevant resources

Australian Tea Tree Industry Association website.

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